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John Deere 4455
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Posted 4/11/2013 20:43 (#3028954)
Subject: John Deere 4455

What does everyone think of these tractors? Reliability, fuel economy, etc. the reason I ask is I would like to upgrade my loader tractor to a front wheel assist and slightly higher hp . This tractor would be used for loader activities daily to feed cows, cut and bale hay, and haul hay. I know some of you are going to say to go with a 7000 series newer tractor but that isn't in my budget.

There is a sale coming up with a 4455 1990 model for sale with 9400 hours, power shift, looks great and wasn't used hard at all, never had a loader on it. Primarily pulled 20 ft no till drill and summers sprayer during its life. A little light tillage but nothing major. Tractor on a scale if 1-10 would rate am 8.5 to. 9 IMO but what do i know? What's fair value on it?

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Posted 4/11/2013 20:53 (#3028994 - in reply to #3028954)
Subject: Re: John Deere 4455

Eastern Iowa
Excellent tractor! Very fuel efficient and extremely reliable. You will love it. 38-40k if the tires are good.
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Posted 4/11/2013 21:13 (#3029071 - in reply to #3028954)
Subject: Re: John Deere 4455

Prairie of Southern MN
Some would say best small-frame row crop ever built.
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Posted 4/11/2013 21:31 (#3029140 - in reply to #3028954)
Subject: RE: John Deere 4455

Very good tractors. Bought this one new and is fixing to roll 10,000. It's had rear main (if i remember right) put in shortly after we got it and wasn't touched until last fall when we put a harmonic balancer on it. While we was in that far, went ahead and replaced the hydraulic pump
Picture was last winter after a coat of paint

Edited by farmer3315 4/11/2013 21:45


Attachments image.jpg (72KB - 568 downloads)
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Posted 4/11/2013 21:35 (#3029155 - in reply to #3028954)
Subject: Re: John Deere 4455

North Central IN
Love mine. Has mfwd. Have done seals and motor. Wouldn't trade it, but would like to have something a little bigger for around the farm. Pull Kinze 640 cart, 1100 gallon sprayer, 15' drill, 5 shank ripper, Kinze 3650 12/23. Rolling ground and muck. No problems. You could put some money in her at those hours tho.
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Posted 4/11/2013 21:43 (#3029191 - in reply to #3028954)
Subject: Re: John Deere 4455

Harlan, KY
Hated the turning radius set on 34" centers.
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Posted 4/11/2013 21:57 (#3029238 - in reply to #3028954)
Subject: Re: John Deere 4455

2wd or 4wd ? I doubt youll buy it for under $40k either way. Very good all around, handy to drive tractors
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Posted 4/11/2013 22:07 (#3029285 - in reply to #3028954)
Subject: Re: John Deere 4455

Central Nebraska
Grandpa has one with MFWD. It's been a great tractor. I think it's got about 9,600 hours on it and is getting tired, but I would love to get my hands on it someday and put a loader on it. Dad bales with it and really likes it for that. We also shred weeds with it, run an auger, blade, etc. Nice chore tractor and was also big enough for field work when we were still 8r36". It seems to drink fuel when it's pulling hard, but for what you want it for, I think it will have good fuel economy. One thing I don't like is even with it set for wide rows, it takes about 6 miles to turn around.

Edited by BenP 4/11/2013 22:08
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Posted 4/11/2013 22:09 (#3029294 - in reply to #3028954)
Subject: Re: John Deere 4455

I'm the odd duck. Wasn't that impressed with mine. It was my first tractor, first MFWD, first tractor newer than 30 series on the farm. Grew up green. 5100 hrs when I bought it, 5500 hrs 2 years later when I sold it. Hard on fuel, no power, wide turning radius. If I were you, I'd buy a Magnum. Nicer cab, no split in windshield, easier on fuel. Just my opinion.
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Posted 4/11/2013 22:19 (#3029338 - in reply to #3028954)
Subject: Re: John Deere 4455

You don't say what your using already and what you may or may not have currently for a loader. A 148/158, 720/725, or 721/726 JD loader will not work with MFWD tractors. It will require a 265 or 740 loader to clear the front tires. A 280 will also fit but is a little big on small frame row crops. Do NOT put a 260 loader on a MFWD as their too weak for the power. I'll bet you better take 40k to be in the running.
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Posted 4/11/2013 23:15 (#3029526 - in reply to #3028954)
Subject: RE: John Deere 4455

Huntley Montana

No damm good,,,, You don't want it ... I own 6.. Where is it?........ Do I hear 7

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Posted 4/12/2013 04:43 (#3029655 - in reply to #3028954)
Subject: Re: John Deere 4455

Nc Ks.
I have a 4450mfd with the front wheels set around 34"-36" (never measured). I think it turns plenty short. Not as short as a 2wd, but I've pulled a 6 row planter with it occasionally and it turns right around for that. Switched to mostly no-till and replaced a 4840 with the 4450 since I wasn't needing the horsepower anymore. But on those occasions when I do tillage and am pulling it hard, I thought it used plenty of fuel. Of course with the 4840, I had enough extra hp to throttle back and still scoot right along. Fuel consumption on it wasn't anymore than the 4450 pulling hard. Mine has been a good tractor. Overhauled motor at 13,000 hrs. My only complaint is mine is a little noisier in the cab than the older 40 and 30 series deeres.
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Posted 4/12/2013 07:40 (#3029861 - in reply to #3028954)
Subject: Re: John Deere 4455

Central Kentucky
They were a great tractor for their generation and technology. Still going strong but way too pricey. I doubt they would be a very nimble loader tractor for a dairy lot. Way over plowered for some of your operations.
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Avg. Joe
Posted 4/12/2013 21:23 (#3031530 - in reply to #3029861)
Subject: Re: John Deere 4455

Elmwood, Ne. Just East of Lincoln
Great tractor. Had one and traded it off and wish I had it back. Just watched a 2wd with 6070 hours sell for $38000. It was on an estate sale as the owner died unexpectedly. He used it for everythig from spraying to planting. I thought it looked good and was way under the money IMO.
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