Posted 6/18/2010 22:27 (#1242313 - in reply to #1242280) Subject: RE: one shank subsoiler and drainage ball
Owings, Maryland 38.6856 N 76.6752 W
Deere made a single shank subsoiler back in the day, you could weld a chain and ball on any of them I reckon, just as well to put a big enough tooth on it to achieve more fracturing/disturbance.
Several short lines probably off something but may not be worth the trouble, I think the Deere was numbered as a 12 but I am not sure. Do a search, Google is your friend............
Posted 6/18/2010 22:44 (#1242364 - in reply to #1242280) Subject: Re: one shank subsoiler and drainage ball
I use to own a Blu-Jet 3 shank subsoiler. It would work a 200 hp tractor. Back in the '50s we pulled a single shank with a SM, with an M chained to the front for good measure.
Not sure if it here on NAT or where but someone recently posted a pic of a single shank 3pt unit that they were wondering about using to put in shallow tile with. Might try doing a "search."
Posted 6/18/2010 22:53 (#1242381 - in reply to #1242280) Subject: Re: one shank subsoiler and drainage ball
Leesburg, Ohio
There was the occasional one tried around here several decades ago in the wet spots. You know what? Those spots are still wet unless they've been tiled out!
Maybe there is a soil type somewhere on this earth that it might work in for a week or two. But if the soil is wet enough to need it, it's probably not going to keep enough structure to let any water flow. I've never seen one work.
if you're going to the trouble to run a single shank ripper, why not pull some tile in?
Posted 6/18/2010 23:10 (#1242410 - in reply to #1242381) Subject: Re: one shank subsoiler and drainage ball
S.E. South Dakota
A friend of my dads pulled a JD single shank with the ball and chain in his low spots.It was very dry that fall and gave his 4755 MFD all it wanted.It really helped is farm.No were to tile them too.
Posted 6/18/2010 23:13 (#1242422 - in reply to #1242381) Subject: Re: one shank subsoiler and drainage ball
N/E Iowa
i have an ole' one shank deere, with ball and chain. painted up and sitting in my "rock garden" The old guy that I rent ground from said It took 90 plus hp to pull it in black ground? He said he pulled it with a 4020, and would pull it 12 to 14 inches deep.
Posted 6/19/2010 13:06 (#1242973 - in reply to #1242857) Subject: Re: one shank subsoiler and drainage ball
Leesburg, Ohio
I guess no one told them in northern Ohio that muck ground can't be's been working there for over a hundred years. Alot of the best ground up there was the old "Black Swamp" before it was drained with tile.
Posted 6/19/2010 05:18 (#1242639 - in reply to #1242280) Subject: Re: one shank subsoiler and drainage ball
East Kansas, DeSoto
Back in the late 40's and 50's in my area used for the side hill seeps and in so called theory of the day help build sub soil moisture. Farmers were remembering the drought years of the area. In clay soil pulled so hard seldom used. Did not go over to well. Gifford