Your 100% right...... Lexion came out with advanced electronics 5 years before the limited release of the 8010. Our new 8010 (one of the last ones made) came before last harvest. Sieve adjustment were a mess, think its fixed now. Thought after many different yeild monitors throughout the last 15 years I though FINNALLY a monitor that is easy and actually works!!!!!!!! Then it went kapputt. Dealer came through, crop came out, stuff got fixed, but my opinion of engineering on the red beast is sub par. For the guy who said something about not owning a combine for more than ten years because of electronics (i think thats what was said?) Lexion has had it fugured out....I'd even say they are bullet proof (aside from fire)... Last year was a bad year to judge a combine, wet wet wet, hoping to keep an open mind throughout this season...... For the guy who said his neighbor traded to green and thats all he needed to know, I got a neighbor that bought two new 9770's, one ran flawless, the other had 4 total days without either shutting down, or having the tech out. Shoot, even lexions break down. |