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IH 4366 or 4386
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Posted 11/27/2009 08:43 (#940346)
Subject: IH 4366 or 4386

Still looking at older 4wd, just to work wash outs and the occasional ruts in our no till operation. Will only be hooked to an IH 490 21' or a IH 24' FC, so not a big load and will not see many acres per year, maybe 100 total. Was looking at the Case 2670 and 4690, as we are familiar with the 504 engine and 3spd powershift. But, i have run across some straight, reasonable houred IH machines, 466 engine, simple truck tranny.

Opinions? Remember small acreage, reasonable sized equipment. My thought, spend $6,000 to get it bought, spend $6,000 on repairs and air ride seat, then I would have a small 4wd for the next several years.

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Posted 11/27/2009 09:02 (#940371 - in reply to #940346)
Subject: Re: IH 4366 or 4386

the trans was lubed from the hyd of the tractor which we had lots of problems with years ago, i would block off the lube lines and fill with gear lube. other than that its a small frame steiger with a dt. we pulled a 28 foot 490 when we had it .
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Posted 4/9/2015 19:32 (#4507085 - in reply to #940371)
Subject: Re: IH 4366 or 4386

can you just cap them off and fill with 80w90 or what do you have to do.
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Posted 11/27/2009 09:49 (#940404 - in reply to #940346)
Subject: Re: IH 4366 or 4386

west central illinois
The 4686 is a pretty good old tractor but has no pto option if ever you needed to go down that road. The rear ends and axles are 1066 and the parts a easy to come by. The a/c was just good enough to keep the sweat from running down your head on a hot day and bad rough ride. All in all fairly good work horse.
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Posted 11/27/2009 11:33 (#940479 - in reply to #940346)
Subject: RE: IH 4366 or 4386

central sask
We have a very clean 4366 that we maybe get 50-100 hours on per year pulling a 39' CIH 5600 w/spikes or a 45' 5600 with 16" shovels (very shallow, 33' w/wings folded in deeper pulling). Loud ,dirty and rough but otherwise good for straight pulling. 4386 has a 12' leon 6way blade and 8-15000 hours and is rougher shape. NOT a good blade tractor!!! hard on clutch/clutch-brake and release bearings. Both start very good even at 30-40 below (plugged in). Used it on rock hook as well but again not very agile and shifting is clumsy.
The hyd system is poor. The hubs have to be checked as they like to come loose.
Have had as good or better luck with the 3-4490 and 2 4690's we have had (still have 2-44 and a 46).
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Versatile Farmer
Posted 11/27/2009 11:40 (#940487 - in reply to #940346)
Subject: RE: IH 4366 or 4386

Southeast North Dakota
Not to be pushy but if you're looking at spending $12,000 to get the 4366 up and running why not look at a cheap old 800 or 850 Versatile. You can get them pretty cheap and they're a LOT more tractor than either a 4366 or 86. I know because 20 years ago dad had a 4366 and it was a toy compared to an older Versatile. Just a thought. That way if you ever had bigger needs for the older tractor you'd have some spare HP in reserve. You won't have anything in reserve with a 4366.
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Posted 11/27/2009 12:17 (#940515 - in reply to #940346)
Subject: RE: IH 4366 or 4386

Reply to the Versatile thought. How about a 1977 Versatile 500. I know where a 5500 hour one that is really sharp that can be bought for $10,000. It has the v8, but i would give the machine a 9 out of 10 on apperance for that age. Can the V8 be maintenanced reasonable? can it be replaced with some form of 6 cyl cummins?

It has pto and 3pt so would be real handy.

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Posted 11/27/2009 12:20 (#940520 - in reply to #940515)
Subject: RE: IH 4366 or 4386

The 500 was not versatile's best tractor. I agree with the other post about an 800 or 850. We have and have had several versatiles from the late 70s and early 80s. Easy to work on and keep going. From my travels, if you look around at people using 4wd tractors from the 70s and early 80s, the vast majority of them are versatiles - they just keep on going!
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Grain farmer
Posted 11/27/2009 12:33 (#940529 - in reply to #940520)
Subject: Re: IH 4366 or 4386

central alberta
I agree about the versatiles, as we have had an 835 (235hp) for the last 20 years and it has been flawless. The only thing we have needed to repair was the waterpump around 5000hrs. It would pull what you need, with no problem.
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Versatile Farmer
Posted 11/27/2009 22:22 (#941023 - in reply to #940515)
Subject: RE: IH 4366 or 4386

Southeast North Dakota
The 500 and 555 were Versatile's "mistake" tractors. They were totally different birds than the rest of the flock that's for sure. Buy that 850 for $7500 that other person listed with the new rubber--------you COULD NOT GO WRONG with that tractor!!!
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Posted 11/27/2009 12:58 (#940551 - in reply to #940346)
Subject: 7500 $ will buy this 850 Versatile

North End I-15
Will give you years of durable service. Good swivel seat with good uphostery . 600 hours on new tires.

(Harrow 004 (Small).jpg)

(Harrow 005 (Small).jpg)

Attachments Harrow 004 (Small).jpg (45KB - 677 downloads)
Attachments Harrow 005 (Small).jpg (45KB - 630 downloads)
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Posted 11/27/2009 13:34 (#940568 - in reply to #940551)
Subject: RE: What are you thinkin'

SW Saskatchewan
Selling the family jewels?


What are you going to do with your second chidlhood if you don't keep that toy?
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Posted 11/27/2009 13:51 (#940578 - in reply to #940568)
Subject: Well .....

North End I-15
Wifey says clean up the yard ! Tractor has 8000 plus hours , has had AC update (evaporator moved from back of cab to front of radiator). Triple Hyd Block on back of cab replaced , uses very little oil , will run 50 or more hours before needing any . Tires are bias ply 18.4 x38's Good years . It is my spare loaner tractor . Neighbors break down seeding and use it more than I . Used it to pull harrow and sprayer the last few years I ran it . It sits in the "row " needs a loving home . I bought it used in 83 , paid 16.5% interest on that old gal . It is one of the first of the 850 series . I believe a dealer told me it was # 8 made . (1973)
Wife is afraid I will start farming again if I hang on to it . ! Son in law is buying the 946 , air drill , semi , and tandem for his operation , seriously thinking of renting some small acreage to play with , mine is all rented out . :<(
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Posted 11/27/2009 20:08 (#940839 - in reply to #940346)
Subject: RE: IH 4366 or 4386- Same system on the 43's

central sask

Front diff provides oil for hyd, steering and lubes the tranny. IH must have had a sh$#@#load of them 2wd diffs laying around to bother havin Steiger put them in the 4wd's for them.

The dropbox is a weak spot as well .

We would like to find a 12-14' 6-way blade to fit a 9240, 9270/80. But also would rather abuse the 4386 than one of those four that we NEED during seeding etc. The 9240 and 0ne of the 9280's are powershift and would be slick for pushin snow!!!

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Posted 11/27/2009 21:56 (#940985 - in reply to #940839)
Subject: RE: IH 4366 or 4386- Same system on the 43's

central sask
both our 43's have Eaton 10 speeds in them, Same tranny in our 74 Hayes cabover tandem, minus the air shift.
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Posted 11/27/2009 23:59 (#941155 - in reply to #940985)
Subject: RE: IH 4366 or 4386- Same system on the 43's

central sask
We just did the clutch in our 4386 so maybe it was that or release bearing that said Eaton on it. Spicer
sounds right to me now.
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Paul I
Posted 2/14/2010 11:09 (#1074000 - in reply to #940346)
Subject: RE: IH 4366 or 4386

The neighbor has a 4366 laying in his shed that probably could be bought at a reasonable price.
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