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IVT vs. Powershift?
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Posted 5/17/2011 22:40 (#1779831)
Subject: IVT vs. Powershift?

Positives/Negatives of both-which would you guys prefer?
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Posted 5/17/2011 22:43 (#1779839 - in reply to #1779831)
Subject: RE: IVT vs. Powershift?

ECILFarmer - 5/17/2011 21:40

Positives/Negatives of both-which would you guys prefer?

First question would be, what do you want to do with it?

Any answer other than stationary PTO work would be a great job for IVT.
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Posted 5/17/2011 22:49 (#1779850 - in reply to #1779839)
Subject: Re: IVT vs. Powershift?

Plant, pull auger cart, etc-
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Posted 5/17/2011 22:51 (#1779857 - in reply to #1779831)
Subject: Re: IVT vs. Powershift?

I bleed green but personally I think the IVT is kinda rough. Also, I don't know how you are with equipment. but I would hate to be the guy that has to pay to repair that IVT transmission when it lets go. Sure is nice to run, but I would rather own a powershift, but we keep equipment for a long time
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Posted 5/17/2011 22:56 (#1779875 - in reply to #1779831)
Subject: RE: IVT vs. Powershift?

Panhandle of Ne.
IMHO, until there are IVT transmissions out there that have 15k hours on them and never been touched, I would stick with a p/s. A lot of p/s transmissions out there with that many hours plus that are still going strong. We have had 40 + of the p/s since '95 and 1 IVT and the IVT is the only one we ever had to repair.
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Big Ben
Posted 5/17/2011 23:10 (#1779902 - in reply to #1779875)
Subject: RE: IVT vs. Powershift?

Columbia Basin, Ephrata, WA
When I was shopping for tractors back in '08 there was an 8430 with an IVT running a big TMR wagon at a large local dairy with over 9,000 hours and counting with no engine or transmission work. That said enough about longevity for me.

It is possible to kill a powershift in less than 15k hours, and I would not describe them as cheap to work on.

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Posted 5/18/2011 09:41 (#1780328 - in reply to #1779875)
Subject: RE: IVT vs. Powershift?

South Dakota

The IVT and CVT have ben around sence WW2 they were in the German tanks.

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Posted 5/17/2011 23:56 (#1779970 - in reply to #1779831)
Subject: Re: IVT vs. Powershift?

I agree, Powershifts are not cheap to fix, can you imagine what a IVT will cost to fix, I bet it will push double, just a guess though
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Posted 5/18/2011 02:17 (#1780066 - in reply to #1779970)
Subject: Re: IVT vs. Powershift?

NW Washington
There are a lot more moving parts and parts that require friction between them to function in a powershift transmission than in any IVT or CVT. The critical parts of a CVT are is the hydrostat pump/motor unit that controls the output speed and the computer that controls the whole works.
And on lighter jobs the CVT will throttle down and shift up automatically to conserve fuel and wear an tear on the engine.
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Posted 5/18/2011 00:17 (#1780002 - in reply to #1779831)
Subject: Re: IVT vs. Powershift?

Cambridge, southwestern Nebraska
I would want to consider whether you or someone with some good tractor experience is going to be driving the tractor. About anyone can operate a powershift but an IVT takes a little getting used to.
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Ben D, N CA
Posted 5/18/2011 01:32 (#1780044 - in reply to #1779831)
Subject: RE: IVT vs. Powershift?

Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot
I agree that for heavy tillage, a powershift is probably fine. For everything else I don't think you can beat an IVT. I'm sure they are expensive to work on... hell everything is. But something else to keep in mind is the amount of fuel a guy would save while using the IVT doing light work, haying, planting etc. Little here and a little there adds up at $4/ gal.

I love using the IVT in any situation where your stopping or changing speeds a lot, particularly a big change in speed. Have never ran a grain cart, but from what I'd imagine it being like it would be an ideal application for the IVT.
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Posted 5/18/2011 02:41 (#1780069 - in reply to #1779831)
Subject: Re: IVT vs. Powershift?

WC Iowa
have had IVT tractors for 2 years now and the more i run it the better i like it. Went from after day one thinking we made a mistake with the IVT to now not wanting to run a PST tractor in just one year. Where it really shines is on implements like the field cultivator or our JD 2510H anhydrous bar where power requirements and speed very throughout the field. Why i love it is because i want to go as fast as the tractor will pull it. and with IVT it just pulls as fast as it can where it pulls hard but i have it set at 10 mph at the top end so when it pulls easy and gets to 10 it will just throttle back, you are never in the wrong gear like i was last year with our 8430 with powershift on the anhydrous bar. It seemed like i was always right between a gear. It is also nice on the planter because it just goes as fast as you set it. As for fuel economy i dont see it as any better than our other tractors but that being said you have to have a quality operator in the seat in a PST tractor and a contentious effort to keep the fuel economy good.
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Posted 5/18/2011 04:23 (#1780079 - in reply to #1780069)
Subject: Re: IVT vs. Powershift?

blakezr2 - 5/18/2011 02:41

have had IVT tractors for 2 years now and the more i run it the better i like it. Went from after day one thinking we made a mistake with the IVT to now not wanting to run a PST tractor in just one year. Where it really shines is on implements like the field cultivator or our JD 2510H anhydrous bar where power requirements and speed very throughout the field. Why i love it is because i want to go as fast as the tractor will pull it. and with IVT it just pulls as fast as it can where it pulls hard but i have it set at 10 mph at the top end so when it pulls easy and gets to 10 it will just throttle back, you are never in the wrong gear like i was last year with our 8430 with powershift on the anhydrous bar. It seemed like i was always right between a gear. It is also nice on the planter because it just goes as fast as you set it. As for fuel economy i dont see it as any better than our other tractors but that being said you have to have a quality operator in the seat in a PST tractor and a contentious effort to keep the fuel economy good.

sounds like nice analysis.
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Posted 5/18/2011 04:24 (#1780080 - in reply to #1779831)
Subject: RE: IVT vs. Powershift?

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Posted 5/18/2011 05:59 (#1780091 - in reply to #1780080)
Subject: Re: IVT vs. Powershift?

Flora IL
Manual stick shift forever!!!!! Haha????
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Ron..NE ILL..10/48
Posted 5/18/2011 06:23 (#1780102 - in reply to #1779831)
Subject: RE: IVT vs. Powershift?

Chebanse, IL.....

We've had the IVT in our JD's for a few  yrs now. I do not ever see us returning to PS, though we have PS in the 4wd. Personally, I wish IVT was available in the 4wd type tractors as an option also. We've not had any trouble in a few yrs w/the IVT. Intially, there were a couple of quickly remedied settings that needed to be fixed by the dealer. Took the tech about 10 minutes w/a laptop & all was fine. No wrenches needed. We use our IVTs for tillage, planting, sidedressing, grain cart, etc. No stationary pto work for these tractors. Learning to operate them really only takes a few minutes. Showing someone how to "dial in" the speed they want is about the only instruction. When working with the I-Tech Pro (fka IMS), the IVT makes it much easier to set up. If you're not planning on Itech, then it's still easier to turn w/IVT....we think.

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Posted 5/18/2011 07:17 (#1780140 - in reply to #1780102)
Subject: Re: IVT vs. Powershift?

If you have an option IVT or Powershift, go with the IVT. You will not be sorry. Really works great on a planting tractor.
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Posted 5/18/2011 08:18 (#1780220 - in reply to #1780140)
Subject: Re: IVT vs. Powershift?

Washington, IA

IVT or PS - dgv959

After getting used to it I dread using PS. Only downside is there is a learning curve and new, or part time help needs to be trained. Also around here resale is not as good as PS because they hav'nt caught on yet, but I understand thats a regional issue.

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Posted 5/18/2011 07:58 (#1780191 - in reply to #1779831)
Subject: Re: IVT vs. Powershift?

West Texas
What about heavy tillage?

When we demoed a 8320 RT last summer I was not impressed when it would not pull our V ripper or the field cultivator very good. I would have thought it should have pulled the ripper 5 mph easy, it didn't.

Same with the field cultivator, we pull it with an MT 745 at 7 mph. This RT struggles with it at 6 mph.

It seemed to do better with it set on manual then on auto.

IVT might be ok for light duty work, but give me a PS for heavy tillage.

But then old fashioned stick shift is still the most efficient!! I never had any problems with them old transmissions!
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Posted 5/18/2011 08:14 (#1780218 - in reply to #1779831)
Subject: RE: IVT replacement

I was talking to some mechanics in the local dealer awhile back about the IVT. They said if there was a problem they didnt fix the transmission, they took it out and put in a new one. Sounds a lot more expensive than a powershift to fix.

Edited by redrider64 5/18/2011 08:14
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J. Sheehan
Posted 5/18/2011 09:21 (#1780304 - in reply to #1780218)
Subject: RE: IVT replacement

Sunnyside, WA
JD likes to do the same with the PS in the 8000's. First one the mechanic went through and repaired only what was needed. Bill was almost $18,000 and took a few weeks. The second one that went out we decided to put a reman JD transmission in. If you get the core money back, the bill was ~$17,000 with a one year warranty and it only took a few days. I will not be trying to rebuild anymore JD transmissions in my 8000's--just put the reman in and get going.
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Chad H
Posted 5/19/2011 14:32 (#1781904 - in reply to #1780218)
Subject: Re: IVT vs. Powershift?

That is true in the 7000s with the ZF transmissions. ZF will not let them work on them. The transmissions Deere builds like what is in the 8000/8r the dealers can overhaul. Saw one being done last year on an 8430 that came off a beet or potato farm that had been used and abused.
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Posted 5/18/2011 08:23 (#1780228 - in reply to #1779831)
Subject: Re: IVT vs. Powershift?

Your moms house
We have a 7920 with IVT and I don't like it at all for grain carting at all. I will say that a 880 Brent is probably to big for it though. I think the IVT iis a excellent transmission for light work but if you gotta go out and do some heavy pulling I would take the p shift every time.
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Posted 5/18/2011 08:31 (#1780239 - in reply to #1779831)
Subject: Re: IVT vs. Powershift?

We just bought our first IVT this spring. We all love it. There is a learning curve but even our 70 yr old hired man only took a couple rounds and figured it out. It took longer for him to figure out the AutoSteer. So I guess if you can teach someone how to run AutoSteer and run the monitor. Then it is easy to teach them how to run a IVT. Just last night I ran the tractor with a Land Roller and it is so smooth coming to the end cause I can just slow down like a car. Driving down the road driving 26 mph @ 1400 RPM.
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Farm it
Posted 5/18/2011 08:55 (#1780265 - in reply to #1780239)
Subject: Re: IVT vs. Powershift?

Western Ohio
We are running two of them and dont plan on getting another PS. They are our two main tractors so they do everything. The 8230 is used for tillage only and works awesome. The 8130 is used for planting, sidedressing, graincart and is the way to go. My .02!
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Posted 5/18/2011 22:54 (#1781145 - in reply to #1779831)
Subject: RE: IVT vs. Powershift?

I bought my first ivt last fall replacing a ps and overall like it better than a ps. If you have the option I would also go for ils as it makes a world of difference and I wouldn't buy another tractor without ivt and ils.
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Posted 5/19/2011 11:00 (#1781736 - in reply to #1779831)
Subject: RE: IVT vs. Powershift?

take a look at the CVT (not the IVT), they are using the cvt that has been in the Fendt's since '96, not sure about problems/repairs/etc. but at least they dont use clutch packs.
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