Posted 6/11/2013 10:19 (#3149705) Subject: JD 6410 left hand reverser
Alberta Canada
Have a JD 6410 with 2800hrs. Had a left hand reverser on it. It seems when it works for a while/warms up the reverser lever wont stay engaged. Pops back into neutral and you have to hold it forward or reverse. Does this in any range or gear. When I shut the tractor off for a couple min. it works again. Any ideas? Talked to the dealer and they have said its the lever or in the transmission. Both of which are not cheap exploritory fixes.
Posted 6/11/2013 12:42 (#3149892 - in reply to #3149705) Subject: RE: JD 6410 left hand reverser
Janesville MN
Our 7410 was doing that so we took that little box apart that the lever goes into (nothing to lose) and there was a little spring that was all broken to pieces. Picked up a similar one at local parts store for $1.00 and put back together. Been working for 2 years since then.
Posted 6/11/2013 12:52 (#3149905 - in reply to #3149705) Subject: RE: JD 6410 left hand reverser
Northeast Louisiana
There are different styles, we had one messing up a few years ago and it was an electromagnetic solenoid that held the lever in place had gone bad. Part was unavailable NLA and we changed it out to the newer style.
Posted 6/11/2013 12:54 (#3149909 - in reply to #3149705) Subject: Re: JD 6410 left hand reverser
Alberta Canada
Did you find once it warmed up it started doing this? Thought it was overheating something last year when cutting hay with a 499 haybine. Picking rocks this year just driving across the fields with no load it started doing this. Am thinking it has to be something in the lever.
Posted 6/11/2013 20:55 (#3150571 - in reply to #3149705) Subject: Re: JD 6410 left hand reverser
Shelby, NC
I have had to replace the pressure switch and had the reverser lever go bad. When the lever was replaced it had to be hooked to JD computer and reprogrammed. Love those parts that are not plug and play :)
Posted 6/11/2013 22:25 (#3150859 - in reply to #3149705) Subject: RE: JD 6410 left hand reverser
Central Missouri
Also they have a switch by the shifter, it kicks the reverser into neutral when you shift to park. That moved just enough to make our '10 kick out on rough ground, few Allen screws and a slight adjustment, been fine ever since
Posted 6/11/2013 22:27 (#3150867 - in reply to #3149705) Subject: RE: JD 6410 left hand reverser
Alberta Canada
Talked to the dealer and they mentioned relays under the side console, going to replace them. Pulled the floor board. Just checking out JD parts. On my 6410 I only have sensors #5 and #7. Was told that #13 might be part of the cause once it warms up but how does this wire in etc?
Posted 6/12/2013 18:25 (#3152171 - in reply to #3149705) Subject: Re: JD 6410 left hand reverser
Alberta Canada
Is that a pressure switch of sorts? Am thinking it has to do with pressure due to it not acting up until it gets warm. Will that kick out the reverser? How easy is to get at that and switch? Do I need to drain the trans oil?
Posted 6/12/2013 21:22 (#3152601 - in reply to #3149705) Subject: Re: JD 6410 left hand reverser
Ayr Queensland Australia 4807
1 3/16 spanner for the switch 10 mm and 13 mm socket new switch is smaller body the reason is the internal belows in the switch is leaking allowing the pressure to equalize when it been working for a while you will notice the wires going to the switch will feel soft.
Posted 9/3/2013 21:58 (#3306306 - in reply to #3149705) Subject: Re: JD 6410 left hand reverser
Alberta Canada
We put the pressure switch in and then there is another pressure switch right above the trans filter, it make the dash light for the trans pressure flash. Replaced that as well. Ran the tractor 2 days cutting hay and it hasn’t acted up again, only the dash light come on but the reverser stays working. Will know for sure once I start moving some bales and use the loader hyd. Dealer mechanic figured all we can do is throw new parts at it, he couldn’t find anything through Deere.
Posted 9/5/2013 05:31 (#3308735 - in reply to #3306306) Subject: Re: JD 6410 left hand reverser
thanks for the update...I'm having the exact same issue. Reverser quits after haying (mowing or baling) for 5 or 6 hours. I pulled the connector off of the powerquad pressure switch and didn't notice any oil in it but I'm going to replace it anyway and see if that fixes the issue. One question though. I ohmed the switch with the tractor running and the reverser functional and it shows to be open. I was going to check it again when it became non-functional to see if it was closed.....based on what I've seen at this point I'm wondering if you couldn't just unplug the connector when it acts up and make it functional again, anyone have any thoughts on that?
Posted 9/6/2013 20:42 (#3312393 - in reply to #3149705) Subject: Re: JD 6410 left hand reverser
I want to post more information on this topic for anyone having this issue in the future. I was baling hay today for about 4 hours when my left hand reverser began to jump out again. I was happy that it failed so I could try to unplug the pressure switch and confirm that it was my problem. After I unplugged the pressure switch (RE212880) the left hand reverser worked correctly. Anyone having this issue can use this method to confirm the need to replace the pressure switch.
Posted 7/20/2014 22:02 (#3977881 - in reply to #3977806) Subject: Re: JD 6410 left hand reverser
Alberta Canada
That's the panel we pulled off.
Reverser is still working. No issues yet except when running for a while the dash lights come on. Is there a sensor or thermostat to fix this? Oil levels are good.