north-central Indiana west of Fulton | Straight chisel plowing in the spring is how most everyone used to do tillage here years ago…..many applied nh3 as they chiseled. As more acres were covered by many farmers, the appeal of fall tillage, particularly on fall corn stalks , became the norm. Nh3 was then applied in spring on soybean stubble that had no tillage with a toolbar and the chiseled corn stalks of coc. That way they were ready to plant in the spring. We no till soybeans , but still use a chisel in the spring ,on limited acres , on soybean stubble as we apply nh3. We also put nh3 on with a toolbar to get more covered. But the chisel is the same chisel from 40 years ago that is on 12” spacing on 3 bars. We like 2 “ straight points in the spring, no need for twisted in my opinion. Will leave it smoother and pull easier. One pass with a Caseih 330 ahead of the planter makes it smooth. We don’t do fall tillage , but many do…..most of our ground is sandy loam and not heavy enough for fall tillage.
Edited by Dave9110 9/24/2023 17:06