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8RX Track Maintenance
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Posted 2/3/2025 13:44 (#11087208)
Subject: 8RX Track Maintenance

Waldron, MI
I've got our 8RX 370 in the shop doing winter maintenance. Tractor has about 1,200 hrs. and for some reason I was thinking the oil in the idler and mid-rollers needed to be changed at 1,500 hrs. I put about 400 hrs a year on and do a fair amount of roading so thought I would change it early rather than run it longer but when I went to look in the book for the change interval and procedure, it just say to check them. There is no oil change interval in the book for the idlers or mid-rollers. This is the first and only tracked tractor I've had so no other experience. Are 9RX's the same? What about 8RT? Is the oil really good for life or should I change it anyway?

Edited by bakerna4 2/3/2025 14:58
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Glenn W.
Posted 2/3/2025 14:56 (#11087327 - in reply to #11087208)
Subject: RE: 8RX Track Maintenince

Southeast Washington
I don't have a JD but on our quads and Challengers we changed the oil in them every 1,000 hours. The small Challenger reaction arm bearings were every 500 hours and our big Challengers the reaction arm bearing oil was every 200 hours along with the engine oil change.

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Posted 2/3/2025 16:32 (#11087437 - in reply to #11087208)
Subject: RE: 8RX Track Maintenance

1500 hour change interval.

That got changed recently, I'm not sure who had the idea they were lifetime lube.
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Posted 2/3/2025 17:26 (#11087536 - in reply to #11087437)
Subject: RE: 8RX Track Maintenance

Renville County, MN
Put clear caps on when you are changing oil then you can quickly see if one is low or if oil is getting dirty.
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Posted 2/3/2025 19:26 (#11087776 - in reply to #11087536)
Subject: RE: 8RX Track Maintenance

West Central MN
...or get water in them from pressure washing like Brock discovered.
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Posted 2/4/2025 21:15 (#11089539 - in reply to #11087208)
Subject: RE: 8RX Track Maintenance

Dennison, IL
I just watched your video. Lol. Change that oil. I put synthetic oil back in on ours.
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Posted 2/4/2025 22:08 (#11089601 - in reply to #11089539)
Subject: RE: 8RX Track Maintenance

West Central MN
Had water in one of the bearings this past fall during maintenance inspection @ 2k hours. Not sure where it came from, either trying to drown the tractor in wet fields or pressure washing?

Edit - Get the clear covers.

Edited by RecreationalTillage 2/4/2025 22:08
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