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Northeast Indiana | Compared to the 360 Ydrops, they are definitely inferior. Being light weight is very much a negative when side dressing with ydrops. The lighter weight C&R Supply ydrops bounce around and sway from side to side much more than the 360 ydrops. Due to the extra movement and the design of the C&R Supply ydrops, you don't get as consistent placement as you do with the 360 ydrops. Now if you only run 6mph its probably a little easier to keep them from moving around and hold the placement next to the row, but even at 10mph you get a lot of movement and the fertilizer placement just isn't as consistent. Can you get by with the C&R Supply ydrops? Yes, but they aren't as friendly to boom movement and there are definitely better options out there. For running every row on 60ft the 360 ydrops were about $8k more than the C&R Supply ydrops, that price difference is probably a little bit higher today. At $10k price difference on 1000 acres of corn you need less than 2bu to pay the difference. I can easily see that pay back from the better placement of the 360 ydrops in just 1 year. I know this thread is about only running on every other row, but for the extra cost, I think it is worth it to run every row. Just my opinion. | |