central - east central Minnesota - | If you use linseed oil, and use rags for clean up or application - do not put rags in garbage or sealed container. They don't even need to be sealed to catch fire. A little heat of the day and a pile of linseed oil rags will smolder and catch fire. Be careful. Distant neighbor burned his new home down with the trick of putting paint brush (oily linseed oil rags) in plastic bag to keep'em fresh for tomorrows use and that evening it started on fire, spread to the container and the wall and history from there. At my former job (furniture) finisher was reworking a table with linseed oil and he put the rags in a firestop pail and the next day when he poped the lid, smoke started pouring out. That pail took a quick trip outside . . .
Edited by iseedit 8/21/2007 08:29