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Wyffels corn
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peasant farmer
Posted 10/30/2014 08:34 (#4151859)
Subject: Wyffels corn

Planted wyffels corn this year and I can't say enough good things about it tw was 61 and averaged well above 240 on very tough ground it was the 7886 double pro of the 7888 thanks to my salesman for finding the right number for my farm's awsome company to work with
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Posted 10/30/2014 12:29 (#4152144 - in reply to #4151859)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

SW Ohio
Funny you posted this, I was snooping on their webpage after seeing a Youtube video featuring them. I looked at their head to head trials on like varieties and also looked at their test plot data, seemed very good, not that I expected anything less on their own website.

Just curious, do you think their genetics would work in Ohio? I noticed they only have dealers and results from Iowa, S. Minnesota, Illinois and W. Kentucky.
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Ed Winkle
Posted 10/30/2014 15:07 (#4152271 - in reply to #4152144)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

Martinsville, Ohio

For Ohio I like Jim Porter at Porter Hybrids at Wilmington or Mark Denzler at 1st Choice Hybrids at Rushville, Indiana.

There is some BioGene and BrodBeck's here some Becks.

Ed Winkle

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Posted 10/30/2014 17:26 (#4152383 - in reply to #4152271)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

I guess Wyffels isn't your sponsored seed companies there Ed. Funny how the OP didn't ask about your seed companies but your the first to sway them. Now I'll get back to shelling my Wyffels corn that's doing so well.
By the way IL Weedman can get you corn to look at. Drop him an email.
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Posted 11/22/2014 06:47 (#4193512 - in reply to #4152271)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

Hopkinsville, KY
Great response to the gentlemens question. By putting him in touch with someone in the area, he can get great information on the hybrids Wyffels offers.
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Posted 10/30/2014 15:41 (#4152300 - in reply to #4152144)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

I sell for them on southwestern il. This year has been tremendous for them. They try to stay very local to the Illinois iowa and Kentucky. However they are expanding. Usually a little farther in all directions every year. I know however there seed has jumped hundreds of miles before. Here is my dsm # 618 972 8609. If you call him he will get you in the know of who to to talk to.
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Posted 10/30/2014 21:41 (#4152853 - in reply to #4152144)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

I heard Steyer 11407 is the same as 7888. I believe there are some Agriliant numbers that are the same too.
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il weedman
Posted 10/30/2014 22:26 (#4152950 - in reply to #4152853)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

St. Charles, MO & Piper City, IL
I think they want them to be but they are not the same according to the things that I have seen. Why go with a wantabee when you can have the real thing?
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Posted 10/30/2014 17:42 (#4152395 - in reply to #4151859)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

peasant farmer - 10/30/2014 07:34

Planted wyffels corn this year and I can't say enough good things about it tw was 61 and averaged well above 240 on very tough ground it was the 7886 double pro of the 7888 thanks to my salesman for finding the right number for my farm's awsome company to work with

Would you I state guys quit talking about tough ground. To produce 240bu, the ground can't be that tough. Come up north we will show you some tough ground. I would give a left nut to have your guys tough ground. Lol. Congrats on a good year.
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Posted 10/30/2014 18:01 (#4152412 - in reply to #4152395)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

north english, ia
Hill ground is exceeding expectations, the flat ground is just good corn not outstanding. Come south of i80 and you will find some cow pasture doing 190bu plus, it happens about every 8 yrs or so. Top yield so far is 225bu.


Attachments image.jpg (249KB - 698 downloads)
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Posted 10/30/2014 18:10 (#4152421 - in reply to #4152395)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

Dougherty, IA
NWNODAK - 10/30/2014 17:42

peasant farmer - 10/30/2014 07:34

Planted wyffels corn this year and I can't say enough good things about it tw was 61 and averaged well above 240 on very tough ground it was the 7886 double pro of the 7888 thanks to my salesman for finding the right number for my farm's awsome company to work with

Would you I state guys quit talking about tough ground. To produce 240bu, the ground can't be that tough. Come up north we will show you some tough ground. I would give a left nut to have your guys tough ground. Lol. Congrats on a good year.

Lots of yields in southern Iowa and northern Mo that are 100 bushels better than APH.
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peasant farmer
Posted 10/30/2014 20:14 (#4152602 - in reply to #4152395)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

I know you guys have some super tough ground up there but this ground looks like snow on it the dirt is that white it's all timber soil with a OM of 1 to 1.5 like I said I have never seen corn on my farms like this just proud to say that wyffels I feel helped me get to where I'm at today
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Posted 10/30/2014 20:29 (#4152650 - in reply to #4152602)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

peasant farmer - 10/30/2014 19:14

I know you guys have some super tough ground up there but this ground looks like snow on it the dirt is that white it's all timber soil with a OM of 1 to 1.5 like I said I have never seen corn on my farms like this just proud to say that wyffels I feel helped me get to where I'm at today

Just teasing. Congrats again on a good crop. Its fun when a plan comes together.
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Posted 10/30/2014 18:20 (#4152430 - in reply to #4151859)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

Watonwan County MN
This is the best advertising a company can get! I recently took on a Wyffels dealership and the response in our area has been tremendous!

In our area, the 2888 has been a stud out in the field. And the 2308 has looked fabulous all year.
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Posted 10/30/2014 18:39 (#4152451 - in reply to #4152430)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

southern edge of central illinois
7888 has kicked butt two years in a row. I like a
small, privately owned company like they are.
7736 was even better than 7888 on good ground this
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Posted 10/30/2014 19:04 (#4152476 - in reply to #4152451)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

Northwest IL. 61261
7108 was the leader in our plot at 279.8. 7888 was second at 278.2. Plot average over 255. Wyffels plot with 3 Pioneer numbers. Closest Pioneer number was 1339 at 275.2. P0987-262. P1184 I don't have the exact number off hand but it was in near the bottom. Been in a lot of our 7888 on a few different farms last few days..... all I can say is wow. Finally a corn that's not 12 foot tall with ears 7 feet off the ground that flat out yields.

Edited by derby323 10/30/2014 19:15
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Posted 10/30/2014 20:21 (#4152627 - in reply to #4152476)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

So Illinois
Ok good deal. Can someone post an approximate price for a 110-112 day double???
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Posted 10/30/2014 20:36 (#4152667 - in reply to #4152627)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

Watonwan County MN

Edited by mr.agco 10/30/2014 20:48
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Posted 10/30/2014 20:42 (#4152689 - in reply to #4152627)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

190-195 on the DP version of the above mentioned variety zone 4
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Posted 10/30/2014 21:05 (#4152761 - in reply to #4152689)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

So Illinois
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Posted 10/30/2014 20:41 (#4152681 - in reply to #4151859)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

se wi
Isn't wiffels just Monsanto ?
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Posted 10/30/2014 20:50 (#4152709 - in reply to #4152681)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

Watonwan County MN
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Posted 10/30/2014 21:28 (#4152824 - in reply to #4152681)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

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Posted 10/30/2014 21:46 (#4152865 - in reply to #4152824)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

Wyffels is a monsanto seed partner. That 7888 is a monsanto number. It did not make up the food chain of monsanto companies because it has such a small footprint that it does well in...basically the center of IL from the West side to the east side. You can get that same hybrid in an AgriGold and FS bag
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Posted 10/30/2014 21:57 (#4152887 - in reply to #4152865)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

southern edge of central illinois
I'm pretty sure one parent is same but not both.
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il weedman
Posted 10/30/2014 22:30 (#4152955 - in reply to #4152865)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

St. Charles, MO & Piper City, IL
Again this hybrid is only through Wyffels. All those companies want to ride the coat tails of them with their claims. But from what I have seen they are not the same as what you just named. If you want it you have to buy it in a Wyffels bag.
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Posted 10/31/2014 06:23 (#4153173 - in reply to #4152955)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

If it is not prove everyone wrong that it is not variety 1043666 let see the tag with a different number. East Central Illinois FIRST Summary tells the tale, as well as many, many, many other plots. It is just that some people drink kool-aid and some dont. This variety has been top of the plots for 3 years running.
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il weedman
Posted 10/31/2014 07:36 (#4153315 - in reply to #4153173)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

St. Charles, MO & Piper City, IL
One first trial does not tell that story. 5 years of data showing a +7 bu over your varieties tells me they are not. Variety numbers are not on their tags. Not drinking koolaid just have seen this before. Companies riding coat tails of others sucess without real proof.
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Posted 10/31/2014 08:40 (#4153445 - in reply to #4153315)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

Again prove everyone wrong then, real simple to end the repeated arguments on here, show us a tag with the variety number to prove it is not what was stated above, crickets on that I am sure. And it is not 1-FIRST Trial as you stated it is multiple years, multiple trails, multiple locations. It was actually in the FIRST Trial in the 2012 drought year also and was tops then as well as last year and again this year.

Here just like the FIRST trials say: (1,2,3,4) (1,2,3,5) (5 of top 6) could be more.

That being said nothing against the hybrid as it is as good as we have seen in a number of years! This will be our 3rd year of planting it (started after the 2012 independent results we saw, but we don't care whose bag it comes in but this year especially we will be buying the cheapest one.

And for the record we are an advocate that to enter any trial 3rd party trial like above, a company must provide the actual Variety number of the hybrid
to enter for publication. But we all know that will not happen because there would be no more trials.

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il weedman
Posted 10/31/2014 15:38 (#4153993 - in reply to #4153445)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

St. Charles, MO & Piper City, IL
And as you know they do not publish variety tags.

Answer me this please. How is there a nongmo version of that hybrid available in an agreliant bag but not a Wyffels bag? When I asked this from Bob he said they never brought it to production because it didn't perform. So if they are the same why does 5618 perform in nongmo? Where would they get this variety that magically performs in an agr bag but not Wyffels?

You can buy it in the cheapest bag but your not buying the same thing.
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Posted 10/31/2014 19:37 (#4154276 - in reply to #4153993)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

You do ealize the easiest response for why a particular hybrid wasnt brought out is "it didnt perform" ? How can one argue with that?

Just because wyffels doesnt sell7888 in nongmo doesnt mean lg 5618 or agrigold 6499 isnt the exact same hybrid. It is.
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il weedman
Posted 10/31/2014 20:26 (#4154385 - in reply to #4154276)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

St. Charles, MO & Piper City, IL
So their best selling traited version doesn't meet their performance standards in nongmo so they don't produce it. But somehow LG made it produce? Sorry but I call BS on that. It's all just marketing on AG's part. From what I have seen of both (I have had them side by side and sold both) I'm not seeing it. Plant characteristics are not the same. They were both high producing but the data I have shows Wyffels at 7 bu better on average in 90+ comparisons.
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il weedman
Posted 10/31/2014 08:08 (#4153379 - in reply to #4153173)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

St. Charles, MO & Piper City, IL

Here is the summary of last years FIRST trials of the hybrids you claim are the same. I study trends in hybrids pretty close as well as side by side comparison physically. I still see non similar plant characteristics. Performance is close but not identical.

Attachments W7888.pdf (23KB - 674 downloads)
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Posted 10/31/2014 07:01 (#4153242 - in reply to #4152955)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

SE Iowa
il weedman - 10/30/2014 22:30

Again this hybrid is only through Wyffels. All those companies want to ride the coat tails of them with their claims. But from what I have seen they are not the same as what you just named. If you want it you have to buy it in a Wyffels bag.

I don't know anything about Wyffels. My first question is do they have seed fields where they grow corn for seed? Many many small companies get their seed from Remington in Mt Pleasant, Iowa. They DO NOT grow their own seed corn in their own seed fields. They do not have that capability. Genetics came from Holden which is owned by Monsanto. Other sources are available also. That is why so many corn hybrids are the same or almost the same. Remember the white cob of years past, yielded like crazy but would not stand? Everybody had one. Same genetics. You betcha! And the white cob did not go away.
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il weedman
Posted 10/31/2014 07:30 (#4153307 - in reply to #4153242)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

St. Charles, MO & Piper City, IL

Yes they grow and process their own seed. Contact Bob Wyffels as now is a good time to see for yourself.

Edited by il weedman 10/31/2014 08:16

(Heading to Husk & Sort.jpg)

Attachments Heading to Husk & Sort.jpg (145KB - 1162 downloads)
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Farms With CASE
Posted 10/30/2014 21:28 (#4152823 - in reply to #4151859)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

North Liberty and South Bend, Indiana
peasant farmer - 10/30/2014 08:34

well above 240 on very tough ground

I don't think you know what tough ground is. If you are getting 240 on very tough ground what the heck is you superb ground yielding... Must be close to 350.
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Posted 10/30/2014 23:14 (#4153012 - in reply to #4151859)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

Have not talked to a lot of people but this number is the one constant thing I've heard about. It has kicked the tale of everything it has been up against. From LG, P, DK, Channel. You name it so far no one can beat it. I'm sure as harvest ends more will come out about it.
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Posted 10/31/2014 07:00 (#4153240 - in reply to #4153012)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

NW central IL
now over here, its just been good corn, not awesome....
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Posted 10/31/2014 09:50 (#4153560 - in reply to #4153240)
Subject: RE: Wyffels corn

Has anyone tried wyffels in north east ohio or northern Pennsylvania? 90-100 day maturity range?
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Posted 10/31/2014 19:25 (#4154251 - in reply to #4153240)
Subject: RE: il weedman

W7888 is not a propritary hybrid to Wyffels. Multiple other bags carry that same hybrid. Wyffels has just done a better job advertising it and perhaps went heavy on it sooner than dynagrow fs steyer agrigold lg great lakes ect. You can buy that hybrid multiple places.
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STX 580
Posted 10/31/2014 22:22 (#4154607 - in reply to #4154251)
Subject: RE: il weedman

FS does not offer this hybrid in their corn line up. The FS offering that is being referred to in this post(FS 63SX1) is not a Corn States hybrid.
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