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IH 3588 Good bad Ugly
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Posted 1/15/2024 08:13 (#10575045)
Subject: IH 3588 Good bad Ugly

Does anyone have any experience with these tractors? Thinking of getting one for tillage.
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Posted 1/15/2024 08:21 (#10575062 - in reply to #10575045)
Subject: RE: IH 3588 Good bad Ugly

central Ohio
They are fine if you use it for what it is. A front wheel assist not a heavy 4 wheel drive. I was told not to but front duels on for 2 reasons. 1st is that front will touch rears when turning sharp. 2nd is the front axels were not design for duals. Hope that helps. You get a lot of haters so just read them all.
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Posted 1/15/2024 08:29 (#10575080 - in reply to #10575045)
Subject: RE: IH 3588 Good bad Ugly

Hennepin, IL
Depends what you plan to pull with it. Simply put they were underbuilt for the power they could put to the ground. They were designed to run the same implements you ran with your 2wd tractor, just better. Problem is you can turn the screw, weight it down, and really have a horse. For awhile. Ended up with one a few years ago for a sprayer tractor and love it for that. Problem is I've been forever finding things wrong with it. Dad and uncle had one years ago that was a good machine but it rarely did any tillage. It was planter, cultivator, cart, manure spreader tractor and did all those jobs great. Big thing is if you're looking for one, don't find one that's been neglected mechanically. There's just too many things to go wrong on one. Honestly if you're wanting one for a ripper or >25' cultivator or >24' disk I'd look for something else.

Also if this sight makes you sick to your stomach, I'd probably move along to something else. Somewhat common on them.

Edited by AVP_Matt 1/15/2024 11:46

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G5 Ag
Posted 1/15/2024 13:37 (#10575723 - in reply to #10575080)
Subject: RE: IH 3588 Good bad Ugly

The only part of that pic that makes me sick to my stomach is your stacked blocks. I’m by no means a safety nazi but that setup is going to get you hurt.
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Posted 1/15/2024 08:44 (#10575108 - in reply to #10575045)
Subject: RE: IH 3588 Good bad Ugly

Ravenna Ohio
Have one. Problem is it's history. Check driveshaft off engine. If hitch components are really worn. I might be Leary. Used mine for planter. If it was used like the 4x4 1066 it is. Should be decent. When my driveshaft coupler bit dust. I had truck shop make shaft. Takes short turn radius rams and bunch of steering to get back in 15 ft passes. I liked the the tractor for the bucks. Mower tractor now. Disconnected diff lock.
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Posted 1/15/2024 09:16 (#10575185 - in reply to #10575045)
Subject: RE: IH 3588 Good bad Ugly

SE Wyoming
The problem us it's a big 4-wheel drive tractor that's only 126hp on the drawbar. No need for duals front or rear, you can get that much horsepower to the ground with singles. The gear shift setup is terrible, it has an 86 series cab with the doors that open backwards, they are not very nice to drive on the road. About the only good thing I can say about them is that they have a great engine.
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Posted 1/15/2024 11:14 (#10575436 - in reply to #10575185)
Subject: RE: IH 3588 Good bad Ugly

Southeast Colorado
Without duals on the rear they'll really rock and buck side to side at times. It can be a regular rodeo in there!
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Posted 1/15/2024 09:40 (#10575228 - in reply to #10575045)
Subject: RE: IH 3588 Good bad Ugly

We had a 3588 for tillage had duals front and back they were 16.9-38’s they didn’t hit when turning with that size. Pulled a 24’ disk. Biggest issue those tractors was the ppf hyd pump was the first version for IH. It would fail and you would lose steering. If your using a 66 or 86 series now it would be a a cheap upgrade
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Posted 1/15/2024 09:50 (#10575250 - in reply to #10575045)
Subject: RE: IH 3588 Good bad Ugly

Picked one up 3-4 years back. It had been neglected, so I knew it was a project. I’ve done multiple project tractors, but everything on these is kinda a throw together. Hydraulic pump, all u joints, starter, both steer cylinders and hoses, injection pump (knew this going in) were all thing that have been done. Usually by the 2nd year on these projects I have the bugs worked out - not real sure yet on this one. It’s fun to drive and the ultimate “cool” tractor for a kid who grew up in the 80’s, buts it’s kinda a love hate relationship. Awesome snow moving machine. Agree with the others- you need to treat it like a 1486 with fwa. Pull similar implements. It is way more maneuverable than you’d think- not much difference in turning vs my 1586. I really believe they’re gonna be collector tractors in the near future, I’ve seen ones rougher than mine sell for 2-3x what I paid for mine in similar condition. Some of the cosmetic parts that are 2+2 only are starting to be made by 3rd party vendors (grill). I’d love to repaint mine and make it really nice, but man that’s a big project. I put duals on back and it really helped the ride, otherwise it was like going across the field in a boat.
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Posted 1/15/2024 11:11 (#10575426 - in reply to #10575250)
Subject: RE: IH 3588 Good bad Ugly

in the middle
Not sure what improvements the 6588 had, but we really liked it. The fuel economy was excellent. Reliable tractor. We always made the joke, "If you turned around to look at the implement, the tractor turned to look too."

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Posted 1/15/2024 11:34 (#10575478 - in reply to #10575426)
Subject: RE: IH 3588 Good bad Ugly

I think the main difference is they moved the shifter to the other side of the cab, so it’s similar to a 3688 (86 series gears, but 88 series cab layout). Interesting to me I never bumped the levers on my 1586, but they do bother me on the 3588. The 70 series brought the sts transmission forward. A forum I’m part of has a group of guys who’s like to recreate the drop box from the 70 series, if you could do that you could basically put a magnum powershift on the back, which would be pretty sweet. Thats where they were going before the buyout.
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TP from Central PA
Posted 1/15/2024 11:38 (#10575491 - in reply to #10575426)
Subject: RE: IH 3588 Good bad Ugly

That 65 looks great, any more pictures of it...................I got one here that is a work in progress, don't really use it for anything but the price was right, it is sitting in my house driveway right out the window from me on the snowblower at the moment.
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Posted 1/15/2024 11:29 (#10575463 - in reply to #10575045)
Subject: RE: IH 3588 Good bad Ugly

Oskaloosa, Iowa 52577

We had both a 3788 and a 3588 at the same time.

We liked them.........tillage, planting, etc.

Put duals all the way around...........and had to watch when turning short, or fronts would rub the rears.

Comfortable...........ours were decent tractors, and did not have much for repairs.

But.........we did not use them as "baby 4wd's"..........I think an 11 shank chisel was as big as we put behind the 3788..........and it handled it just fine..........but so did our 1586 with a 466 motor.

I replaced the 3788 with a Versatile 875 with a Cummins 855.............that was a good move.........kept the 3788 and sold the 3588.

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Posted 1/15/2024 12:52 (#10575636 - in reply to #10575045)
Subject: RE: IH 3588 Good bad Ugly

I have a 3788 for about 12 years now. Almost same tractor, less gears is the biggest change. Mine must of came from a great background, very little trouble with it. Mine has used for some tillage but mostly as the bean planting tractor and grain cart. It's been very good to me. Finding one not abused is the fun part. Mine has 20.8-38's with dual's in the back only. In my ground I have pulled a 10 shank chisel plow, 22' 496 disk. It will roll right along with my 30' Hiniker drill. Pull a 840 bu grain cart also, it only gets filled on flat to slight rolling ground, does fine there too.
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Posted 1/15/2024 13:04 (#10575662 - in reply to #10575045)
Subject: RE: IH 3588 Good bad Ugly

Pesotum IL
UGLY is the key word! LOL
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Posted 1/15/2024 14:54 (#10575872 - in reply to #10575662)
Subject: RE: IH 3588 Good bad Ugly

Jeffersonville, OH
1680farmer - 1/15/2024 14:04

UGLY is the key word! LOL

LOL, I was waiting for someone to say something about it.

Everyone else summed it up pretty well, they had the same issues as almost every other IH built in those days. The engines were good for 200hp and then some, the rear ends were not, the TA's were not. Every 1066 or 1086 we've ever traded for I think the previous owner had to tell us how it dynos "180+" and pulls my chisel great.

Not saying they are bad tractors, but some people can tear anything up. The 426 AC engines were great at 160hp, but at 220hp they didn't last...but our rear ends were plenty good for the 220hp. All those older units had their good and bad points.

If you buy a 3588 expecting a 200hp tractor, you'll be disappointed...if you buy it expecting a solid 150hp you'll be happy!
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Posted 1/15/2024 14:23 (#10575812 - in reply to #10575045)
Subject: RE: IH 3588 Good bad Ugly

Had 3588 years ago... Saddle tanks on front for incorperation... No differance than typical troubles with 86 2WD tractors... Motor was easy to service... Held alot of fuel... and rode better than there short 2WD siblings... As long as you don't weight it down... You could dual them up, use steering stops and have a very light footed tractor... Cab layout was biggest complaint, Second was the goofy hyd couplers, Wear in center pivot housing is probably biggest thing to look for...
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Posted 1/15/2024 15:36 (#10575940 - in reply to #10575812)
Subject: RE: IH 3588 Good bad Ugly

Neighbors got one new , it stayed in the shop . Must have been some first year production problems .

The front end is from an IH utility tractor as i have been told .

Im a big IH/ case IH guy , but i don't want one of those
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Posted 1/15/2024 17:26 (#10576136 - in reply to #10575940)
Subject: RE: IH 3588 Good bad Ugly

Central Illinois - west of Peoria
I believe the front axle is actually a komatsu design or wheel loader application….
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Posted 1/15/2024 18:37 (#10576266 - in reply to #10576136)
Subject: RE: IH 3588 Good bad Ugly

SC Iowa
The front axle is the 574 utility rear end with a little bigger ring and pinion, same planetarys, same differential.
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Posted 1/15/2024 17:12 (#10576112 - in reply to #10575045)
Subject: RE: IH 3588 Good bad Ugly

Central Iowa
We had a 3588 yrs ago and got along good and used it on many things, make sure check middle pivot points ours broke in half going through the field
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Nate B.
Posted 1/16/2024 19:36 (#10578267 - in reply to #10575045)
Subject: RE: IH 3588 Good bad Ugly

Bremen, KS
Having a 3588 from 1982 to 1987 cured me of ever owning anything red again.
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