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Cummins N14 injectors
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Posted 3/19/2009 15:56 (#649628)
Subject: Cummins N14 injectors

Does anyone know the proper procedure for settings the injectos, stc timing on the cummins N14?
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77 Farmer
Posted 3/19/2009 16:39 (#649653 - in reply to #649628)
Subject: Re: Cummins N14 injectors

Southeastern, IL
We went to Cummins and had them print off the instructions to set ours. Just get your CPL number. Ours was set by a inch lb setting on each injector.
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Posted 3/19/2009 18:44 (#649749 - in reply to #649628)
Subject: Re: Cummins N14 injectors

Boone, Iowa
I just did this on a 9370 that I had to replace the cam. Firing order is 1-5-3-6-2-4. There are A-B-C marks on the accessory drive pulley and a pointer on the front cover, below the A/C compressor. With #1 on compression, both intake and exhaust rocker arms will be loose. I like to torque the injector down 1st to proper torque. You will find that reading on your tin plate on the front cover. This one was 125 in/lbs. The intake will get set at .014" and exhaust is at .027". You will do #1 on A, #2 on B, #3 on C, #4 on A, #5 on B and #6 cylinder on C. You can take an 1 & 5/16" socket and a long 1/2" ratchet on the accessory drive pulley nut and turn the engine clockwise, looking at the front of the engine. If you have had your injectors out, make sure the o-rings and rubber sleeves on the steel oil line below the injectors are good. I replaced them on the #1, #3 and #5 injectors that I had out to set the timing of the new camshaft. When you start up the engine with new injectors, it may smoke and rattle for a while, but the injectors take a little time to get filled back up with oil.
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scott nelsen
Posted 3/21/2009 11:50 (#651629 - in reply to #649749)
Subject: Re: Cummins N14 injectors

Leeds, North Dakota
andycode, get me info on engine, many variables, what year is it? is engine stc? plate on left hand front side of motor will give you specs, let me know what you find
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