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Jump Starting a Tractor
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Wayne NC IL
Posted 2/11/2011 16:20 (#1607937)
Subject: Jump Starting a Tractor

All of my tractors have 12 volt batteries with a negative ground except one old 1955 tractor. It has a 12 volt battery but it is a positive ground. Is it safe to jump start the tractor with the positive ground with one of the tractors or my truck which have negative grounds?
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Posted 2/11/2011 16:53 (#1607977 - in reply to #1607937)
Subject: RE: Jump Starting a Tractor

A "few" years ago Dad jumped the 6 volt MH with the 12 volt car

left the jumpers on too long had to let the MH die

then re jumped and he was good to go
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Jon Hagen
Posted 2/11/2011 17:00 (#1607987 - in reply to #1607977)
Subject: Re: Jump Starting a Tractor

Hagen Brothers farms,Goodrich ND
No problem jump starting a 12V pos ground rig with a 12V neg ground rig as long as you do not let the machines touch. Make sure your connecting + to + and - to - on both batteries.
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Posted 2/11/2011 17:06 (#1607994 - in reply to #1607987)
Subject: Re: Jump Starting a Tractor

Davenport, Washington
Yes + to + and -to - for starting. But your question also included "is it safe". Still need to make the last connection to the frame rather than to the top of the battery where gases might explode.
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Posted 2/11/2011 20:22 (#1608369 - in reply to #1607994)
Subject: Re: Jump Starting a Tractor

NW Ohio,near Findlay
Agree, however if one is computerized, make sure you don't lose ground. If you try and start with jumpers on, and the draw of starter might make you drop connection. With the computer system, they are grounded to frame, and they will be the ground and burn the system up. Drove a perfectly good Dodge Van to lake, run the battery down, jumped it. Trying to start it, cables lost contact, shook them, started van. Transmission from that point on was screwed up, wouldn't shift correct, shifted it manually somewhat to get home. New computer box, and yes I had the jumpers on correctly, I did it. OK to charge with another battery on jumper, but unhook cables when attempting to start, so my $1000 tranny man said. I know my new van, I'm not jumping anything, absolute emergency, would unhook battery. What to others think.
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Posted 2/11/2011 20:36 (#1608395 - in reply to #1608369)
Subject: Re: Jump Starting a Tractor

Brazilton KS

I jump stuff very frequently with my Dodge van, everywhere from other vehicles, to semis, to tractors, to 24v heavy equipment.  Jumper cables are stored under the hood, one end hooked on each of the brace rods from the cowl to the radiator support. It's been my field vehicle for five or six years now and I'm sure it's been involved in hundreds of jump starts.

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Posted 2/11/2011 21:19 (#1608502 - in reply to #1608395)
Subject: Re: Jump Starting a Tractor

Davenport, Washington
With all due respect, Plowboy, your situation is not the same as dondozer. His van had the low battery whereas yours was jumping the other rig with a low battery. On the other hand starting the old tractor with your van wouldn't cause the trouble dondozer is refering to, as you have stated. Generally speaking on non computor rigs with alternators the only burned up thing that can happen when you jump backwards - to+ is melted battery post. Even then with two half-way charge batteries it will just melt down the lead posts. If you happen to jump backwards with one good battery and one dead battery you fry the alternator diodes in the vehicle with the dead battery. Generator systems are not so connected. So if the old tractor is still with a generator in it all that will happen is battery post melt down when jumped backwards. Except also that possible gas explosion I refer to earlier. And melted lead in your eyes!

Edited by IHforever 2/11/2011 21:26
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Posted 2/11/2011 19:51 (#1608300 - in reply to #1607987)
Subject: Re: Jump Starting a Tractor

What jon said on the touching. Any metal to metal contact between the 2 will really hamper the process.

Plus you can end up with a burnt spot where you mioght not want it.
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John Smith
Posted 2/11/2011 17:03 (#1607989 - in reply to #1607937)
Subject: RE: Jump Starting a Tractor

South Central Illinois
I do it all the time, just make sure you connect positive to positive and negative to negative.
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Wayne NC IL
Posted 2/12/2011 01:28 (#1608944 - in reply to #1607937)
Subject: Re: Jump Starting a Tractor

All agree that batteries should be jumped positive to positive and negative to negative. What happens when the tractor with the negative battery starts? It has a generator, not an alternator. Will the generator cause damage to the truck or tractor being used to do the jumping since it seems like the generator will be charging the jumper truck or tractor backwards?
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Posted 2/12/2011 07:03 (#1609077 - in reply to #1608944)
Subject: Re: Jump Starting a Tractor

not really backwards
still + to +
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Wayne NC IL
Posted 2/12/2011 11:29 (#1609470 - in reply to #1609077)
Subject: Re: Jump Starting a Tractor

Thank you.
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