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Knight 8018
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Posted 7/5/2006 12:34 (#24235)
Subject: Knight 8018

West Central IL
Anybody have a Knight 8018 Pro-Twin Slinger spreader? Will it work for a no-till situation? Currently have conventional spreaders which require working the ground prior to spring planting?
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Posted 7/5/2006 14:07 (#24246 - in reply to #24235)
Subject: RE: Knight 8018.....we have one.......but...........

Oskaloosa, Iowa 52577

I'm ignorant as to whether or not it will " for no-till".

If you are referring to whether or not it will chew up the manure into little pieces-----yes, it will certainly do that.

The spreader does just a great job of coverage.........really even.




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Posted 7/5/2006 21:59 (#24324 - in reply to #24246)
Subject: RE: Knight 8018.....we have one.......but...........

Brazilton KS
Jake, do you spread poultry manure with that machine?  
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Posted 7/5/2006 22:09 (#24331 - in reply to #24324)
Subject: RE: Knight 8018.....we have one.......but...........

Oskaloosa, Iowa 52577

Not any more...........use the Chandler.

Need to sell them.

They worked great for us when we were hauling the wet chicken stuff.........but the turkey litter we are hauling now, even though stacked outside at the confinements and sometimes really wet, is much drier overall, and after composting or even getting turned a few times (ie incomplete composting), the Chandler handles it a lot better.

The Knights will spread the light stuff........about 10 ft.

Main Man really likes the Chandler........we've got sideboards now on it so we've been able to test the elasticity of the Cat's when I suggested we build hoods for the knights so that the slinger would not throw any higher than say 10ft, and therefore we OUGHT to get maybe a 30ft spread---------he looked at me and rolled his eyes like I was drinking white lightning.......... so I figured retreat would allow me to live to fight another day-----------------like having a second wife!



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Posted 7/5/2006 22:35 (#24355 - in reply to #24331)
Subject: We have 3 Knights

Flandreau, SD
I agree with jakescia. We have 3 8032 on floaters and like them alot. We also speard chicken litter and i believe the moisture needs to be say 45 percent or higher. Most stuff we spread is around 55 to 65 percent.

We run around 15,000 tons on 2 of them a year and have had no problems.

We also have 2 Chandlers on terragators if the Sh*t gets too dry. They work good but the operators like the Knights better. I beleive it is because they are on IH chassis and others are rough 3 wheelers.

Email me if you want a bigger 8132 truck mount, the third one really did not get used. I made the one terragator to use both kind of box and the Chandler has stayed on it.

I can't find pics of the Knight right now or I would post one.

Most farmers complain that we do not put enough litter on because they can not see it in the field!!! they do a nice JOB!!!

Marc B

Edited by agboy 7/5/2006 22:49
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Posted 7/12/2006 22:21 (#25984 - in reply to #24355)
Subject: Found pics

Flandreau, SD
These are putting on 4500 lbs/acre wet chicken litter. They throw about 70 feet and we run 30 foot swaths with lightbar. So we double spread you might say and it is a real nice even spread. We have done some on no till fields and the customers have had no problem.

I have a truck mount 8132 on the for sale forum if any body is thinking a truck mount.

Edited by agboy 7/13/2006 11:03

(Slinger action.JPEG)

Attachments Slinger action.JPEG (115KB - 472 downloads)
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Posted 7/12/2006 22:24 (#25986 - in reply to #24355)
Subject: Found pic

Flandreau, SD
These are putting on 4500 lbs/acre wet chicken litter. They throw about 70 feet and we run 30 foot swaths with lightbar. So we double spread you might say and it is a real nice even spread. We have done some on no till fields and the customers have had no problem.

I have a truck mount 8132 on the for sale forum if any body is thinking a truck mount.

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Posted 7/5/2006 15:53 (#24262 - in reply to #24235)
Subject: RE: Knight 8018

Perry County, 35 miles NW of Harrisburg, PA

I've been using an 8018 for about 5 years now. I have both sloppy dairy manure and pen-packed manure. Does very good with either. It breaks the pen-packed up really nice for my no-till. I'm 100% no-till.

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Jason in MI
Posted 7/5/2006 16:48 (#24272 - in reply to #24235)
Subject: RE: Knight 8018

Adrian MI
We use to have a Knight 8018, have since moved up to an 8032. Both are excellent spreaders. We spread on corn silage ground in the fall and then no-till wheat into it with excellent results. Also spread on hay fields in the summer, with no problems. All you have to do is drive faster if you want it on thinner. You will really like a Knight spreader over your conventional spreader.
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