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Case Combine Upgrade
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Posted 6/19/2024 21:36 (#10780551)
Subject: Case Combine Upgrade

Looking at upgrading from a 6088 combine. Looking at everything in between used 6140-8250 range. The difference between dealer and auction is insane right now. Would you stick to midrange or go flagship? Is buying thru a dealer really worth anything these days? I've bought a used tractor and sprayer through a dealer and it doesnt seem like there's advantage to this, all have had problems that i've paid for? Looking at 500-900 separator hour area. Harvest 750 acres of corn (150-240 BPA) and Beans (35-60). Have a 4408 and 30' draper

Edited by dirtyd 6/19/2024 21:40
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Posted 6/19/2024 22:32 (#10780616 - in reply to #10780551)
Subject: RE: Case Combine Upgrade

Stanford IL
Biggest problem buying on auction is you have to sell yours. Still probably worth it.
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Posted 6/19/2024 22:55 (#10780634 - in reply to #10780551)
Subject: RE: Case Combine Upgrade

The most bang for your buck has typically been on big combines at dealer liquidation type auctions.

It may seem like overkill at first but you'll get over that if you end up with a Class 8 combine cheeap.

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Posted 6/20/2024 05:15 (#10780699 - in reply to #10780551)
Subject: RE: Case Combine Upgrade

Hanby Mill, AL
I upgraded to a 6140 a couple years ago.
It’s a ‘16 year model and had less than 1000
hours when I got it. I had it Ekotuned. It has
been a good machine. Our operations are similar
in size.
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Posted 6/20/2024 06:12 (#10780729 - in reply to #10780551)
Subject: RE: Case Combine Upgrade

north central Ohio
Only compliant I have about flagship is they seem to use more fuel per acre then they should when you run smaller head on them like we are. We went from a 2588 to 8120 for same observations you are. Similar crop yields as you and it is hard to get enough crop into the machine to use efficiently. Next grain head will probably be 40’. In good corn 8 row head is fine but it will never work it in your best corn. Running same acres we went from putting 400 hours on a 2588 closer to 300 on the 8120.
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Posted 6/20/2024 08:48 (#10780895 - in reply to #10780729)
Subject: RE: Case Combine Upgrade

Amherst WI
When I went from a 1460 to a 2188 I couldn't get past how much more fuel it used, and the 6130 is even worse. I guess that's productivity.
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Round Prairie Farms
Posted 6/20/2024 16:11 (#10781366 - in reply to #10780895)
Subject: RE: Case Combine Upgrade

Whitewater, WI
I wonder how much of that extra fuel is being used to make sure the egr or particulate filters are hot enough to burn the excess fuel off for emissions. It would make perfect government sense to use more fuel, to burn excess fuel, to pass their tests.
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Posted 6/20/2024 18:26 (#10781484 - in reply to #10781366)
Subject: RE: Case Combine Upgrade

NE SoDak
Case ih doesn't have that system. The use def. Nice try tho

Might be the how many more ponies eating more hay
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Posted 6/20/2024 07:41 (#10780830 - in reply to #10780551)
Subject: RE: Case Combine Upgrade

Malta, Illinois
With your acres it is a toss up. A Midrange would certainly do you just fine. As others have pointed out there are some auction bargains to be had on Flagship machines that would certainly be overkill for your operation but if you buy it right what difference does it make? Aftermarket parts are more readily available now than they were just a few years ago. That is a big deal because things seem to wear out faster on Flagships than a Midrange. Midrange combines have been bringing a premium price the last several years because the guy moving up from a 21 or 2388 or 66 is comfortable with that type of machine and doesn't want to move into a bigger machine he knows nothing about. Nothing wrong with Flagship and I don't regret the move but if we had to we could go back to Midrange and get along just fine. I think upfront cost on a large Flagship might be less than a Midrange. Overall cost of ownership it is possible the Midrange will win. You can't really go wrong either way. There have been a ton of upgrades on the Midrange since your 6088 came out. Just make sure you go with a 2015 or later. There were some pretty good upgrades from then on.
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Posted 6/20/2024 07:55 (#10780844 - in reply to #10780551)
Subject: RE: Case Combine Upgrade

West of Mpls MN about 50 miles on Hwy 12
If the purchase price is the same, buy a class 8...or 9 flagship no question.

My personal experience has been that when running the same amount acres the flagship machines wear out at about the same rate as a John Deere 7720 and 9600, the fuel consumption is about a third less/acre, and less hours will be put on the flagship machine to cover the same amount of acres.
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Farms With CASE
Posted 6/20/2024 11:00 (#10781095 - in reply to #10780551)
Subject: RE: Case Combine Upgrade

North Liberty and South Bend, Indiana
I'd seriously consider a CR. That said I'd go with a flagship.
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Posted 6/20/2024 12:05 (#10781168 - in reply to #10780551)
Subject: RE: Case Combine Upgrade

NE SoDak
7120s & 7230s they about give away now. They would play with those heads
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Posted 6/20/2024 14:20 (#10781274 - in reply to #10781168)
Subject: RE: Case Combine Upgrade

Boone, Iowa

I went from a 2388 with 30 ft platform to a 7120 and a 35 ft MacDon draper.  I am disappointed on how the 7120 handles the 35 ft draper.  I wish I had gone to an 8120 or a 7230.  I figured the draper would feed more evenly into the combine and the extra 5 ft of head wouldn’t be an issue.  I run the same 8-row Drago Series 1 head, but sometimes think the 7120 could handle a 12-row head.  I couldn’t haul away fast enough to keep up with a 12-row.

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Posted 6/21/2024 07:12 (#10781959 - in reply to #10781168)
Subject: RE: Case Combine Upgrade

why are they a give away just wondering
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Posted 6/20/2024 23:13 (#10781800 - in reply to #10780551)
Subject: RE: Case Combine Upgrade

WC Saskatchewan
He jumpmtonanglagship sized machine shouldn’t really bother anyone these days. They’ve had all of there weak points addressed by the aftermarket. They are a very capable machine when set up right.
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Posted 6/20/2024 23:15 (#10781802 - in reply to #10780551)
Subject: RE: Case Combine Upgrade

WC Saskatchewan
The jump to a flagship sized machine shouldn’t really bother anyone these days. They’ve they been around for almost 20 years, and had all of there weak points addressed by the aftermarket. And it easy to find information and people to get you by. They are a very capable machine when set up right.
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