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JD 7630 IVT Vs. Challenger 575B CVT
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Posted 1/29/2008 17:48 (#296168)
Subject: JD 7630 IVT Vs. Challenger 575B CVT

Looking at tractors and thought I had my mind made up on the Deere. Stoped at the Challenger dealer today and drove the 575B, seemed like a very good tractor. Then went to JD and drove the 7630...there just seems to be alot more tractor in the Challenger...ride is awesome (air ride cab and front suspension) I am leaning toward the Challnger...but am afraid about resale and dealer support, alot further away then Deere dealership. What do you guys think? I plan to spray with this tracor (120" centers), sidedress, spread lime, litter, fert. etc, and drill wheat. The Deere is $103,000 with 420 hours, the Challnger I drove was $85,000 with 990 hours. Dealer said the challenger had 20 more hp., then the Deere. Not sure on that? Wouldn't rule out new on either, especially the Challenger...(full warrenty...less worries) After driving them both today it sure seems like the Callenger would be nicer for those all chores, but am afraid to make the leap from Deere. Reassure me Challenger/AGCO guys, or make me come to my senses you Deere guys.
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Posted 1/29/2008 17:55 (#296178 - in reply to #296168)
Subject: Re: JD 7630 IVT Vs. Challenger 575B CVT

Buy the Challenger and don't look back. Those guys invented the CVT. I've heard that a Challenger is way easier on fuel consumption VS a deere with the ivt. With the amount of jobs you do with this tractor, comfort, fuel consumption and dependability would be at the top of my list. If the 575 has Michelin's on it that's another plus.
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Posted 1/29/2008 18:26 (#296209 - in reply to #296178)
Subject: Re: JD 7630 IVT Vs. Challenger 575B CVT

Agreed. The Challenger is more tractor for the money and that CVT has the JD IVT beat hands down. More efficient, simpler in design, more reliable, and if you're comfortable with the Cat dealer for parts and support, buy the better tractor. JD has a fine name and a nice color, but to think that they build the best of everything... well. The MT500 tractors I've driven have been remarkably quiet and comfortable to drive. Love the CVT controls and flexibility you get.
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Posted 1/29/2008 18:47 (#296223 - in reply to #296168)
Subject: Re: JD 7630 IVT Vs. Challenger 575B CVT

Chilliwack, British Columbia
Not sure about the larger tractors, but we had a similar situation earlier. Deere 7330vs AGCO RT120 (not sure of Cat counterpart) vs. Fendt 712. The Deere lost hands down. The AGCO brand tractors had power (even though the Fendt was a smaller tractor), and much nicer to drive. The tranny seemed smoother and easier to manipulate to what you wanted it to, and was more user friendly.
But what it comes down to, would the Cat dealer do for you in parts/service that you Deere dealer did/didn't do?
We took a chance on the Fendt, and so far haven't looked back.

Good luck in whatever you choose,
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Posted 1/29/2008 19:26 (#296267 - in reply to #296168)
Subject: Resale?

The Challenger is $18,000 less than the Deere and you're worried about it being worth less when its time to trade? It will cost $18,000 less upfront, think about what it costs to borrow $18,000 extra over the time you plan on keeping the tractor.

Resale value is an extremely small part of the cost of operating a tractor, mainly it is a Deere talking point.

If the Challenger dealer can satisfy you I wouldn't even consider the Deere.
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Posted 1/29/2008 19:59 (#296302 - in reply to #296267)
Subject: RE: Resale?.......Amen!


Agree 100%   

Money aint free in the world I live in.

IF those were my numbers, living where I live (dealers), deere wouldn't have a chance.  I'll admit, green doesn't match much on the yard.

Edited by Newguy 1/29/2008 21:19
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nwks baler
Posted 1/29/2008 21:34 (#296419 - in reply to #296168)
Subject: Re: JD 7630 IVT Vs. Challenger 575B CVT

We bought a new MT555B Challenger with a CVT,front suspension. We are very happy with it,all we ever had before were John Deere. We will probably trade them for more challenger tractors.
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Posted 1/29/2008 22:18 (#296457 - in reply to #296168)
Subject: RE: JD 7630 IVT Vs. Challenger 575B CVT

Alberta, Canada
Both are nice tractors.

But I'm a bit partial. I have a 7630 IVT, and love it. It'll turn one year old in a couple weeks, and we've put almost 800 hours on it so far. No problems yet. We like it so much, we're considering another.

The MT565B was a consideration when we purchased the 7630, but personally I don't really like them. I found that although the Challenger(and other Agco's) was more advanced/sophisticated in some areas, in my mind, the 7630 was just "more tractor."

I haven't ran the MF/AGCO/Challengers, but I have run several Fendts. I do think the Vario is a better transmission than the IVT, but I'm not so sure that continues on to the Agco colors.

I don't do any real tillage work so I can't really comment on that... I did pull a 15 foot disk behind both the 7630 and the Fendt 716 (both rated at 140 PTO Hp), and I found the 716 struggled a surprising amount compared to the 7630. I pulled it at about 2.5mph slower with the 716 (despite the axle and cab suspension) albeit at about 150 less rpm.

Mowing hay (with a 12-foot discbine) the 7630 laughed at it, mowing a heavy crop at up to 18mph with no power loss. The 716 on the other hand, struggled to maintain 900PTO Rpm (usually stayed around 840-860) at only 12-13 mph.

The MT575B is rated at 160 PTO Hp, comparable to a 7830.
The MT565B (145 PTO Hp) would be more in line with the 7630 (140 PTO Hp, with boost to ~175).

If you like the Challenger, and the dealer, then go for it.

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Posted 1/30/2008 07:10 (#296629 - in reply to #296457)
Subject: Re: JD 7630 IVT Vs. Challenger 575B CVT

Chilliwack, British Columbia
Just FYI Josh, the tranny on all the tractors are identical. Maybe not in the computer that runs them, which is how you control it, but the casing and components are all exactly the same. Not sure about the between the different sizes, but similar size tractors have the same tranny.
Fendt salesmen has been to Fendt factory, says the tranny are coming down the line all the same, some get painted gray, some black.
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Posted 1/30/2008 12:46 (#296877 - in reply to #296629)
Subject: Re: JD 7630 IVT Vs. Challenger 575B CVT

Alberta, Canada
Glenn, I know they're all the same transmission, but as you said, maybe not in the computer ---- operation of it.

I can think of several ways I'd change the IVT simply by using computers to make it better, and to make me just as happy with it as the Vario.

For example. It feels to me that.... in the Vario, when you pull back on the stick it says to itself "reduce speed to 5.6mph," where-as the IVT says "okay so.... slowing down.... kay, I'll quit giving power, wait until the tractor coasts down to 5.5mph, and then i'll re-engage power and jump back up to 5.6mph." Maybe that's not exactly how it works, but that's the way it feels when operating it.

As well. I like the sensitivity control of the vario...... it can either take me a full mile to reach 33mph from a stand still(in I), or only about 75 feet (in IV). The 2-speed works great too, and doesn't change the sensitivity. Either 1-15mph, or 1-33mph.

That really impresses me.
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Posted 1/30/2008 07:00 (#296627 - in reply to #296168)
Subject: RE: JD 7630 IVT Vs. Challenger 575B CVT

is the challenger a 25 or 32 mph version.
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nwks baler
Posted 1/30/2008 08:42 (#296693 - in reply to #296627)
Subject: Re: JD 7630 IVT Vs. Challenger 575B CVT

We looked at the 7630 JD when we bought our MT555B Challenger. The challenger had less noise in the cab,less dirt in the cab,rode smoother,used less fuel,top speed is 33.5 mph.The only thing we found more on the JD was 30,000 dollars more cost new. The MT555B is rated at 130hp,however our Cat dealer put it on the dyno and it has 154hp. We use it to round bale and pull a 30ft JD 724 mulch finisher.
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Posted 1/30/2008 08:59 (#296704 - in reply to #296627)
Subject: RE: 32 nt

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nwks baler
Posted 1/30/2008 09:59 (#296760 - in reply to #296704)
Subject: Re: JD 7630 IVT Vs. Challenger 575B CVT

Sorry,I should have been clear. Rated at 32mph,our's does run at 33.5mph.
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