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340 Magnum Engine Error/Fault
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Posted 8/5/2013 21:02 (#3249962)
Subject: 340 Magnum Engine Error/Fault

For about the last month our 2011 Case IH Magnum 340 has been throwing off an engine error code. When operating, the tractor loses power, the caution & stop light show on the A-post, and the tractor won't rev back up past about 1300 RPM. Once you restart the tractor, it will run fine until it does it again. It seems if you don't run full-throttle, you can work longer between faults.

Our Case dealer has tried numerous things but can't seem to fix it. Anyone have any experience or ideas?

Edited by chedv 8/5/2013 21:03
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Posted 8/5/2013 21:09 (#3249993 - in reply to #3249962)
Subject: Re: 340 Magnum Engine Error/Fault

SW Wisconsin
Does it say anything besides engine fault?
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Posted 8/5/2013 21:10 (#3249997 - in reply to #3249993)
Subject: Re: 340 Magnum Engine Error/Fault

Vidalia ,Louisiana
Fault codes?
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Posted 8/5/2013 21:20 (#3250036 - in reply to #3249962)
Subject: RE: 340 Magnum Engine Error/Fault

I believe the fault code is 1304 on the A-post.

Edit: Yes error 3104! Thanks

Edited by chedv 8/6/2013 20:48
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Posted 8/6/2013 05:44 (#3250440 - in reply to #3249962)
Subject: Re: 340 Magnum Engine Error/Fault

Litchfield, NY
Engine wiring harness. Wires to CP3 injection pump solenoid may be shorted or open causing pump to go to full output. When this happens the rail psi pegs, opens the relief and you are derated till you shut the engine off and relief valve closes. Error 3104??

Edited by Followme 8/6/2013 12:45
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Posted 8/6/2013 09:36 (#3250887 - in reply to #3250440)
Subject: Re: 340 Magnum Engine Error/Fault

chedv, do you have the factory fuel separator on the left side? There is a problem with them and you won't get enough fuel pressure. Try making you a fitting to bypass it and see what happens. Have seen your problem many times.
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Posted 8/6/2013 20:43 (#3252061 - in reply to #3250887)
Subject: Re: 340 Magnum Engine Error/Fault

Thank you both for the replies. I believe our dealership has tried the solenoid and some of the engine harnesses. I will try to fuel separator. It is kind of strange. We have about 850 hours on it. The first 800 were fine. This last 50 has been giving us lots of trouble. We did change the fuel filters maybe close to when it started acting up.
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Posted 8/6/2013 21:18 (#3252174 - in reply to #3249962)
Subject: Re: 340 Magnum Engine Error/Fault

Litchfield, NY
Check the harness good. Pull conduit off and check the wires to the solenoid carefully. A quick open or short will cause your symptoms and error code.
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Posted 8/8/2013 07:09 (#3255106 - in reply to #3252174)
Subject: Re: 340 Magnum Engine Error/Fault

Checked this yesterday but haven't had a chance to run very long yet. We didnt see any bad wires or harnesses though. So far, so good though.
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Posted 4/13/2014 21:54 (#3814339 - in reply to #3249962)
Subject: RE: 340 Magnum Engine Error/Fault

I have had very similar problems with our Case IH 340 chedv. We put a new engine harness on our tractor and everything was fine for awhile, but now we are having a new problem and a new code coming up. The code is 3141. The code says that our "fuel flow set point is too low." We have changed fuel filters, the transfer pump solenoid, and we have drained the tank and change the particle filter, and everything checked out fine and we are still having problems. Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
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Posted 4/12/2015 19:33 (#4512900 - in reply to #3249962)
Subject: RE: 340 Magnum Engine Error/Fault

Did you ever find a fix for this???
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Posted 4/14/2015 18:38 (#4516562 - in reply to #4512900)
Subject: RE: 340 Magnum Engine Error/Fault

We got it fixed, but to be honest, I can't remember exactly what it was.

I know the Case IH mechanic did a bunch of wiring harness checks and swaps on the right hand side of the tractor (right hand as if you are setting in the seat looking forward).
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