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Hydroswing doors
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Posted 11/30/2010 17:36 (#1461656)
Subject: Hydroswing doors

Our door is 3 months late anyone else have this problem? Looks like one more year putting up with old door.
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Dennis SEND
Posted 11/30/2010 17:58 (#1461683 - in reply to #1461656)
Subject: Re: Hydroswing doors

Same here not three months yet but ordered @ Farm Progress show, was told 6 weeks is now 3 months called and is schedled to be built in January told them don't bother till march as I don't use the building during the winter months anyways (full of machinery that I don't need) but they did give me a pretty good discount on the remote opener when I called today!! Dennis SEND
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Posted 11/30/2010 20:14 (#1461949 - in reply to #1461683)
Subject: Re: Hydroswing doors

I got a door from Rick's Welding. Great customer service and I got the door exactly when we were ready for it. I could tell the difference when I was pricing already. I tried to get a price from Hy. and could tell already they were a big company that would be hard to deal with. Decided on a Powerlift door and have been nothing but happy since.
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mike in sw mn
Posted 11/30/2010 21:06 (#1462100 - in reply to #1461656)
Subject: Re: Hydroswing doors

Walnut Grove MN USA
Thing is 4560 Hydroswing company isn't really much if any bigger the Ricks. In fact I my give the edge to Ricks since he has 4 or 5 other welding shops building his doors as well. Hydroswing has been around longer. I drove by both places today and really wasn't all that far from Schwiess bifold doors either. I got one of Ricks doors and no complaints yet. 4 business days from order to install, and Rick was on vacation at the time, but got back in time to install my door.
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Posted 12/1/2010 00:23 (#1462575 - in reply to #1461656)
Subject: RE: Hydroswing doors

Yes .... we are getting calls because the hydraulic doors are late by 3 months or lumber yard customer of theirs called and said they shipped the door less the cylinders and pump..
And are calling and asking where and when are the rest of the parts gonna be one can confirm a ship date. Most of the guys paid down 50% and are worried about the door deposit and want to order a door they can get in a timely manner...because of this snowstorm that is dumping on us here in minnesota...we feel sorry to hear this is going on in the door industry !
Hydraulic Doors are nice doors, but hope this is not giving the doors a bad name...Mike S
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Posted 12/1/2010 14:30 (#1463355 - in reply to #1461656)
Subject: Re: Hydroswing doors

Leesburg, Ohio
So what has changed at Hydroswing? In 03 when we bought ours, they were great to work with, answered all our questions, sent drawings for our builder, handled a warranty issue we had with no delays at their expense. Now I'm hearing all kinds of bad stuff about them. Did a larger co. buy them out, or someone leave? Shouldn't matter who owns them, service should still be a priority! I'm really sorry to hear they have gone downhill. I still love the door!
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mike in sw mn
Posted 12/1/2010 19:17 (#1463737 - in reply to #1463355)
Subject: Re: Hydroswing doors

Walnut Grove MN USA
new ownership witin the last few years. Lots has changed.
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Posted 12/1/2010 21:48 (#1464039 - in reply to #1463737)
Subject: Re: Hydroswing doors

A ex installer of there's called and wanted to buy cylinders from Us ...we gave him prices and are willing to help the end user out..another lumber yard from michigan got their door but no cylinders and no hyd pump...and no ship date on the horizon ..we are trying to help him out also .....It's to bad this is happening to honest customers... another man from texas pd money down and has to pay more money down to get our hydraulic door.... but he is tired of waiting... Not good when you have to buy the same door twice... Something is wrong with whats happening..Mike S
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Posted 12/2/2010 11:26 (#1464779 - in reply to #1461656)
Subject: RE: Hydroswing doors

Plato, MN
We are also getting many calls. Feel free to give us a call to discuss. 1-800-747-1168
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Posted 12/2/2010 13:06 (#1464881 - in reply to #1461656)
Subject: RE: Hydroswing doors

Same problem here, there appear to be many of us, I am working with an attorney already, seems like its the only way to make them accountable for their negligence and shameless lack of responsibility. What bothers me the most is that they continue to take ppls money and continue to lie about their problems. Everyone that I talk to with the same problem receives a different story but one that has been said many times is that their cylinder supplier is at fault. I would love to speak with such supplier and ask them what is the real story behind. Particularly since there are many other door companies that dont seem to have any problems whatsoever, furthermore, there are dozens of cylinders suppliers in the nation, why not just use another one?
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Posted 12/2/2010 16:25 (#1465081 - in reply to #1464881)
Subject: Re: Hydroswing doors

Cylinders are easy to get....We can order a cylinder and have the cylinder within 10 days ...but keep in mind they must be paid for, which is important these days.... Spoke to a man yesterday he told me he paid over 30,000 dollars down
and now is willing to pay us our down payment because he tired of waiting for his first order of doors...Another man had the similar story from Texas, he told me he went to the lawyers office first then called us to place his door order... another man got his door and it had been given the new light weight design door with c-channels and he was not happy , he was used to getting the tube frame door
If you google ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ scams ) you can read some more stories , and they are not pretty..... They have nice literature ... something must be going on .... be careful Mike Schweiss
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Posted 3/2/2011 21:46 (#1646806 - in reply to #1465081)
Subject: Re: Hydroswing doors

As of of today 85 customers, Schweiss has helped in their door deliver problems, this is a huge number, all have reported similar experiences , New customers are still calling in, and are upset .. Something is going on !
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Posted 12/10/2010 13:59 (#1478412 - in reply to #1464881)
Subject: Re: Hydroswing doors

There are serious problems at Hydroswing. The current owner, Marshal Parker, bought Hydroswing back around the beginning of 2005. As some of you have mentioned, Hydroswing built a good product and stood behind it. That is, up until about 14 months ago when things started going down hill. Currently, the entire production staff of 40+ has been laid-off and there is no production planned until AFTER the first of the year. Lack of guidance and knowledge by it's owner, coupled with poor management and a non-existent quality control program are a few of the problems this company faces. The sales staff continues to sell, making commitments for delivery, knowing those commitments cannot be met. Their main concern at this point is to get your deposit, then put you off until whenever. Up until very recently, there were about 100 doors piled up on the ground at their production facility . After being shutoff by suppliers, they could not get the required parts to finish the doors, so there they sat. Not to mention the fact that their trucking service halted delivery of doors. They can try to blame it on suppliers but, the truth of the matter is that they weren't paying their bills and the suppliers cut them off. PERIOD. I'm not sure what the future holds for Hydroswing. I would highly recommend leaning on them until you get your product or your money back. I'm not sure how much success you'll have with the latter since I'm sure they are paying old bills with new deposit money. If you are in the market for a door, you may want to source it from one of the more reputable companies out there. Call your States Attorney General, the BBB and let others know what you are going through. Force them to take action, one way or another.
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Posted 12/28/2010 22:32 (#1512305 - in reply to #1478412)
Subject: Re: Hydroswing doors

I started my building six months ago. The door was ordered in March. I am getting the same run around, they can't get the cylinders.........can't get parts...etc. I was told today it would be the middle of February before I would get my door. My shop is completely built with a big hole in the front. I thought I was ordering from a "reliable" company, and I sure didn't expect this. I wish I had found this forum six months ago. DO NOT ORDER FROM THIS COMPANY!!!!!!!!!! No matter what they promise, even if they give you a delivery date, do not believe them. I had plans to work in my shop this winter, but doomed to another winter of honey do jobs. lol
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Posted 12/29/2010 15:11 (#1513489 - in reply to #1512305)
Subject: Re: Hydroswing doors

Plato, MN
Plowboy, there are options even if you have paid a deposit. Feel free to call 1-800-747-1168 or We have been helping many people in your same situation.
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Posted 3/2/2011 20:11 (#1646559 - in reply to #1464881)
Subject: Re: Hydroswing doors

Hydroswing has closed their doors with about 150 door orders that are half paid for. They are broke and cannot get any hydraulic parts or metal or shipping. They have been cut of totally. Marshal Parker is the owner and has fled to the UK. His mobile number is +44 7860 400846 . I tried to call him with no answer or returned call. If all orders were the same as mine he has defrauded everyone of about $750,000.00 . That's a lot of money. I suggest nobody else orders a door from Hydroswing. If you used a credit card to place the order you can have the credit card company reverse the charge. I paid by check so there is no recourse but to sue.
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Posted 5/13/2011 21:24 (#1773230 - in reply to #1464881)
Subject: RE: Hydroswing doors

Word on the streets is that there is a new player in the Overhead Hydraulic Door Market! After a bit of research on the old google machine I found this... Not much to their website but thats understandable as a brand new company... you can at least find their phone number and submit a quote request, which is good. After a bit more research, I found this... According to Mr. Schweiss, Icon Doors or “Brand-X” as he refers to them, consists of all of the old Hydroswing staff... wait, I thought “Brand-X” WAS Hydroswing??? Maybe he should call Icon Doors “Brand-Y” so they don’t cause confusion in the market. Even if Icon Doors does have all of the old staff from Hydroswing, its under new ownership so who cares!? Marshal Parker, (former owner of Hydroswing) wont even show up to his own bankruptcy hearings so theres no way he is involved with this new company, and theres no way the old Hydroswing staff would go back to work for that man!

I am one of the unfortunate many who were screwed over by Hydroswing... its a true shame to have had it happen to me as a customer, and to all of the honest hard working staff that made up that company. I lost my down payment, never got my door and was forced to buy what I would consider a “second choice” door from Schweiss. But I needed a door fast to close up my building, so the choices were limited, plus Schwiess could get me a door with very short lead time, maybe they were slow?

I’m a little confused as to why Mike Schweiss is making such a big deal about all of the old Hydroswing staff working for a new company??? I heard that Mike Schweiss had called many of the old Hydroswing staff himself to offer them jobs! Sounds a little hypocritical to me! And more power to them, in this economy... to have gotten a job so quick doing what they love and are good at! GET-ER-DONE!!! And Mr. Schweiss keeps making a point in his EXTREMELY illiterate rants on his make-shift blog about how “its the same thing, same company, same staff, same thing going to happen, don’t get screwed over by this new Brand-X, they are up to the same stealing of deposits that the old Brand-X was... blah blah blah!” Oops, I didn’t spell enough words wrong or have enough bad grammar to quote Mike Schwiess! ;)

Lets think about this for a second... what business owner in their right mind is going to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions of dollars on equipment, buildings, computers, setup costs, advertising, payroll etc... etc... just to take peoples money and not build them a door!? Mike Schweiss, get back to work and stay off the computer! Theres enough room in the door market for everyone. Truth of the matter is, Schweiss makes a hell of a Bi-Fold and theres people out there who will use nothing but! But when it comes to Hydraulic Doors, its never been their game, they are the ones riding the coat tails of others.

I for one, will be giving Icon Doors a call next time I need a quote on a door, just to give them a chance as a new up and coming business in this scary business world. I called them today just to see what the scoop was, it sounds very small scale, similar to Ricks Welding, but from what I gather, the business is owned by an engineer or electrical specialist... something along those lines. When you consider the background of the other 3 owners... it kind of speaks volumes.
Chicken Plucker...
Farm Machinery Maintenance...
Foreigner who WILL steal from you... /

The staff of Hydroswing were only doing what they were told to do by the very crooked owner in order to keep their jobs. Mike Schweiss says he would chose his integrity over a job if such circumstances presented themselves... well look at what he is doing on his and other’s blogs in an attempt to push out the competition! In my opinion, the only person he is giving a bad name is himself.

I hope this helps anyone who is looking for a new door or has been screwed over by the unfortunate situation with Hydroswing. Best of luck to all involved in the future.

P.S. Mike Schweiss... if you are going to keep ranting on your website and the forums... please let someone proof read your posts before you go live with it... My wife is a 3rd grade school teacher and she says her students write better than you do!

Edited by tractorfarmer 5/18/2011 10:05
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Posted 1/11/2011 12:54 (#1541558 - in reply to #1461656)
Subject: RE: HydroSwing doors is a mess!

This company is a mess... We ordered two doors in early August, scheduled for October delivery. It's mid-January and the best we can do is pick up the door frames. We are missing the hydraulic cylinders, the pumps, the windows, the hydraulic hoses/lines, and the rubbers seals for both doors. Hopefully the rest of the order is complete! We paid 50% down and the only way they will release the beams and bolts, etc is for us to pay another 25%. (WE TRIED!). They have absolutely NO confirmed delivery date on the rest of the parts. The owner is in the U.K., and the local managers have no authority to make decisions. It's unbelievable.

Our next post is to file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. (
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Posted 1/11/2011 14:13 (#1541738 - in reply to #1541558)
Subject: Re: Hydroswing doors

Lantry, SD
Same deal here- door is done, but no hardware, and they are supposed to deliver and install.
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Posted 4/24/2011 18:25 (#1742442 - in reply to #1541558)
Subject: RE: HydroSwing doors is a mess!

Any luck with the BBB? can the door frames be picked up or is the business closed up? sounds like enough people to make a lawyer affordable to me.
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Posted 1/13/2011 21:28 (#1547436 - in reply to #1461656)
Subject: Re: Hydroswing doors

Got similar problems here. I'm a contractor from Kansas and have installed several of Hydroswings doors for several Happy customers. Have never had problems in the past until this last year. I currently have 2 doors for 2 different customers that have been shipped without cylinders. The doors were delivered in September and paid in full. One door was wrong dimension and was told I would be reimbursed for altering the door opening. Only to be half way through January and still no work on cylinders. Does anyone out there know where I can get cylinders? Don't know what to do.
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Posted 1/15/2011 06:45 (#1550027 - in reply to #1547436)
Subject: Re: Hydroswing doors

Hydro Power hydraulic doors manufactured by SCHWEISS , YES we have been doing the one piece swing door for about 10 years now.. SCHWEISS has the cylinders and the pumps are willing to HELP anyone out !
We just loaded a pump and cylinders on a customer truck and headed back to Cedar Rapids Ia..... I told him if your missing parts ever show up ...I would give him all his money back in FULL !
Here's my cell number , 320-905-3241 mike schweiss SORRY to hear this is happening !
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Posted 2/10/2011 06:38 (#1604820 - in reply to #1461656)
Subject: Re: Hydroswing doors

I have the same problem, door promised 3 week of Dec. 2010, then 2ed week of Jan. 2011, no door than I was told end of March, but don’t hold my breath, I was told my door was not started yet, so I canceled my order and ask for a letter saying it was canceled, no letter yet 3 weeks later, and they said there has been no refunds yet. now they want take any of my calls or return any calls.
I have now ordered a door from Higher power doors, they are local, wish I would of known of them first. they are only 45 miles from my house and I think I'm going to get a better door.
looks like I'm out $3180.00 deposit.
There web site said they will be at the Louisville Farm Show, I will pay them a visit.

is there a class action suit started that anybody knows about yet?
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Chad H
Posted 5/13/2011 21:52 (#1773302 - in reply to #1461656)
Subject: RE: Hydroswing doors


You have 4 posts here in your first day and every one of them is the exact same text promoting one company. It's not real hard to figure out that you obviously are an employee or owner of said company doing a poor job disguising yourself as a customer. That said, your rant here hasn't impressed me and neither did Mr. Schweiss'. Just makes me more glad we chose to go with a Powerlift door. Everyone who has both a Hydroswing and Schweiss says the Schweiss is a better door. Everyone who has either of the previously mentioned doors and a Powerlift says the Powerlift is the better door bar none. When I talked to Rick he didn't have to slam his competitors. He let his quality and satisfied customers speak for themselves.

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Posted 5/15/2011 11:30 (#1775777 - in reply to #1461656)
Subject: Re: Hydroswing doors

Deep South
Hey guys! new to the forum!

I think you may have hit the nail on the head with that one Chad H.  Or it could really just be someone who doesn’t like Mike Schweiss, witch if you’ve have been installing large doors like I have for the past 10 years, you would no thats not uncommon.  I think both Mike Schweiss and that guy who owned Hydroswing have done a dang good job of giving themselves a bad name, but what they don’t realize, is that its not only giving them a bad name, its giving the entire market a bad name!  its getting harder and harder for me to recommend a door without having to answer 20 questions about what kind of reputation the company has.  This is the overhead door market we are talking about and these business owners are bickering back and forth like my kids on facebook!  Someone should take away there computers!!!  The deal with Hydroswing put a bad taste in everyones mouths, what the industry needs now is simply a good solid company who delivers a good product and than stands behind it, and if they hear about another companies door falling down, let them deal with it, don’t go on a rampage about it!  Let the product, and word of mouth sell itself! END OF STORY!
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Posted 5/27/2011 15:21 (#1794789 - in reply to #1775777)
Subject: Re: Hydroswing doors

Plato, MN
Well said largedoorinstall crew. If you are looking for a Door Company that relies on it's product to sell itself. Give us a call 800-747-1168.
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Posted 5/17/2011 17:58 (#1779465 - in reply to #1461656)
Subject: Re: Hydroswing doors

After these posts were brought to my attention, we decided it was best to just address it head on and make our intentions very clear. To our knowledge, it was not one of our employees that wrote any of the above posts. And while we certainly appreciate the plug, we are not going to engage in petty bickering or spend our time bashing competitors. We are here to build a solid and successful business by building you great doors and standing behind them. Period.

It is true that Icon Doors has hired some former Hydroswing employees. They are good, hardworking people with a lot of integrity who were themselves victims of what happened. From a business perspective it makes sense, why wouldn’t you want to start a new company with highly experienced staff? Rest assured that after their previous experience, the staff at Icon Doors is very excited to build a solid business the right way, and highly motivated to reverse the perceptions of this industry with a great product and solid and ethical business practices. We look forward to earning your business!
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Posted 7/13/2011 14:31 (#1861344 - in reply to #1461656)
Subject: Re: Hydroswing doors

I have been contacted by the Auctioneer to see if I am interested on purchasing my door (only door frame) for which I had paid a deposit. I will have to buy the hydraulics and everything else. The price is right so that I can at least get some of my deposit back. The problem is, how do I ship this down to Texas? The trucking company from the area says they would do it but at as a single shipment load which means that I have to pay $3,000 which would then make it unfeasible.

I wonder if anyone else is having the same dilemma?
feel free to answer here to directly email me.
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Posted 7/16/2011 15:25 (#1865861 - in reply to #1861344)
Subject: Re: Hydroswing doors

We have been helping several former HydroSwing customers with this problem. Our shop is only a few miles from the old HydroSwing factory, so we can pickup your door for you and bring it to our facility. From there we can add it to one of our loads heading to your general area. This will greatly reduce the shipping cost to you. Also, if you would like, we can furnish all of the items necessary to complete your door system, as well as provide you with any support you may need. If this will help you please call our office and we will arrange to have your door picked up.
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Posted 10/17/2011 20:29 (#2008118 - in reply to #1461656)
Subject: Re: Hydroswing doors

New hydraulic farm door on horizon . . new nicely priced . . . bigger cylinders, better pump and easy to install schweiss
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