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CIH Magnum "Power Beyond"
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Posted 8/6/2012 00:10 (#2524295)
Subject: CIH Magnum "Power Beyond"

Serena Il, Center of the Universe

Anyone have any experience with a power beyond on a 7140?  I use the tractor to plant with.  This year I upgraded my planter with Precision's hydraulic drive, vacuum, and a hydraulic compressor for down pressure.  We plumbed the compressor with the planter raise and lower and tied the lever in an engaged position.  We ran the vac on the #1 remote and the drive on #2 remote. It wouldn't work. With both the vac and drive engaged  the vac would run but not the drive.  The planter would not raise with both engaged, and slowly with the vac on.  If you turned off the vac the drive would work. It seemed that the priority valve on #1 used too much flow. I had the tractor checked this spring and the hydraulics were up to spec.  I searched Google and found some articles that talk about a power beyond being used.  I really dont want to upgrade tractors as I can barely justify this one and the wife doesn't need any more toys if i get one.

Does anyone think a power beyond would help or should I bite the bullet and upgrade. 

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Posted 8/6/2012 07:34 (#2524450 - in reply to #2524295)
Subject: Re: CIH Magnum "Power Beyond"

east central iowa
I upgraded things similar to you. I run a 7250. What we did was put on a pto hydraulic kit from Rowe manufacturing in minn. I ran 2 things with it but could run up to 4 things with the right pump. It worked good on didn't affect the tractor hydraulics at all.
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johnny skeptical
Posted 8/6/2012 08:40 (#2524544 - in reply to #2524450)
Subject: Re: CIH Magnum "Power Beyond"


i have a 1250 planter that i pulled with a 7130,ran a pto pump that drove the seed drives and the vacumn fan,the tractor hydraulics took care of the lift/ lower and bulk fill.had to make sure the flow control for bulk fill was set pretty close to actual hydraulic need,or the lift/ lower was pretty slow.before i had the 1250,i took a 900 vert fold toolbar and put 1200 row units on it,the only hydraulics i was running were ,vac fan, three point,and lift assist.i controlled vac with the tractor flow control ,there again had to make sure i had just enough vac dialed in to do the job,otherwise other hydraulic functions were compromised.i don't think power beyond will gain you much.

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Posted 8/6/2012 08:28 (#2524521 - in reply to #2524295)
Subject: Re: CIH Magnum "Power Beyond"

Precision neeeds to go back to the drawing board with their plumbing on the airforce. I run a 2005 mx210 and I have problems as well. The oil will get hot after some time and knocks out the auto steer when the compressor cycles on and off.I had my tractor checked as well and it was fine. These tractors are not built to be left in detent all the time under high pressure. What I am going to try to rig up for next year is another hyd block and solenoid that will allow the oil to flow when the compressor is off. I know my problem is a little different than yours but precision really screwed this up and no solutions are forth coming.
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Berry Bros.P-nuts
Posted 8/6/2012 20:37 (#2525438 - in reply to #2524521)
Subject: Re: CIH Magnum "Power Beyond"

I just had a similar problem this week with my 7130. I was spreading some land plaster with a pull type spreader. I made up a dump valve that dumps the return side at the hyd filters and the supply is plugged to the remote. After about 1.5 hrs the trans temp light was coming on. I could turn the spreader fans off and the light would go off. Is this similar to what being discussed and what can I do to resolve my problem? TIA. Scott
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Virginia Veg.
Posted 8/6/2012 21:11 (#2525516 - in reply to #2525438)
Subject: Re: CIH Magnum "Power Beyond"

Eastern VA. No such thing as too many Magnums.
We use our square Magnums to spread gypsum with Chandler
and BB spreaders all the time. Ours have hydraulic spinners too and I've never had a heating issue. You sure you're returning to the right port? Ours are factory returns, but they do go into the top of the filter similar to what you described.
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Berry Bros.P-nuts
Posted 8/6/2012 21:43 (#2525586 - in reply to #2525516)
Subject: Re: CIH Magnum "Power Beyond"

I copied CNH's diagram from their kit but built my own from Napa parts,migjt have plumbed wrong but we have done prob 800 acres with no problem.
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Posted 8/6/2012 09:23 (#2524603 - in reply to #2524295)
Subject: RE: CIH Magnum "Power Beyond"

Caraway, AR

Here is one on a 7150. It is made by drilling and tapping holes in the end plate of the hydraulic valve stack.

One is the power beyond (PB) and the other is the load sensing line (LS).

I think you can buy the end plate from CNH now, or take yours to a machine shop for some presision drilling and tapping.



Attachments untitled.JPG (49KB - 363 downloads)
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John NW Ia
Posted 8/6/2012 11:34 (#2524766 - in reply to #2524295)
Subject: RE: CIH Magnum "Power Beyond"

Pocahontas, Ia

I have the same problem with my white planter.   I have the fan plugged into remote #1.

I slow the flow on #1 as slow as I can and still maintain air pressure - doesn't take much.  This allows remotes 2 and 3 to work properly.

I also do this on the sprayer with hyd. pump. Tricky to get just enough flow to pump and still allow boom to fold,


edit: Forgot to add that tractor is '89 7120

Edited by John NW Ia 8/6/2012 11:35
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just do it
Posted 8/6/2012 13:11 (#2524888 - in reply to #2524295)
Subject: Re: CIH Magnum "Power Beyond"

I run two fans on 1710 JD planter and 1 Rawson drive with one outlet on a 180 Magnum. Put a T in the line to feed both fans at once then both fans return to one line and that is the feed to Rawson and return from the rawson dumps into the trans case. Works fine.
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Virginia Veg.
Posted 8/6/2012 19:08 (#2525295 - in reply to #2524295)
Subject: RE: CIH Magnum "Power Beyond"

Eastern VA. No such thing as too many Magnums.
Those square magnums are great tractors, but hydraulic flow is not their strong point. I agree that the best scenario would probably be a PTO pump. If you want to try power beyond, then do as suggested below and tap the end cap you already have. The power beyond kit is a rip off for what you get. It's just a new, slightly different, end cap, with holes already drilled and threaded. It's not hard to build.
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