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Roundup ready sweet corn. SV9010SA?
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Case IH farmer
Posted 3/30/2013 19:34 (#3002632)
Subject: Roundup ready sweet corn. SV9010SA?

Looking at ruppseeds and they list it as the best tasting one they sell. Also it appears it is a triple stack? Anybody tried it? Pricey stuff but would be nice.
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Hilltop Husker
Posted 3/30/2013 21:25 (#3002927 - in reply to #3002632)
Subject: Re: Roundup ready sweet corn. SV9010SA?

Northern Nebraska
I planted obsession II last year. I will never go back to non bt sweet corn again. Zero bugs! Being rr was the best part. A bag does go a long ways but it is delicious, so if you have friends like mine they all wanted to try it.
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Posted 3/30/2013 21:35 (#3002960 - in reply to #3002632)
Subject: Re: Roundup ready sweet corn. SV9010SA?

Southern Indiana
I am about to find out myself. It sucks when you can raise an awesome crop and earworms get it. My late sweetcorn patch was the only thing green left in August and the bugs found it. I hope it is as good as they say. Even though $350 is lots of money for 25k seeds its only 1.4 cents per ear in a perfect world.
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flatlick farmer
Posted 3/30/2013 22:11 (#3003074 - in reply to #3002960)
Subject: Re: Roundup ready sweet corn. SV9010SA?

West Kentucky
25,000 kernel bag of obsession II weighs aboutb 5 lbs this year so it cost about $70-75 lb. After growing it last year, I felt like it was worth it.
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Posted 3/31/2013 07:29 (#3003445 - in reply to #3003074)
Subject: Re: Roundup ready sweet corn. SV9010SA?

Triple stack,coon resistant , just being being a smart ars
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Posted 3/31/2013 07:32 (#3003455 - in reply to #3003074)
Subject: Re: Roundup ready sweet corn. SV9010SA?

SE Nebraska
Planted Temptation last year and ordered some more for this year.
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Keith Mudd
Posted 3/31/2013 21:22 (#3005054 - in reply to #3003455)
Subject: Re: Roundup ready sweet corn. SV9010SA?

Monroe City, MO
Temptation II is RR and earworm.
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Ron..NE ILL..10/48
Posted 3/31/2013 07:33 (#3003456 - in reply to #3002632)
Subject: RE: Roundup ready sweet corn. SV9010SA?

Chebanse, IL.....

I don't know if that's the same # or not, I'll have to check, but we planted Rupps RR stacked sweet corn in 2012 & it was the best sweet corn we've ever raised, even with minimal rain.

It is expensive seed, but as others say, if you split it with neighbors, it helps the cost. 

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Posted 3/31/2013 10:52 (#3003917 - in reply to #3003456)
Subject: RE: Roundup ready sweet corn. SV9010SA?

Mid Minnesota
Bt sweet corn has been on the market for quite a few years allready been growing that ever since it came out maybe 10 or 12 years ago, but when the RR package came out tried that also very easy to use, big improvments gmo is the only way to go , my opinion of coarse Thanks Dave
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frank ks
Posted 3/31/2013 12:06 (#3004051 - in reply to #3003917)
Subject: RE: Roundup ready sweet corn. SV9010SA?

edgerton ks.
The RR sweetcorn has 2 bt. traits for earworm. Far superior to the standard BT. version from Rogers that has been around for a long time. We have constant flight's of earworm moths here in eastern ks. The RR part I could take or leave but the worm control is a blessing. If we had a planting starting to silk in late summer during a peak flight it was nearly immpossible to keep clean even with daily spray's. Not any more!
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Posted 3/31/2013 11:25 (#3003975 - in reply to #3002632)
Subject: RE: Roundup ready sweet corn. SV9010SA?

NorthEast Iowa,

had all three of the RR sweet corns last year, really like the Obsession II

will be trying some of the new SV9010SA  this year. We get the seed through

Jordan Seeds in Woodbury MN (near StPaul)

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Case IH farmer
Posted 3/31/2013 17:51 (#3004501 - in reply to #3002632)
Subject: RE: Roundup ready sweet corn. SV9010SA?

Thanks for the replies everyone.
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Illini Farmer
Posted 7/25/2013 00:01 (#3227948 - in reply to #3002632)
Subject: Re: Roundup ready sweet corn. SV9010SA?

I am a little late to the party, but still want to plant some more sweet corn. Does anyone want to sell some RR sweet corn seed???
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