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IH 3688 vs White?
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Josh in Pa
Posted 7/22/2013 08:58 (#3222531)
Subject: IH 3688 vs White?

s.e. Pa
I am a small farmer looking to upgrade from the Oliver 1855 I have now. It has been very good, but is getting older, and I would like something with a cab. Jobs are mostly mowing and baling hay, with some spraying, no till drilling, and a small amount of tillage. There is a nice IH 3688 listed for sale near by. I don't know anything about IH tractors. I had been considering a White 2-105, 110, or 120. Whites aren't very liked here, and the transmission is a little awkward until you get used to it, but they are super reliable, and in my opinion underrated. Is a 3688 as good or better than these Whites? Is a 3688 synchronized? I read that you can powershift some gears, but are the ones in between synchronized, or do you need to stop?
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Posted 7/22/2013 09:05 (#3222542 - in reply to #3222531)
Subject: Re: IH 3688 vs White?

Southern Middle Tennessee
I'd go with the White hands down. GO with the 120. Ten times the tractor of that 3688.
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Posted 7/22/2013 12:25 (#3222872 - in reply to #3222542)
Subject: +++1

If that White will start good/decent cold, most under rated tractor in that HP class around.
I think they are a nice heavy tractor in that range.
Good Luck

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Posted 7/22/2013 09:59 (#3222631 - in reply to #3222531)
Subject: RE: IH 3688 vs White?

A 3688 will have a very nice cab, with air conditioning that is capable of being good and cold, but for the jobs you mentioned, especially baling, you will hate the transmission. Same un-syncronized sliding gear transmission as 706-1486, just relocated shift levers to RH side, and I actually think the linkage and shifting is worse than on an 86 series. Still has TA, only its a side-to-side shift (like a quad range) with an electric microswitch that actuates an electro-spool to shift the TA. Also the 36 has a very expensive morphodite PFC piston hydraulic pump, which is known to have issues, but works good when it works. And of course the forward flow engine fan, with the fan shaft through the radiator. Personally I'd advise looking for a 7110/20 or 5140/5240/5250 Maxxum if searching red. Can't comment much on the white.
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Posted 7/22/2013 10:50 (#3222717 - in reply to #3222631)
Subject: Re: IH 3688 vs White?

Essig MN
5088 if you want syncro shifting, White wouldnt be much differnt then your Oliver. I look for any of them thats clean and priced right.
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Ed Winkle
Posted 7/22/2013 13:57 (#3223030 - in reply to #3222531)
Subject: Re: IH 3688 vs White?

Martinsville, Ohio
Josh, you can't beat a White for what you are doing. 6 forward gears and 3 speed Over Under Hydraul shift is the best match I've seen.

I do like the 3688, it's a good tractor but I wouldn't want it for those chores.

The problem with the White's they are getting so old and AGCO thinks their parts are GOLD.

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Posted 7/22/2013 15:30 (#3223140 - in reply to #3223030)
Subject: Re: IH 3688 vs White?

2-105 is very similar and mine has ice cold air. Many interchangeable parts if you keep the 1855. Just get a 1979 or newer so you don't have the early A/C with the electric motors in the back of cab. Can be bought way cheaper than the IH
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Posted 7/22/2013 16:54 (#3223241 - in reply to #3223140)
Subject: Re: IH 3688 vs White?

Central Indiana
Haven't used a 110 or 120. But I sure still like my 2-135 and have used a 2-105 and thought it was a good tractor too. Easy to work on and can still get the parts pretty cheap.
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Posted 7/22/2013 17:16 (#3223260 - in reply to #3223241)
Subject: Re: IH 3688 vs White?

Have had both. The White transmission is better, and likely the rear end as well. The 3688 has a much better and comfortable cab in my opinion, with a better view. The 3688 has trouble finding the right speed for what you want to do, and you have to play the rpm game. The IH starts every time, sometimes the whites are a little more cold blooded. Both have earned their keep.
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Posted 7/22/2013 17:38 (#3223291 - in reply to #3222531)
Subject: Re: IH 3688 vs White?

Nebraska, The land of corn and cattle
Never been in a 3688 but IMHO IH didnt make a decent cab until the magnums. The 120 would be a GREAT tractor. Id love to have one in MFWD. Should have a 5.9 Cummins so itll start real well in the cold. If your used to a 1855 any of the Whites should do you well but Id lean towards the 110 or 120, all the good things from the 135/155/140/145 but in a 105 sized package. I like the Perkins engine but not a huge fan of 105s.
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Farmer at heart OG.
Posted 7/22/2013 18:36 (#3223379 - in reply to #3223291)
Subject: Re: IH 3688 vs White?

Agree the 105's were a gamble know of enough bad ones. The 110 were great fuel economy tractor's. The 135 was good but thirsty. If you could swing into that 120-125 or 140-145 with the small cummin's you will be very happy in those for your operation.
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