| koskid - 7/3/2013 15:00
Nancy and I watched the show together and it brought back a flood of emotions of what we and others went through during that time.
At one point in the program, they said that only 2% of the farm population was actively protesting to the government and publicly expressing our feeling to the general public. The show, seemed to me, to focus mainly on those people,(American Ag Movement, NFO) and at that time they were the ones that were wanting the government to bail us out of our problems and were the ones wanting the government to control prices at parity levels. I suppose I'm somewhat critical of the program since I was serving as a distrct director on the Iowa Farm Bureau Board and FB was more focused on the getting the government out of running our farms and letting the free markets work. Did you notice there were no representatives of Farm Bureau among the interviewees?
It's troublesome that the two organizations that served the rural population in Iowa in this period were proportionately not represented well.
My wife worked for the ISU Extension Service at that time and noticed how little mention there was of the stabilizing force Extension was on the front lines out on the acres with the folks. The Rural Concerns Hotline created by Extension in response to the economy handled the lion's share of calls with well-trained, professional volunteers. The county personnel were willingly on call 24 hours a day and responded wherever needed with no increase in budget to do so. One of the best government services ever put in place that has since been gutted and consequently has lost most of its effectiveness on those "front lines." One could say it was another casualty of that time - farmers got bigger and went to more commercial sources; the family services were picked up by other far less efficient gov't-sponsored/non-profit agencies. But that's another story ...
Over all, for the general public, I'd say it got the message across of what we went through.
Larry & Nancy Beyer
I'm not old enough to remember the crisis but I thought the same thing about the program focusing on the 2% who were screaming for government help like they were the saviors. |