Sunnyside, WA | AGB - 3/19/2014 18:57
I haven't read a single answer so that I don't taint mine. Yes. That is ton of hours. Just try to trade it. I'm going to get beat up by the guy with 10,000 hours and how its just broke in but personally I think 8-10k is junk.
Thanks for letting me know that almost all of my tractors are junk. I can't even figure out how I keep them running. If 8-10k is junk, then what is 15-20k? I guess I better make a call to the salesman today and just try to trade them all!
To the OP, if the condition of the 8400 is good, keep it or if you need to trade for tax reasons, go for it. Budget for $4-6/hour maintenance costs, but you could need and engine or transmission soon. Also about time to check rear axle bearings and finals. MFWD will probably need some work soon also. Depends on how many hours you use it every year and how much you can budget for a newer tractor payment vs repairs on this one.
Any tractor can break down. I am putting a reman transmission in my 8200 right now with 17,000 hours. I will also put a reman engine in it when it needs it. Will cost me $40,000 total, but not sure what else I can trade it on for $40,000 and know that I have a brand new engine and transmission with warranty for 2 years. Hoping the engine makes it to 20,000 hours, but that is only a little over a year away. Most of my 8000's have cost me $3.50 to $6/hour for all repairs over their life. Bought most used with 3000 to 8000 hours.
Hope this helped.
Edited by J. Sheehan 3/20/2014 08:13