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JD GS3 2630 Question
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Posted 8/31/2022 16:04 (#9822849)
Subject: JD GS3 2630 Question


Question for Deere folks


I have a client with a 2630 on the armrest and a 2630 mounted in the upper right corner. I cannot find the usual settings for enabling sync to ops center. There is a rudimentary screen with a button lit up green saying the modem is connected but thats all. The vehicle and the JD link sub show up in Ops center.

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David N
Posted 8/31/2022 17:44 (#9822957 - in reply to #9822849)
Subject: RE: JD GS3 2630 Question

Eastern NC
The screen you're talking about is probably for Connect Mobile. Thats not what you need.

First thing it needs is a 4g mtg. It should have that. Next you need an ethernet cable. There should be a second smaller cable going into the back of the 2630 on the corner post. Lastly, go main menu, gs3, hit gs3 again and then memory. Usually JD link is defaulted on.
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Posted 8/31/2022 19:38 (#9823135 - in reply to #9822957)
Subject: RE: JD GS3 2630 Question


David N - 8/31/2022 16:44 The screen you're talking about is probably for Connect Mobile. Thats not what you need. First thing it needs is a 4g mtg. It should have that. Next you need an ethernet cable. There should be a second smaller cable going into the back of the 2630 on the corner post. Lastly, go main menu, gs3, hit gs3 again and then memory. Usually JD link is defaulted on.
If Ethernet wasn’t plugged in, would it be showing up on OPs center? I can see the machine moving on the map.

Edited by FarmWeather 9/1/2022 08:35
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Posted 9/1/2022 06:59 (#9823704 - in reply to #9823135)
Subject: RE: JD GS3 2630 Question

Yes it will still move as it uses it MTG for that not the display.

The MTG needs to be hooked
To display with Ethernet for it to send agronomic data
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Posted 9/1/2022 08:33 (#9823876 - in reply to #9823704)
Subject: RE: JD GS3 2630 Question


Rossf93 - 9/1/2022 05:59 Yes it will still move as it uses it MTG for that not the display. The MTG needs to be hooked To display with Ethernet for it to send agronomic data


Thank you sir

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Posted 9/6/2022 19:42 (#9832575 - in reply to #9822849)
Subject: RE: JD GS3 2630 Question

West KY
What year is the combine? Better yet, does it require DEF fluid? That will tell you what Ethernet system the machine has. Not that the two are related, just that they made that change at exactly the same time.

That being said, you likely have Ethernet connected to the armrest 2630 while needing it connected to the corner post display. If the combine is pre-def, you will need to get a longer Ethernet cable to connect to the MTG. If it is a DEF machine you will need to swap the Ethernet cable to the one laying in the floor next to the MTG under the black plate which is under the command arm. Then you use a small jumper (RE556567) to go from corner post to the 2630.
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