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Case 1200 marker problem
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Posted 4/26/2014 22:33 (#3838161)
Subject: Case 1200 marker problem

Northwest Ks
I have a new to me 1200 that was on a dealers lot for awhile. With the markers highlighted in either manual or automatic mode in the pro600, they will not drop, but come up fine after pulling them down by hand. Cylinders are clean and look good. Any ideas, or do I need to just keep working them by hand for awhile till they free up? Planter only has 2500 acres and markers do not show alot of wear.
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Case IH Farmer 12
Posted 4/27/2014 06:16 (#3838356 - in reply to #3838161)
Subject: RE: Case 1200 marker problem

Central IL
Just guessing, but I would say you have a solenoid stuck or not working. It doesn't matter if they are highlighted or not they will always come up when you raise the toolbar. At least the outer part of the marker, push the arrow to make the inner part to come in too. That is if you have the inner markers "on."
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Posted 4/27/2014 06:55 (#3838395 - in reply to #3838161)
Subject: RE: Case 1200 marker problem

Southern Ontario

Grease the heck out of them and keep working them. And put the remote into float. I seem to have that problem every year I pull it out of the shed.

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Posted 4/27/2014 07:41 (#3838472 - in reply to #3838395)
Subject: RE: Case 1200 marker problem

Me too! After the oil gets hot they work better!
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Posted 4/27/2014 14:10 (#3839256 - in reply to #3838395)
Subject: RE: Case 1200 marker problem

Strasburg North Dakota
I also have the same problem after taking it out of the shed at the start of the season.
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Posted 4/27/2014 09:09 (#3838632 - in reply to #3838161)
Subject: helper springs....

Years ago we had problems with these planters(1200PTs) doing this, especially 12 row models. The weight of the marker was not enough to lower the marker. CaseIH came out with some helper springs to help tip the marker out so that gravity would do its job. The part # for the spring is 1277583C1. Depending on the vintage of your planter, some had a tab welded to the base of the inner marker to allow spring installation. If its an older model, you will have to add the tab.
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