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Whats your experience with every other row Y drops ?
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Posted 2/6/2023 17:38 (#10081839)
Subject: Whats your experience with every other row Y drops ?

Northern Illinois
I'm looking at Ez drops for a JD 4710 90 ft .Ez Drops sells a kit for every row (32% on both sides of stalk) or every other row (32% one side of stalk). Have you seen any yield drop or application problems with every other row? I wil be applying 20 gallons more or less.
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Posted 2/6/2023 18:20 (#10081889 - in reply to #10081839)
Subject: RE: Whats your experience with every other row Y drops ?

Central Ill-Tremont
Works just fine
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Posted 2/6/2023 18:52 (#10081953 - in reply to #10081839)
Subject: RE: Whats your experience with every other row Y drops ?

North Central Ohio
I've done it for years. Works great.
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Posted 2/6/2023 18:52 (#10081955 - in reply to #10081839)
Subject: RE: Whats your experience with every other row Y drops ?

Fairbury, NE (Southeast)
excellent results with homemade.
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Posted 2/6/2023 19:59 (#10082095 - in reply to #10081839)
Subject: RE: Whats your experience with every other row Y drops ?

SW Ontario
We apply skip row. Way I see it less surface area for volatilization to occur. Less drops hanging on boom and have had excellent success so far. We typically apply 20-40 gpa.
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Posted 2/6/2023 20:21 (#10082160 - in reply to #10081839)
Subject: RE: Whats your experience with every other row Y drops ?

N. Illinois
Have applied on 60” for years. The ez drops do a wonderful job of getting the nitrogen at the base of the plant. They need to sell wear tubes or something. This is after 1000 acres or so. I talked to them at ez drop and I knew they were going to say you’re running them to low. The are awesome for getting nitrogen where it needs to be but the jury is still out on longevity. I went and spent $30 on pex tubing and sleeved 18” chunks on each drop with a hose clamp

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Attachments B21C2D99-BE4F-46BE-A064-06468650E52B (full).jpeg (85KB - 68 downloads)
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Posted 2/6/2023 20:38 (#10082186 - in reply to #10082160)
Subject: RE: Whats your experience with every other row Y drops ?

Northeast Indiana
I currently run 360 Ydrops instead of EZ Drops (Though I do think EZ Drops are a good system) and before the 360 Ydrops we ran C&R Supply's version. In both systems I've ran I've found we get the best placement with the base of the drop 14-20" off of the ground. I've found when I run really close to the ground, the hoses bounce around a whole lot more and don't just drag the tip right next the base of the plant like they do when at the proper height.
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Posted 2/7/2023 08:19 (#10082669 - in reply to #10082186)
Subject: RE: Whats your experience with every other row Y drops ?

What was your experience like with the C&R supply drops? I'm looking at adding drops and that is one of the brands I'm looking at. Thanks
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Posted 2/7/2023 11:25 (#10082942 - in reply to #10082669)
Subject: RE: Whats your experience with every other row Y drops ?

Northeast Indiana
Compared to the 360 Ydrops, they are definitely inferior. Being light weight is very much a negative when side dressing with ydrops. The lighter weight C&R Supply ydrops bounce around and sway from side to side much more than the 360 ydrops. Due to the extra movement and the design of the C&R Supply ydrops, you don't get as consistent placement as you do with the 360 ydrops. Now if you only run 6mph its probably a little easier to keep them from moving around and hold the placement next to the row, but even at 10mph you get a lot of movement and the fertilizer placement just isn't as consistent. Can you get by with the C&R Supply ydrops? Yes, but they aren't as friendly to boom movement and there are definitely better options out there. For running every row on 60ft the 360 ydrops were about $8k more than the C&R Supply ydrops, that price difference is probably a little bit higher today. At $10k price difference on 1000 acres of corn you need less than 2bu to pay the difference. I can easily see that pay back from the better placement of the 360 ydrops in just 1 year. I know this thread is about only running on every other row, but for the extra cost, I think it is worth it to run every row. Just my opinion.
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Posted 2/6/2023 20:51 (#10082219 - in reply to #10082160)
Subject: RE: Whats your experience with every other row Y drops ?

Colfax Indiana
2022 was my first year. I’m running every other row. Been working well. Have ez-drops. So Hogsforever
I got 700 acres on mine. Still look like new. Don’t look like yours. I’m running center puck 3-4 inches off ground
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Posted 2/7/2023 07:46 (#10082617 - in reply to #10082219)
Subject: RE: Whats your experience with every other row Y drops ?

N. Illinois
Jlbfarm - 2/6/2023 20:51

2022 was my first year. I’m running every other row. Been working well. Have ez-drops. So Hogsforever
I got 700 acres on mine. Still look like new. Don’t look like yours. I’m running center puck 3-4 inches off ground

I too was running the puck 3-4” off the ground as best I could, not always easy in hills. We were pretty dry with hard ground also so maybe our ground was abrasive. Let the corn get a little taller so I could run the drops higher.
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Posted 2/6/2023 21:19 (#10082268 - in reply to #10082160)
Subject: RE: Whats your experience with every other row Y drops ?

Farmington, Mo
Mine look similar after a 1000 acres as well. I believe they have a “high wear” kit if you wish to purchase…I did not.
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Posted 2/6/2023 22:18 (#10082335 - in reply to #10081839)
Subject: RE: Whats your experience with every other row Y drops ?

Assuming each side of the Y drop has its own supply hose & orfice, then Id go every other row. Less cost , less weight, quicker install / removal.
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Posted 2/7/2023 06:56 (#10082551 - in reply to #10081839)
Subject: RE: Whats your experience with every other row Y drops ?

I had EZ Drops last year and was really impressed. They do a great job on staying between the row but still being flexible enough to not knock down corn or get broken if you run them into an object or the ground. I had C&R before that and the EZ Drops are much better. They are also very lightweight. Barely know they are on the boom
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