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Roundup Ready sweet corn
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Posted 3/19/2015 15:36 (#4464140)
Subject: Roundup Ready sweet corn

I raised some RR sweetcorn last year great corn. I have a campground close to me that wants to buy corn from me. Do I need to disclose that my sweet corn is GMO.
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Outdoor Dave
Posted 3/19/2015 15:40 (#4464145 - in reply to #4464140)
Subject: RE: Roundup Ready sweet corn

SE Nebraska

Unless there is a state law, nope. there is no labeling requirement. I grew some last year and the same variety in non gmo, you couldn't tell the difference. 

But as a custom applicator I have taken out more than one sweet corn patch when they forgot to tell me where it was and it got sprayed through!

All RR this year. It just makes life easier. 

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Posted 3/19/2015 15:41 (#4464148 - in reply to #4464140)
Subject: RE: Roundup Ready sweet corn

20 Miles West of Indianapolis Indiana
Legally I do not believe so.
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Geise goat farm
Posted 3/19/2015 19:57 (#4464629 - in reply to #4464140)
Subject: RE: Roundup Ready sweet corn

I would like to raise rr sweetcorn but it is so darn expensive
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Farms With CASE
Posted 3/19/2015 20:36 (#4464775 - in reply to #4464629)
Subject: RE: Roundup Ready sweet corn

North Liberty and South Bend, Indiana
Expensive up front but we threw out three ears with worms out of several hundred dozen. Would have been way more waste with conventional corn. I really like the taste of the obsession 2. Not sure if all RR sweetcorns are traited against worms but the obsession seems to be.
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Posted 3/19/2015 21:21 (#4464939 - in reply to #4464775)
Subject: RE: Roundup Ready sweet corn

Mid Minnesota
We have been growing gly resistant sweet corn since it came out and I believe at this time that all varieties are bt protected, We also grew bt traited sweet corn before the gly resistance came to market and still do late season helps with ear worms a lot . Love the bt package and could care less about the gly resistance now . You could plant that and get the bt protection and use non gly weed control . here we use lumax but there are many others and the seed is less
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Posted 3/19/2015 21:27 (#4464960 - in reply to #4464939)
Subject: RE: Roundup Ready sweet corn

I am also wondering about that RR stuff. Is it safe to eat?
Do you disclose this to your buyers?

We used to raise and sell some sweet corn, when our kids were younger.
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Posted 3/19/2015 22:24 (#4465113 - in reply to #4464960)
Subject: RE: Roundup Ready sweet corn

red river valley se of fargo
Wheat77 - 3/19/2015 21:27

I am also wondering about that RR stuff. Is it safe to eat?
Do you disclose this to your buyers?

We used to raise and sell some sweet corn, when our kids were younger.

No it's absolutely not safe.******** Haven't you heard about all the people and animals dying from GMO foods?******* Or all the birth defects?******* No?***** Weird.******
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Posted 3/20/2015 08:13 (#4465596 - in reply to #4464140)
Subject: RE: Roundup Ready sweet corn

central PA

where can the obsession2 be purchased

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Posted 3/20/2015 08:28 (#4465633 - in reply to #4465596)
Subject: RE: Roundup Ready sweet corn

I ordered mine from Rupp seed dealer. Or go online and order it direct. Thanks for all the replays. A lot of people in this campground are from bigger cities I just worry about some big city lawyer. I'm going to tell the guy that runs the camp ground that it is Gmo corn and go from there.
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Posted 3/22/2015 16:06 (#4469956 - in reply to #4465633)
Subject: RE: Roundup Ready sweet corn

legally u do not have to disclose that its GMO. However I think it is important to let your customers know. They will respect you for that. I get questioned every year by our customers weather it is or not. We don't grow BT or RR. Im not making a statement either way for or against. Remember easiest always better
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Posted 3/21/2015 18:18 (#4468138 - in reply to #4464140)
Subject: RE: Roundup Ready sweet corn

bad of it you have to order 25,000 bags of it.

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