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John Deere 4250?
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Posted 2/18/2011 13:10 (#1621391)
Subject: John Deere 4250?

Southern Middle Tennessee
I'm looking at getting a planter tractor to run a 12 row planter and have found a 4250 with a cab. What's the deal on this tractor? Does it have the 466 turbocharged motor. I knew John Deere put the german motor in one of the series about this size. The one I'm looking at has the 15 speed power shift transmission. Tractor has around 5500 hours on it and the paint is faded. What do you think it'd be worth. The guy is asking 17 for it. Anything specific I need to check out when I look at it?
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Posted 2/18/2011 13:45 (#1621439 - in reply to #1621391)
Subject: RE: John Deere 4250?

Those are very good tractors. Just sold a 86' with 9300 hrs. on it for 27,500 with a 158 loader. Never touched engine or transmission in all those years and we had it since new. Pulled a 7100 JD mounted planter and a 7200 drawn. Both were 12-30. Very dependable. Ours dynoed at around 155 HP.
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Posted 2/18/2011 15:00 (#1621531 - in reply to #1621439)
Subject: RE: John Deere 4250?

Did that 7100 have lift assist wheels?
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Posted 2/18/2011 21:11 (#1622126 - in reply to #1621531)
Subject: RE: John Deere 4250?

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Posted 2/18/2011 13:52 (#1621448 - in reply to #1621391)
Subject: Re: John Deere 4250?

Keymar, Maryland
I think you have a great deal at 17. I dont know of anything to look for other than obvious things. The 466's are great motors.
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Buster 50
Posted 2/18/2011 14:47 (#1621515 - in reply to #1621391)
Subject: Re: John Deere 4250?

North West IA/western AZ
If you don't buy it email me the contact!
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Posted 2/18/2011 16:11 (#1621610 - in reply to #1621515)
Subject: Re: John Deere 4250?

near dyersville iowa
but its a southern tractor...sorry..just had to throw it in there..
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Posted 2/18/2011 19:47 (#1621953 - in reply to #1621610)
Subject: Re: John Deere 4250?

johnwayne360 - 2/18/2011 14:11

but its a southern tractor...sorry..just had to throw it in there..

TN isn't in the south according to some on this board.

Price sounds about right IMO and the hours are good hope it works out.
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Posted 2/18/2011 15:40 (#1621581 - in reply to #1621391)
Subject: RE: John Deere 4250?

4250 is a updated 4430 w the 466 and turbo. A WONDERFUL tractor. Starts well when its cold out, not too hard on fuel, pretty bulletproof. I have had two of them--they will pull a 12 row planter with ease. Both had over 10,000 hrs and neither had been touched, engine/transmission-wise when I traded them. Keep the water pump changed often--maybe 3-4000 hrs, as when they shuck out coolant can go into the oil.

Both of mine were a bit louder in the cab than the 4640's I had at the same time--we never could figure out why--but they are considerable quieter than a 4430.

I have never had to do axle bearings, mine have always checked out within specs (I always sent mine in for winter inspection every other year) but I guess that can be pricy. I had new injectors put in both around 7500 hrs, if I remember right.

I would think $17,000 is about $10,000 too low IF IT IS A NICE ONE.

I still have a 4230--I wish I kept one of my 4250's instead.
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Big Square
Posted 2/18/2011 16:45 (#1621644 - in reply to #1621391)
Subject: RE: John Deere 4250?

Eastern Half of Kansas
I would imagine you are thinking of the 4050 with the 359 turbo or the 466 motor.
The tractor you are referring to, buy it, you wont loose a penny, if as discribed.
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Posted 2/18/2011 17:09 (#1621666 - in reply to #1621644)
Subject: RE: John Deere 4250?

Saskatchewan, big whitetail country!!!

17 000??? 

I'm on my way... 

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Posted 2/18/2011 17:36 (#1621701 - in reply to #1621391)
Subject: Re: John Deere 4250?

Southern Middle Tennessee
Bought it! Thanks guys!
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Jon S
Posted 2/18/2011 17:59 (#1621740 - in reply to #1621701)
Subject: Re: John Deere 4250?

Do you feel guilty?

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Posted 2/18/2011 21:09 (#1622123 - in reply to #1621740)
Subject: Re: John Deere 4250?

You should never feel guilty if someone names his price or agrees to your price. ;)
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Posted 2/19/2011 01:31 (#1622517 - in reply to #1622123)
Subject: Re: John Deere 4250?

middle TN
I gotta remember to call ya'll next time I am looking for something, let you find and get a price for me:) If the 4250 is in any kind of shape it should be a steal.

Jared in TN.
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Posted 2/19/2011 20:54 (#1623761 - in reply to #1622517)
Subject: Re: John Deere 4250?

We're developing a reputation I guess. Actually, we wound up not buying it, Blueraid thought he had made a deal on the phone last night. When we got there he wouldn't take $14,500 for it. We thought he was going to, but he wouldn't come off another $1,000 so we decided to not call his bluff.

If anyone wants a good running powershift 4250 that is on the rough side but could be cleaned up for a couple thousand bucks let me know and I'll e-mail you his number. I believe $15,000 will take it home and it is located in L.A. (Lower Alabama).

I guess the real reason we didn't buy it was that we were to proud to meet him halfway. ;)

I can e-mail you some pics, but they are a little bit flattering.

Edited by zkeele 2/19/2011 20:55
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Posted 2/18/2011 22:55 (#1622355 - in reply to #1621391)
Subject: Re: John Deere 4250?

Saskatchewan, big whitetail country!!!
I'll give you 18, 18, 18 ,18 anybody 18. lol goooood buy.
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Posted 2/19/2011 21:00 (#1623773 - in reply to #1621391)
Subject: RE: John Deere 4250?


What the heck... here is the dude's craigs listing.


If anyone gets it, let me know how you came out.

Edited by zkeele 2/19/2011 21:07
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