Boone, Iowa | I have a 46.5 ft TM II that has been a good machine. No cracking or welding has been done on the frame. Maybe I have lucked out having the four bar harrow and not a rolling basket. A couple of years ago, I did have to address a spot on a main lift tube that had filled up with dirt. Ended up cutting out the bottom of both lift tubes on the main frame. This allows the dirt to fall thru the tube and not build up. I see the TM 200 are built this way. I have the non-swiveling gauge wheels and have learned not to turn with the field cultivator in the ground, which can cause the tires to roll off the gauge wheel. I looked into upgrading to a pivoting gauge wheel and parts added up to $10,000. I am upgrading field cultivators and had been looking at TM 200’s in the 50-55 ft range. That pivot point between the inner and outer wing is an issue. I am told that you need to keep an eye on that pivot pin, catch it before the hole gets egg shaped and fix it. Some of the swiveling gauge wheels can get expensive to fix, since they didn’t have any bushings where the pin goes thru. The TM 255 are out of my price range, so I haven’t looked to see if the pivoting gauge assembly or the pivot point between the inner and outer wings have been improved. The serial tag on mine says TM 12.
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