Agent Orange: Friendly fire that keeps on burning. | What sets a Lull apart from most of the other lift and place telescoping boom forklifts is their traversing boom assembly. Here's my 10K # capacity, 54 footer. I think the machine weighs in the neighborhood of 35K #:
They are available with several different engines. Mine has a 6 cyl naturally aspirated JD diesel. Hydraulics are pilot controlled with no electronics involved. They have a very precise feel that isn't much affected by how much weight they're bearing. Here's a shot of the machine with the boom all the way up:
Even though it looks pretty mech the same as any other forklift at this point, there's another lever in a Lull that lets you hydraulically travers the entire boom assembly forward 7 feet without having to do the extend boom, lower boom, extend boom, lower routing to get your load exactly where it needs to be. Pettibone lifts also have a traversing boom that is just enough different to get around Lull's patent. |