Here's our main truck fleet. 1970 cab over c 60 chevy triaxle 1973 cab over gmc 6500 flat bed s/a fert truck 1974 chevy c65 s/a low side dump for rocks and multipurpose. 1975 gmc 6500 tandem grain hauler with removeable top to haul dirt and rocks. 1975 gmc 8000 triaxe gas with 13 speed, pulls a 2 axle pup. it will take 1000 bu at 42-45 mph. I would love to go to 2- 1500 bu semis and one tandem and a flat bed for the semi too. Just a dream for now. I do have a 1995 semi tractor, but at 19 years old it is not a classic yet.
Edited by arcticcatfarmer 5/7/2014 17:46