Posted 6/26/2014 11:59 (#3938468) Subject: John Deere 8100 transmission problems
It goes from 1st to 13th gear just fine but it doesn't like going into 14th or 15th gear. I can keep clicking the shifter forward or even hold it. The gear indicator flashes to 14 but then goes right back to 13. Once I get it into 14 it'll go right into 15th and 16th...Most of the time. Also it has the same problem in 4th gear reverse
Posted 6/26/2014 12:35 (#3938523 - in reply to #3938498) Subject: RE: John Deere 8100 transmission problems
There is a sensor in the transmission for clutch engaged. When that sensor goes bad it will not shift above 13th gear because the controller thinks the clutch is engaged. Have to come in from underneath and screw it out has a ball in the end almost like a neutral start switch. Only other possibility is a pressure switch that can also cause it on the trans but 9 out of 10 times it's the clutch sensor
Posted 6/26/2014 13:10 (#3938585 - in reply to #3938468) Subject: RE: John Deere 8100 transmission problems
Central Ks
Put your foot under the clutch pedal and pull up towards you. If that fixes it there is a return spring above the driveshaft under the tractor that is most likely the culprit. We have broken that spring several times unfortunately....
Posted 6/26/2014 14:52 (#3938685 - in reply to #3938468) Subject: RE: John Deere 8100 transmission problems
Columbia Basin, Ephrata, WA
My 8120 did that this spring when we were using it on a 334 merger. I was going through town so took it to the dealer. They replaced some speed sensor and its been fine since then.
Posted 6/26/2014 15:12 (#3938710 - in reply to #3938685) Subject: RE: John Deere 8100 transmission problems
south east SD
Same thing happened to my 1998 8300 this spring planting corn. I had to drive home 15 miles, so I turned the tractor off while I cleaned out the CCS tank. Started it up and got it into 16th and drove home flashing a code all the way. Tried to do everything to get it to run again above 13th before that and it wouldn't. Called dealer and they sent out a tech to my house 25 miles from the dealer. Half hour of cussing he replaces a sensor above the trans below front of cab door side. Worked great since. $350 bill and $78 for the part if I read the bill right. I would give you the part number but all it says is $78 SVC call-pickup. Tech says the old unit had a big nut on top and a bugger to get a wrench on, new unit has a small nut on and easy to remove.