Nebraska, The land of corn and cattle | The best advice I can give is build a 310 like you would a race engine, we have a turbod 310 in a 1755 and it runs like a raped ape but we spent some $$ building it, the whole rotating assembly was balanced, 12pt bolts 1 pc wrist pin bushings, etc etc. This was not an oil cooled block so we built a deeper oil pan that added a gallon of oil. If youre serious about rebuilding the 310, I wouldnt waste my time unless you went all out. Balance the assembly, line checked/bored, head and deck surfaced, head checked for cracks, all the updates, deeper pan and if you can fit it, an external oil cooler up front. We couldnt fit a cooler behind the grill because of the condenser for the A/C. Then take it and have it dynod, set to 110hp and never touch it again. As long as you dont pull the snot out of it you should be fine.
Ours runs good and has great power but that being said I dont think I would do it again, too much $ for what you get. You are still running at the upper end of that engines limit, where a 5.9 plays at 120hp. Were actually thinking about swapping our 310 into our other 1755, to replace what we call "the cursed engine" as we will not be rebuilding it for the 3rd time in 10 years, and putting a 5.9 in where our good 310 is now. |