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is a 8520 jd tractor any good?
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Posted 1/11/2014 07:17 (#3594397)
Subject: is a 8520 jd tractor any good?

western iowa,by Denison
running 8400 tractors and just wanting to know if the 8520 is a good tractor and if anyone runs one?
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Five Lock Boll
Posted 1/11/2014 07:27 (#3594413 - in reply to #3594397)
Subject: RE: is a 8520 jd tractor any good?

Northeast Louisiana
Very little difference between an 8520 and your 8400. Most all of them had ILS, though there were a few rigid axles. Most people seem to think the 8X10's and 8X20's were the best tractors ever, and they tend to be priced accordingly.
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Posted 1/11/2014 09:00 (#3594607 - in reply to #3594413)
Subject: RE: is a 8520 jd tractor any good?

Woodham, Ontario
The 8400s are way too light in the front. Even with a full rack of weights on the front. a 8520 with ILS and duals should have a lot better traction.
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Posted 1/11/2014 09:06 (#3594617 - in reply to #3594607)
Subject: RE: is a 8520 jd tractor any good?

I am absolutely amazed at what my 8520 can and will do in mud and soft ground, I had rented a 8400 without ILS and it would not pull hardly any better than my 4850.

The 8400 was nice but not that much better than my 4850 . I am sure the front duals and the weights and the autoshift and of course the ILS are sooo worth the money.

My 4850 is a total Beast for it's time and the Dyno showed it at over 217 HP before we got the fuel pump fixed. They never had time to dyno it afterward.
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Posted 1/11/2014 07:34 (#3594428 - in reply to #3594397)
Subject: Re: is a 8520 jd tractor any good?

WC Iowa
We've got an 8400- 8420-8520, and all have been very good, allthough I feel there is a few changes of the 20 series are huge comapared to the 00-10 series. We're looking for another 84-8520 just for the ILS, active seat, easier engine access, and a few other creature features. I don't think our 85 has anymore power than the 8400.

85's also seem to be priced a bit cheaper than an 8420 spec'd out the same.
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Posted 1/11/2014 07:45 (#3594450 - in reply to #3594397)
Subject: Re: is a 8520 jd tractor any good?

Zabcikville, TX
We have an 8520T, really strong tractor. Ride on the road leaves a lot to be desired, but I think that's just the nature of those tracked machines. It will flat get down and pull. Have an 8530 on tires also. Also a really good tractor, front duals, ILS, and IVT. Pulls good and is a pleasure to drive. This coming from a "red" guy too!
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Posted 1/11/2014 08:14 (#3594509 - in reply to #3594450)
Subject: Re: is a 8520 jd tractor any good?

I have an 8520 and really love it. The ILS is fantastic and the auto shift is incredible and I have autosteer and I really love that. I got my 8520 in 2004 and I had the opportunity to work with John Deere research and development team by using and sending feedback on the integrated Auto-steer and the brown box mobile processor.
My Tractor is weighted perfectly and has cast wheels , Yellowstone County Implement set it up perfect and let several area farmers demo the tractor before I got it.

I had rented and 8970 with a 400 HP cummins and was pulling a 41 shank 680 chisel plow. The 8520 is only 255 Horsepower but it pulls as much or more than the 8970 did.
They did have a recall and put a new transmission in it and I have had a few issues with the Auto steer stopping and I had to switch fuses and clear codes but I sure love that tractor.
I was doing most of my farming with a 4850 MFWD and I really like that tractor too. I had rented Big Tractors to lighten the load on my 4850 and that led me to buy the 8520. If you can demo a tractor for ten hours and then maybe rent it for another 90 hours, You can really get the feel to see if you like it. I know the ILS cost 20 thousand more and it is worth it.

Yes I am a happy farmer with a good wife and a good life
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Five Lock Boll
Posted 1/11/2014 08:46 (#3594572 - in reply to #3594509)
Subject: Re: is a 8520 jd tractor any good?

Northeast Louisiana
8520's are great for what they are, but that 8970 must have been sick. No way an 8520 can pull with an 8970.
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Posted 1/11/2014 08:58 (#3594603 - in reply to #3594572)
Subject: Re: is a 8520 jd tractor any good?

I know what you mean about 255 outdoing the 400Hp I was blown away and perhaps the 8970 was sick. I offered Taylor Brothers lots less than they wanted for it after I rented it for 200 hours, I am sure glad I did not get it.
I know perfect weighting and autoshift and ILS are amazing. I love the creature comforts and am sure happier to store a MFWD than a FWD tractor.
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Posted 1/11/2014 08:05 (#3594491 - in reply to #3594397)
Subject: Re: is a 8520 jd tractor any good?

Huntley Montana
You will not like it. I've got a 8300, 8410 & a 8520. The 8410 & 8520 play well together in the field, but the 8520 will run away down the road. The 8520 w ILS will ride nicer, but some people need a rough riding tractor so they understand what the eqptment is having to deal with. There is a nice looking 8520 w 6000 hr in Canada with the right rubber (710x42s) for $120&-- fellow might take a little less. Didn't sound like he had used the 3pt.
can see the add on
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Posted 1/11/2014 09:43 (#3594711 - in reply to #3594491)
Subject: Got an 8520 for you Garvo!!!!

Cleghorn, Iowa
Hey Garry, there's a clean 8520 in the classifieds that I listed a few days ago. I am in the process of trading her in on some track machines. I would rather sell it to you and be able to watch it through all of your pictures.....:) Oh and you would have to let me come down and run it for you at silage time that's one of my favorite jobs... If your interested my contact info is in that classified post..... P.S. I just wanted to thank you for all of the pictures you put on of your operation, my son and look at them all the time!!!
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Posted 1/11/2014 09:48 (#3594734 - in reply to #3594491)
Subject: Re: is a 8520 jd tractor any good?

Northeast Illinois

       For us its been one of the more problem free tractors. This one has around 7200 hrs with few issues, due and to the nature of our main business ( Sod Farm ) this one has seen a lot of different operators. Most of our new guys start out in this tractor because it seems to be easy to operate and somewhat bulletproof, for us anyways. Put a new fan clutch in and the hood starting cracking this past season is about the negative I can say. Seems if they get decent maintenance they run a long time. No ILS, big tires and weighted pretty good . fwiw --- Greg

(Deere 8520 AND 530B.jpg)

Attachments Deere 8520 AND 530B.jpg (32KB - 257 downloads)
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