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Pioneer Seed Prices & Discounts
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Posted 1/25/2023 21:34 (#10060283)
Subject: Pioneer Seed Prices & Discounts

South Central WI
We bought our pioneer seed and got the "infinity" discount (20%) and then early pay discount 2%, however a neighbor who bought a few bags got the same discounts PLUS an additional 5% called out as a "2023 Flex Fund All product Discount".

Would someone like to explain this discount and its origins before I ask my salesman to explain it :)
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Posted 1/25/2023 21:38 (#10060290 - in reply to #10060283)
Subject: RE: Pioneer Seed Prices & Discounts

The big P plays a lot of games. Doubt you'll get a straight answer. That's why I'm not loyal to 1 brand. They have to earn my business each year.
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Posted 1/25/2023 22:33 (#10060378 - in reply to #10060283)
Subject: RE: Pioneer Seed Prices & Discounts

Just find a company that offers the same price to everyone, worked with larger brands before, I was a dealer for them, I was able to sell seed cheaper to larger operations than mine, all to attract potential business. I was tired of selling seed cheaper than I could get it on my own farm. Switched to a family owned business. One price for everyone. So much easier
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Posted 1/26/2023 05:39 (#10060523 - in reply to #10060378)
Subject: RE: Pioneer Seed Prices & Discounts

farmboy3230 - 1/25/2023 22:33

Just find a company that offers the same price to everyone, worked with larger brands before, I was a dealer for them, I was able to sell seed cheaper to larger operations than mine, all to attract potential business. I was tired of selling seed cheaper than I could get it on my own farm. Switched to a family owned business. One price for everyone. So much easier

small farmer here and I agree, no games, and the seed quality is better. The problem is if you want trailed corn the price still gets up there, plus some numbers are only offered in conventional.
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Posted 1/26/2023 14:46 (#10061417 - in reply to #10060378)
Subject: RE: Pioneer Seed Prices & Discounts

farmboy3230 - 1/25/2023 23:33

Just find a company that offers the same price to everyone, worked with larger brands before, I was a dealer for them, I was able to sell seed cheaper to larger operations than mine, all to attract potential business. I was tired of selling seed cheaper than I could get it on my own farm. Switched to a family owned business. One price for everyone. So much easier
mind mentioning what company this is
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Posted 1/26/2023 06:56 (#10060631 - in reply to #10060283)
Subject: RE: Pioneer Seed Prices & Discounts

Seadooer1 - 1/25/2023 21:34

We bought our pioneer seed and got the "infinity" discount (20%) and then early pay discount 2%, however a neighbor who bought a few bags got the same discounts PLUS an additional 5% called out as a "2023 Flex Fund All product Discount".

Would someone like to explain this discount and its origins before I ask my salesman to explain it :)

Since you are probably located fairly close to me, send me an email, and we can discuss or “compare notes” so to speak.
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Posted 1/26/2023 07:30 (#10060685 - in reply to #10060283)
Subject: RE: Pioneer Seed Prices & Discounts

As a seed dealer the first rule is always give neighbors the same price
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Steve in SD
Posted 1/26/2023 10:46 (#10061100 - in reply to #10060685)
Subject: RE: Pioneer Seed Prices & Discounts

Northville, SD
That seems a good approach, but the neighbor north of you also has a neighbor to his north and on and one. Same scenario applies to all directions. Now it seems there is a problem.
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Posted 1/26/2023 09:52 (#10060982 - in reply to #10060283)
Subject: RE: Pioneer Seed Prices & Discounts

Thumb of Michigan
Your looking at discount %.
The "flex funds product" discount can be used for any number of reasons, maybe he requested a new variety or one that only comes stacked with a higher bag price, flex fund used to bring price down accordingly.
Or perhaps hes a plot cooperator, or a new customer .
If your comparing discounts id look at the hybrids also to see if they're different.
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Posted 1/26/2023 10:48 (#10061103 - in reply to #10060283)
Subject: RE: Pioneer Seed Prices & Discounts

The flex fund discount is their slush fund. They will usually use it to try to lure new business, or bring the price down a little further for a squeaky wheel.
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Posted 1/26/2023 12:03 (#10061221 - in reply to #10060283)
Subject: RE: Pioneer Seed Prices & Discounts


A new customer walking in off the street gets a better discount than a loyal long term customer.  That's the discount that screws me to the ceiling.  

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Posted 1/26/2023 12:41 (#10061279 - in reply to #10061221)
Subject: RE: Pioneer Seed Prices & Discounts

Im way south from you but its being sold at 32% off of suggested retail price.
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Posted 1/26/2023 13:39 (#10061358 - in reply to #10061279)
Subject: RE: Pioneer Seed Prices & Discounts


Here, a few years ago new customer discount was 35%.     Don't know what it is now..........maybe don't want to know.

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Posted 1/26/2023 20:50 (#10062096 - in reply to #10061279)
Subject: RE: Pioneer Seed Prices & Discounts

You are a lucky one if you get 35 percent. They most like you. Retailer isn’t even given that percentage so must be some under table money for you. This just caused a firestorm in Alabama feel sorry for the one selling it they cheap.
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Posted 1/27/2023 16:36 (#10063599 - in reply to #10062096)
Subject: RE: Pioneer Seed Prices & Discounts

NW central IL
around here the district and regional ok it and boom noone has to be sorry to sell it.... some of these replies are something
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Posted 1/27/2023 14:18 (#10063397 - in reply to #10060283)
Subject: RE: Pioneer Seed Prices & Discounts

nc wisconsin
Big P plays alot of games and offers alot of gimmicks, i got sick of it too.
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Posted 1/27/2023 16:33 (#10063594 - in reply to #10060283)
Subject: RE: Pioneer Seed Prices & Discounts

Central IA
Cancel it and buy something less expensive that doesn't fall over.
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Posted 1/27/2023 17:15 (#10063668 - in reply to #10060283)
Subject: RE: Pioneer Seed Prices & Discounts

Everyone pays a different price. I'm not a dealer. When I got going with pioneer after not planting it for a while it was super cheap, I realized I was probably getting a better deal than most. They've been slowly working my price up and trying to keep my orders growing, that's how they are run and incentivized. A new customer gets a better deal than an established customer. I like the service and the salesman, they have a number I've liked growing. I quit growing them in the past because their products were absolute garbage in my area compared to the competition in the 2010-2014 timeframe. Seems like they are more up to speed in our CRM now. I don't play games either, I won't increase my order just to get a few more percentages or to get an increased bundle discount on chem. The seed has to be worth it on its own in a small lot price vs the competition... otherwise the competition gets the business.
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Posted 1/27/2023 21:11 (#10064042 - in reply to #10063668)
Subject: RE: Pioneer Seed Prices & Discounts

NW central IL
I've been same % discount for 20 yrs...

Edited by tj_farmer 1/27/2023 21:11
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