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International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568
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Posted 12/28/2013 10:08 (#3552712)
Subject: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568

Frytown, Iowa
Was one of the engines better than the other? Were these good tractors? The 68s look really cool with the side stacks. Both seem similar in horse power (66 vs 68). Apparently different engines. Which was more reliable? Tell me a little about these tractors. Hydraulics good? 3 point strong? Only a 3 speed? Not sure i get that. Wasn't there more gears? Thanks
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Posted 12/28/2013 10:21 (#3552738 - in reply to #3552712)
Subject: Re: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568

Sac & Story county IA
V8s are collectors items. The V8 was as bad an engine as the 6 cylinder was good. Hydraulics were the same pump as 560. (17 gpm open center.) High and low ranges, 6 speed with TA. 14 series had 4 gears, 15 had 3.
And people sit around and wonder why that company went broke making products like that?
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Posted 12/28/2013 10:56 (#3552789 - in reply to #3552738)
Subject: Re: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568

Hillsdale Michigan
own a 1466, great tractor, have had many 1566 in the past all were good tractors, have a few 06 and 56 series also, the things run good ,pull good,almost bullet proff....things wear out when you use them, the pto is eazy to fix ,unlike a John Deere,ours are eazy on fuel,unlike the 4440,and the 4630 we have owned
the IH corp built good products , it was the unions and Bean counters that brought them down
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Aaron SEIA
Posted 12/28/2013 11:00 (#3552798 - in reply to #3552712)
Subject: Re: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568

The 14 had a high low with a 4 speed and the T/A. The 15 had different finals and a 3 speed instead of the 4. I think the 66 of both had a 436 while the 68 had the v8. Dad had a 1066 which was a 414 engine with the hi/low and 4 speed with t/a. I liked it and it's still my favorite tractor of all time. I'm pretty sure the 66 was the better machine. the 68 with the v8 had some kind of fuel shut off that had them running on 4 at low speeds. I think the real problem with the v8 was people thinking it was a power maker and turned them up. Hydraulics were basic open center. 3 point was good as far as I know. If you want to get down the road, nothing went faster than a 66 series. My favorite past time with dad's 1066 was passing Deere's on the road in 4th and pushing the T/A forward half way around.
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Posted 12/28/2013 11:10 (#3552812 - in reply to #3552798)
Subject: Re: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568

Hillsdale Michigan
the 68 series were set to run on 4 cyls at idle or on lt work ,then run on all 8 for pulling, I belive that the v8 wasn't a great motor,like the D and DT800s,they would make it 2-4000 hours and then bang!,had on in a co4070, traded it in for a co 4070 with a 350 cummins, a lot better truck,v8s were not His strong suite
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Posted 12/28/2013 11:09 (#3552811 - in reply to #3552712)
Subject: Re: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568

Concordia Parish La.
I had a 1466 that was good other than the inboard axle bearing, that thing like to have drove me crazy, finally got rid of it because of that problem, I think it was to much power for the gear system they were using, all other Tractor Makes had gone to planetary gear set ups and IH was still using the old style that had been around for every, big Gear Turning a small gear, & trying to push them apart, our 1466 was always under a hard pull, and about every 300 hr. you could get ready, one side or the other would go out, Got rid of it and made a Mistake of getting a 1586, That drove me away from IH, Went Green, And wondered Why it had take so LONG, Started farming in Late 60s, with 2 IH 806s, and never had any problems with Them, Looking aback I should have gone Green when I bought the 1466,
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Posted 12/28/2013 11:28 (#3552838 - in reply to #3552811)
Subject: Re: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568

None of the above. Those tractors had too much power for the transmission. Originally cheaper than Deere, they became really expensive once they got in the shop. IH lost a lot of customers with those tractors. Most went to 4430,'s 4630,s and never went back to red. The magnums are a whole different world. You can pull a baler or mower behind them, but I'd find something else if I would have it under load.
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Posted 12/28/2013 18:00 (#3553458 - in reply to #3552838)
Subject: Re: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568

I have to agree with "centralillinois" in "none of above". I've farmed all my life with IH / CIH tractors but in MHO the 66 / 86 series tractors were the worst tractors IH ever made. Worse than the 4/560s. I bought a new '75 1066, tractor didn't have 50 hrs on it when I traded it off after the 1st yr because it had been in the shop more than in the field. Traded it for a new '76 1066 BS. Before it went down the road it had everything under the cab from the transmission back replace. Not just gears but housings as well. Tractor was never turned up nor pulled oversized equipment & was service regularly. Had '77 1086 that had 5 TAs out in it in the four or so years I had it. One went out driving it home from the dealer after just having it put in. '81 1486 had every bearing put in the rear end at least once plus went thru 5 or 6 hyd pumps. Pulled same equipment as I did with the 10s. Those four tractors almost broke me. Would have traded for a JD but local dealer didn't want them. Finally got into the Magnums and repair bills have practically dropped to nothing on the tractors. I will have to say that other than oils & filters, I never spent a dime on any of the engines in the 66 / 86s.

Edited by boog 12/28/2013 18:02
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Posted 12/28/2013 22:29 (#3554148 - in reply to #3553458)
Subject: Re: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568

west central Iowa
boog - 12/28/2013 18:00

I have to agree with "centralillinois" in "none of above". I've farmed all my life with IH / CIH tractors but in MHO the 66 / 86 series tractors were the worst tractors IH ever made. Worse than the 4/560s. I bought a new '75 1066, tractor didn't have 50 hrs on it when I traded it off after the 1st yr because it had been in the shop more than in the field. Traded it for a new '76 1066 BS. Before it went down the road it had everything under the cab from the transmission back replace. Not just gears but housings as well. Tractor was never turned up nor pulled oversized equipment & was service regularly. Had '77 1086 that had 5 TAs out in it in the four or so years I had it. One went out driving it home from the dealer after just having it put in. '81 1486 had every bearing put in the rear end at least once plus went thru 5 or 6 hyd pumps. Pulled same equipment as I did with the 10s. Those four tractors almost broke me. Would have traded for a JD but local dealer didn't want them. Finally got into the Magnums and repair bills have practically dropped to nothing on the tractors. I will have to say that other than oils & filters, I never spent a dime on any of the engines in the 66 / 86s.

Just 'cuz your 86s were bad don't mean they all are. My 1486 is on the 2nd ta and its still good and its on the original hyd pump. Only unscheduled down time ever was because of an aftermarket mcv pump. I better shut up or it will fall in a pile tomorrow.
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Posted 12/28/2013 11:26 (#3552832 - in reply to #3552712)
Subject: Re: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568

Alabama, Land of the Absurd.
I have no problem understanding why IH went broke.

In 1981, I went to the parts counter of my local IH dealer. Asked for a simple part for the header of my IH combine. Don't remember the part, but it was a simple bushing for the header fingers, as I recall.

Parts guy looked it up and said 9 months for delivery (I was in the field harvesting beans at the time).

Hehe, I giggled, (thought he was joking).

He wasn't joking.

I went home and made the parts myself and kept picking beans.

Shortly thereafter, no IH (the corporation, as it was known then).

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Posted 12/28/2013 11:26 (#3552833 - in reply to #3552712)
Subject: RE: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568

I have a 1468, it's a toy and i bought it right. They are neat looking and sound cool, but the 1466 was a much better tractor to actually earn a living with. The v8s are terrible cold starters, have way less torque rise than a DT400 series engine, are less durable, and cost big $$$ to work on.
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Posted 12/28/2013 23:10 (#3554217 - in reply to #3552833)
Subject: RE: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568

Clay SEIA - 12/28/2013 11:26  The v8s are terrible cold starters, have way less torque rise than a DT400 series engine, are less durable, and cost big $$$ to work on.


So why did IH build/sell them?


Edited by Kooiker 12/28/2013 23:10
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Posted 12/29/2013 00:07 (#3554279 - in reply to #3554217)
Subject: RE: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568

Precisely because they looked neat and sounded cool.  Some people at Harvester thought they could sell it as a premium, prestige product to people who wanted a tractor with an image like that. 

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johnny skeptical
Posted 12/28/2013 11:29 (#3552840 - in reply to #3552712)
Subject: RE: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568


actually ih never went broke,but they did lose alot of money,in the last two years proceding the agriculture line being bought out by was the combination of developing a new line of ag equipment( '88 ,and magnum series tractors,rotor combines, tillage equipment) and the down turn in the ag sector,and a strike. 
  so differences between 15's and the other '66s was basically centered around the transmission, the 15's had a planetary final drive and a three speed tranny and the pto had a different type of valve in it,also the 1566 i was told had a different head design.
  we had all the '66s at one time or other.but the 1566 was the most memorable,mostly bad memories,it could pull a barn down the road but not for very far before the rearend would go out.the cab was rudimentery, at best, the rear end filler,vent, was in the cab,so when i was running a implement with alot of hydraulic movement,it would fill the cab with oil fumes.  the air conditioner looked like a after thought the condenser was attached to the back of the cab and was cooled by two electric fans facing up, open to all the weather.   the exhaust stack was at the same height as the cab filter which was in front at the top of the cab,which would fill the cab full of diesel fumes,they came out with a 8 inch stack extension which at least put the exhaust over the cab.   lights were pretty minimal,and the cab was pretty noisy,they came from the factory with one of those wedge radios,it's purpose was to try to convince people that the cab was quite enough that you could hear the thing,wrong.they were a pretty nice riding machine,for the 70's any way.
 did lot of plowing and vripping with the 1566.still have some flashbacks.

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Posted 12/28/2013 12:01 (#3552889 - in reply to #3552840)
Subject: RE: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568

Like others have said the IH 6 cyl engine was good. 15's rear end weak and 3 speed trans/shifter lever unfriendly. I had a 1981 1486 tri stripe on hood and it was an excellent tractor. Except for the new style hyd pump which went out twice. Also dad had a 1976 black stripe 1566 bought new and was a decent tractor till about 3000 hrs then needed a rear end, TA, PTO, clutch, engine overhaul. A few years later needed a piston replaced. Put more money in it than it was worth at the time. Sold both tractors after the merger and went green. Kinda wish I had kept them now for display ONLY. Not to use.

Edited by IH_always 12/28/2013 12:04
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Posted 12/28/2013 15:01 (#3553141 - in reply to #3552712)
Subject: Re: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568

Clay SEIA puts the best info forward on the 68 series and the infamous v8.

I think a bit more context to this series would also help:

By the time the 66/68 series rolled out in 1971, diesel engines in a farm tractor wasn't that old. They didn't make gas powered tractors for nothing - there was demand for them and they were made in the bigger row crops by the mid-to-late 60's. The increase in hp requirements and the cost of gas was the issue, so things were changing by the late 1960's.

By the time the 66 series was on the drawing board (late 1960's) diesel was just taking off in row crop tractors. In fact you could still order the 766 in a gas model in those early years. By 1973 (and the Oil Crises) that was pretty much the end of the line for gas. My point is that IH engineering (like a few other manufacturers) began playing with putting v8's in a row crop size tractors in the early 70's as a natural progression as to what would work in a farm tractor as the technology (diesel engines) in farm tractors was still evolving.

For IH, their Engine Division had a range of products incl the v8 diesel, so the Ag Division thought that ON PAPER a v8 in a farm tractor should work. This was an in-house idea as IH didn't have to out-source to an engine supplier, so the costs could be contained. After all, if v8's worked in trucks and construction, why not in Ag and row crop tractors (large sellers)? The 68 series was created and IH then decided that when the engine idles, that it should run on 4 cylinders. Again, ON PAPER, sounded reasonable. But what looks good ON PAPER and what looks good in the real world doesn't always come together.

Again, Clay SEIA sums it really well as to the shortcomings of the IH v8 - which was a truck engine in a farm tractor. The idea of having the engine idle on 4 cylinders - which was a concept way ahead of it's time - was a bit silly: 150 hp tractors in that era were very big horses and when started, they were meant to work hard.....not to idle around.

IH kept the 68 series going way too long. Demand was not there as you get get a less costly 66 series tractor to do what the v8 could. That's why production numbers are very low, and some 40 years later, they are now collectible. IH tried to simply recover the investment, and dropped the whole idea when the 86 series came out.

Interestingly, the Truck Division v8 in a farm tractor was a flop, but the 400 series engines designed for Ag use was able to be used by the Truck Division and with great success!
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Steiger Man
Posted 12/28/2013 15:56 (#3553225 - in reply to #3553141)
Subject: Re: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568

Sunburst Montana

The whole reason for the IH V8 rowcrop was to match Massey and give farmers something "cool" to drive.

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1000 moline
Posted 12/28/2013 15:40 (#3553202 - in reply to #3552712)
Subject: RE: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568

South Eastern ,ILL
I attend a lot of tractor shows. A sharp 1468 would definitely be
a nice addition to my small collection, but, @ 30K and more ,it's
out of what I want to give for a non- use, only show tractor. Still
today at any show, you will see a big crowd of lookers , with their mouths watering over a nice 1468.
* Here are two pictures of my restored 1466 & also a 1468 @ "Red Power" DuQuoin, IL in 2012 that was for sale.

Edited by 1000 moline 12/29/2013 17:50





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mike in sw mn
Posted 12/28/2013 15:53 (#3553224 - in reply to #3552712)
Subject: Re: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568

Walnut Grove MN USA
Grew up on the 66 series. Dad owned a 966,1066,1086,1586. I spent a lot of time in that 966 and 1066. The 10 was by far the favorite, just a nice combo of weight and horsepower. Once that 15 showed up it all went downhill fast. Remember one fall the 15 was down with the rear end out again, 1066 had shelled out a wheel hub, and the new 1086 had a clutch missing in the TA, all at the same time. If I remember right the 1586 came out of the shop and right to the nearby JD dealer and a 4850 came home. That 15 went thru 3 rear ends in two years. What I remember of the 68 series is they looked cool but that was the end of the positives. I do think that is the engine ford used for the 6.9 diesel pickups and they were known to have head gasket issues. Every once in a while I get a wild hair to go buy one just because I like the way the 66 series look but then I tell my dad and he smacks me upside the head and I forget about it.
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Posted 12/28/2013 18:08 (#3553476 - in reply to #3553224)
Subject: Re: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568

Bothwell ont
IH made some big mistakes no doubt about it. But they also had some good innovation and good products they should have made there drivetrains a lot stronger
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Posted 12/28/2013 18:18 (#3553498 - in reply to #3553476)
Subject: Re: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568

The dual shaft pto has to be my favorite innovation from the period!!! Why did they quit that setup anyway?
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Posted 12/28/2013 18:58 (#3553596 - in reply to #3552712)
Subject: RE: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568

Reading NAT I really cannot figure out how my Dad farmed his entire career with IH tractors and MF combines, including the "infamous" 66 series and 850 combine. Its really a wonder he has a farm to pass on to us......
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Posted 12/28/2013 19:45 (#3553731 - in reply to #3553596)
Subject: RE: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568

redngray - 12/28/2013 18:58

Reading NAT I really cannot figure out how my Dad farmed his entire career with IH tractors and MF combines, including the "infamous" 66 series and 850 combine. Its really a wonder he has a farm to pass on to us......

We got along good with them too .
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Posted 12/28/2013 20:43 (#3553888 - in reply to #3553731)
Subject: RE: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568

North Carolina
I been pulling a 15' NT drill with a 1566 for the past 15 years and before that a chisel plow and 18' harrow with a 1066. For years . Dang I didn't know I should have been so worried about them . Now I wont be able to sleep tonight worrying about how I'm going to get my beans planted next spring . LOL But they been paid for for a long time and JD never had a engine with as good Fuel efficiency , torque and dependability as the 66 engines . Doug
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Posted 12/28/2013 20:57 (#3553940 - in reply to #3553731)
Subject: RE: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568

Glasgow, Ky

Been running and still am running IH's (666, 786, 806, 1466, 2 x 3688's).  Used them for years along with IH combines, planters, etc.   Well satisfied and would not do things diferently if I had it to do over again.  Have not experienced any of the horror stories that some on here have had.  For example, have a 1976 IH1466 with 4100 hours which was purchased in 1977.  Has been used for planting, chisel plowing, discing and pulling a round baler.  Nothing has ever been touched internally on it.  Same clutch and TA that come in it.  Nothing to complain about there.    

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Posted 12/29/2013 09:46 (#3554789 - in reply to #3553596)
Subject: RE: International 1466 vs 1468 or 1566 vs 1568

Bullitt County Kentucky
redngray - 12/28/2013 19:58

Reading NAT I really cannot figure out how my Dad farmed his entire career with IH tractors and MF combines, including the "infamous" 66 series and 850 combine. Its really a wonder he has a farm to pass on to us......

Lots of irony in that statement. When I was a kid, dad had IH tractors and Massey combines. (460, 806, 1066, 300, 510) I remember him struggling but getting by. Then the 80's hit. The local IH dealer shut down, Massey dealer dropped Massey and became a short line junk dealer. We had a Deere dealer just down the highway. Dad bought his first green combine (4400) then a used 4520. Followed that up with a new 4440, then a 7720 combine, then a used 4840 a couple years later. When everyone else was folding like a cheap suit in the 80's, things started getting a little better on our place. So yeah, we survived the red years, but good times were just a color change away, even when times were really tough. Never will forget that lesson learned.

Edited by Farmwithjunk 12/29/2013 09:47
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