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Case IH 7230 combine
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Posted 5/29/2021 16:18 (#9031981)
Subject: Case IH 7230 combine

Southern Indiana
Looking to upgrade combine from a 2388 to a 7230. Have corn, popcorn, and soybeans. An average year will have 200+ bu corn and 60+ beans. I have a full time off farm job and will now have about 1100 acres to harvest. What heads will best fit this combine and yields? Currently looking at a 2014 with 1700 separator hours. Anything to look out for on it? Thanks
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Posted 5/29/2021 17:19 (#9032072 - in reply to #9031981)
Subject: RE: Case IH 7230 combine

Flora IL
12 row corn head 40ft draper. Take out the front two rasp bars or put the kile manufacturer front bars. They've probably done the transition cone and most of the common repairs at 1400.
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Posted 5/29/2021 18:05 (#9032128 - in reply to #9031981)
Subject: RE: Case IH 7230 combine

rochester IN
I would let a dealer do inspection on it. We did and usually never use dealer but coming from a 23 it is a big change and you can spend 20 grand pretty quickly. Will just eliminate any surprises. As far as heads 8 and 40 Draper is what we did. Don’t buy the combine if you can’t afford the Draper. Just my 2 cents. Nice machine thought when it’s all done!
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Posted 5/29/2021 19:20 (#9032232 - in reply to #9032128)
Subject: RE: Case IH 7230 combine

U can't put a 3020 flexhead on combine ??
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Posted 5/29/2021 22:06 (#9032500 - in reply to #9032232)
Subject: RE: Case IH 7230 combine

Flora IL
You can but it wouldn't be much fun
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Posted 5/30/2021 09:46 (#9033082 - in reply to #9032500)
Subject: RE: Case IH 7230 combine

Lakeville, MN
Yes you will be just fine with a 3020 head. Don't let these idiots tell you the only thing you can run is a draper. I have run 3020 heads for 9 years started on 2188 then a 2388 and now a 7120. If you run an air reel(not a air bar) it will do just as good and just as fast as a draper. Not to mention you will save 30K.
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Posted 5/30/2021 10:38 (#9033173 - in reply to #9033082)
Subject: RE: Case IH 7230 combine

Shelburne Ontario Canada
If u ever had mold in soybeans u would change ur tune. 8010 with a 3020 30ft with air reel. 3 mph . The eng load basically went up an down ss the the auger flight thru a 3ft cedar post of waded up mold beans into the feeder chain everytime the flight came back. Load was constantly 60-110%. Dealer brot out a 40ft 2162 was between 5 6 clock. Went header showed up hooked r up went a bit cautious. Truck driver jumped in with an thot i should maybe start driving if we were gonna do something that afternoon. A few setting later we were mowing 40 ft at 5 mph. 98% eng load no fluctuation. Bin sample looked same all the same horrible crap . Had 500 acre of horribly moldy beans took one round to tell trucker he may at this point pull the pin on that header cart an go on with his day. We had bin struggling with the same issue in green wheat straw. I am a firm believer the only way to feed a flagship is a draper. Wich if u have 12 inch hi brital dry straw in cereals u are like ok. We get it 3ft hi an straw is wet like haylage out the back. Grain be 15% moisture. Had dry straw for first time in many yrs last yr. Wow that is some unbelievable fun!
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Posted 5/30/2021 12:48 (#9033360 - in reply to #9033173)
Subject: RE: Case IH 7230 combine

Lakeville, MN
I have and I also know that I'm not afraid to get a wrench out and adjust some settings and roll on. I can keep up with like size combines and draper heads without issues.
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Posted 5/30/2021 15:38 (#9033610 - in reply to #9033360)
Subject: RE: Case IH 7230 combine

Shelburne Ontario Canada
Maybe in ur country but not here.
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Posted 5/30/2021 16:47 (#9033708 - in reply to #9033610)
Subject: RE: Case IH 7230 combine

Lakeville, MN
That's an operator problem not a machine capability problem. I have hills, rocks uneaven, not uniform soils. Nothing perfect about what I farm.
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Posted 5/30/2021 20:53 (#9034109 - in reply to #9033708)
Subject: RE: Case IH 7230 combine

Shelburne Ontario Canada
Well thats awesome!! U can combine unreal cheap cause u can buy truck loads of auger headers very cheap!!!
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Posted 5/31/2021 08:00 (#9034669 - in reply to #9033708)
Subject: RE: Case IH 7230 combine

Hazelton, Kansas 6.75 miles N of Crowbar
I agree whole heartedly with you. Dirt
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Busted Piston
Posted 5/31/2021 21:16 (#9035964 - in reply to #9034669)
Subject: RE: Case IH 7230 combine

He needs to come show me how to adjust an auger head in 8in tall beans to make it feed like a Draper.
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Posted 5/31/2021 22:47 (#9036128 - in reply to #9035964)
Subject: RE: Case IH 7230 combine

Lakeville, MN
Set the air reel to blow right below the auger and go.
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Posted 6/1/2021 11:08 (#9036694 - in reply to #9036128)
Subject: RE: Case IH 7230 combine

Shelburne Ontario Canada
Wat wideth header? All the green under grow around here it the long auger packing it together that is the problem.
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Posted 5/29/2021 21:40 (#9032442 - in reply to #9032128)
Subject: RE: Case IH 7230 combine

rochester IN
Our dealer wouldn’t even listen to the idea and after fighting a 2020 for a few weeks we didn’t need any more headaches. Fd70 cost me more then what the first combine that I bought did but it just works and it is hard to argue with just being able to put the head down and go.
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Posted 5/29/2021 21:02 (#9032370 - in reply to #9031981)
Subject: RE: Case IH 7230 combine

We run a 12 row Gerringhoff & a 40' draper on a'14 7230 in yield similar to yours & higher.,You won't set any speed records but you're not running across fields a break neck speeds & by the end of the day you'll harvest more grain than you would with smaller heads.. We ran an 8 row ch head on a 7120 for a couple years before going to a 12 row. !, didnt care for the high-speed race across the field. Only possible drawback is youre going to need at least 1 grain cart in most fields & sometimes more in longer fields or the combine is going to be sitting a lot.
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Posted 5/29/2021 21:53 (#9032475 - in reply to #9031981)
Subject: RE: Case IH 7230 combine

We run a 14’ 7230. Had a 8 row 3408, just replaced with a 4408, lots of changes for the better it looks like. Run a 35’ 2015 FD 75s macdon. Will be fifth season coming up with macdon, had a 2020 before. Night and day difference. Start cutting sooner and finish later. Done several all nighters.
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Posted 5/30/2021 06:34 (#9032713 - in reply to #9031981)
Subject: RE: Case IH 7230 combine

I ran a 3020 30ft with an air bar when we switched from a 5088 to a 7230 for a couple years. Worked fine, now have a macdon fd140. I run a 4408 chopping head. I considered a 12 row, but I don’t always have a cart operator and the smaller head allowed me to make full or close to full rounds on some fields. Also able to get further when opening fields. The 8 row also does not need a head transport and I can drive it right into the shop, head and all. Combine could definitely handle a 12 row, but will be heavier. I think a dealer inspection would be worth your time and money.
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Posted 5/30/2021 06:49 (#9032732 - in reply to #9031981)
Subject: RE: Case IH 7230 combine

Northwest Indiana
The transition cone is going to be one place to look. Lots of posts here on them. See if it was ever replaced. They do make aftermarket kits to line the cone so you don't have to pull the rotor if there are holes. I would imagine at 1700 hours that the cone would have been replaced or lined at least once. They are good machines otherwise. We went from a 2166 to a 7240 and it was an easy transition. Agree on other posters that macdon is the way to go. We run a 2408 and 35' MD. Could easily run a 12 row, but sometimes lack cart operator. Sometimes 8 rows is hard to keep the machine full, even in 200+ corn environments. 35' of draper seems to be good for us at 60 bu beans.
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Posted 5/30/2021 08:19 (#9032903 - in reply to #9032732)
Subject: RE: Case IH 7230 combine

Boone Co. Iowa
I have an 8 row and 35’ Draper. If you have plenty of trucks and drivers it will handle a 12 row. Otherwise, you will sit a lot. I had a 12 row head a few years, but hassle of transporting was not worth it. Was doing 1000 acres corn and 1000 acres beans. Went back to 8 row.
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Posted 5/30/2021 09:47 (#9033084 - in reply to #9031981)
Subject: RE: Case IH 7230 combine

Have a 7230 I like it for most part, but is in the shop currently with a hole in about every corner. 1600 hours so suppose it was time but not super impressed with that, but I probably expect to much. Hours on that machine probably has had all the holes fixed already but Id give it a good look over. Run a 35 foot macdon and 4408 corn head. The draper isn't a deal breaker but is sure nice for any amount of soybean acres.
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Posted 5/30/2021 14:37 (#9033509 - in reply to #9031981)
Subject: RE: Case IH 7230 combine

NW Iowa
I have a 7230 and a full time job and covering similar acres.
I have a 35' 2162 (MacDon FD70) and an 8 row Drago. We easily get it done each year on PTO. I can keep 2 semi trucks busy in corn.

We did the transition cone. We had a few DEF issues until we installed an updated intake filter kit on the DEF. My biggest annoyance is the rotary screen can be prone to clogging in certain circumstances which seem to happen too often. Otherwise it's a great machine
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