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John Deere 8400 Hydraulics
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Posted 5/2/2013 20:24 (#3076493)
Subject: John Deere 8400 Hydraulics

Having trouble with the hyd on my 8400. Sometimes all systems allow hyd to creep down and at other times it spits the couplings out at the remotes
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Posted 5/2/2013 21:01 (#3076592 - in reply to #3076493)
Subject: Re: John Deere 8400 Hydraulics

need to explain that better,
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Posted 5/2/2013 22:57 (#3076899 - in reply to #3076592)
Subject: Re: John Deere 8400 Hydraulics

Re Orings/seal. I have recently replaced the white orings that seal around the coupling coming from the hyd rams. This stopped the problem of oil leaking out the vent at the bottom of the remotes stack. Is there some sort of bypass valve that allows excess pressure to return to the tank that might be stuck open (rams creeping) shut ( spitting hose couplings)
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Posted 5/3/2013 00:46 (#3076981 - in reply to #3076592)
Subject: Re: John Deere 8400 Hydraulics

When operating in the field I lift an implement and normally it should stay up, but what mine is doing is creeping rapidly back down. It would appear that the oil is bypassing some where. It is not leaking out of the Hydraulic remotes via the small outlet on the underside of the remotes. What I have noticed is if you set an implement to a position then unplug the remote lines the implement will stay in position. At other times I have had the problem that when you operate the remotes on 1 circuit it can fire out the remote lines on some of the other remote circuits
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Posted 5/2/2013 21:02 (#3076597 - in reply to #3076493)
Subject: Re: John Deere 8400 Hydraulics

south east SD
On spitting the hose out, take the plate off that holds the covers. 3 star screws. Clean out the mud and dirt with, break cleaner till it clean all the way down the drain tube. Did it to our 9220 today and it helped a bunch. Hoses on a 2 year old 2210 wouldn't stay in till I cleaned the ones on the tractor.
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Posted 5/2/2013 22:04 (#3076792 - in reply to #3076597)
Subject: Re: John Deere 8400 Hydraulics

Orings/seals around the coupler barrels are leaking. This is clean oil internally leaking and returns to case through a passage way. When too much oil starts leaking internally the passage way can't handle the flow of oil, back pressure pushes out against couplers same direction as you pulling on the hose. Get seal kits and rebuild couplers or have your dealer do it to solve problem.
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Posted 5/2/2013 22:56 (#3076897 - in reply to #3076792)
Subject: Re: John Deere 8400 Hydraulics

On The South Plains of Texas
Haven't had long term fix just doing a kit repair on couples. usually end up replacing them. May only be one causing the probelm. Check them with gauge in the coupler and deadhead pressure if it holds it's ok if it drops coupler bad
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