NorthEast, Nebraska | Besides the difference in Horsepower, does the extra "total cleaning capacity" of the 9870 out do the 9770. Currently have a 9750 running a 8 row head. Would stay with the 8 row head for the 70 series. Would the "extra price" of a used 9870 justify for better cleaning? THANKS |
Fairview, MT | a 8 row head won't feed a 9870 enough to keep it full, you'd be lucky to keep a 9770 full unless you have really good corn |
Flora IL | Maybe a class 6 combine would be better.... and save you some money...what kinda crop yields do u have normally.... that seems to be left out of the equation when people are talking combines..
i mean lets face it a 2588 can shell 125 bushel corn right along with a 8010....with an 8 row head...lol
Wheatley, Arkansas | As others have said, to much machine for 8 rows, we run a 12 row on a 9760 and the limiting factor seems to be hauling capacity. A 9570 would probably outrun an 8 row head. |
NorthEast, Nebraska | Yeilds for corn are between 185-235+. Soybeans are 50-60. Soybeans running a 30 foot head. |
Saronville NE | In our area in good corn and beans like that, 9670 would be plenty. Most here wont go to the 9770 unless they are running 12 row head. The only 9870s I know of is a operation that was running a 12 row hopper head, and demoed one of thos new 16 row folding cornheads, but they couldnt lift the head w/o another lift cylinder under the feederhouse. No need to spend that kind of mone, when you dont need that biga horse. |
NorthEast, Nebraska | ahay68979. Do you have quite a few hills where you are located? What moisture corn? We have quite a few good sized hills while running in wetter conditions and corn. |
Seaforth, Ontario | Friend of mine has a 9750 9760 and 9870 and said he didn't notice the difference between them in soys or edibles. Then he got to corn and still didn't see a big difference between the 9760 and 9870 both with 12 row heads. Then the snow came and he saw the difference. The 9870 had the extra power to go through the mud and snow. |
| Absolutely not. The "new" cleaning system of the 9870 is a fine example of marketing people playing and pretending to be engineers. JD has long known they have inadequate cleaning and shoe capacity on the larger STS machines and that they fall short relative to the competition. So, marketing decides to add a $500 extension to enlarge the area of the prechaffer so that they can publish a new larger cleaning area for the 9870 and call it a "big" combine. Don't be fooled by it. The only way in which it may help boost capacity relative to what they had before is that it could potentially make it more difficult for corn to back up into the cleaning fan ala it being carried farther back onto the shoe before being dumped or cascaded onto the main chaffer. Even if you were to run a 12 row head, a 9870 is going to be pretty limited in those yields and with higher moisture corn even more so. If I sound unimpressed, I am. I just expect more out of JD than that. |
Northeast Nebraska and Candelaria Philippines | 9700....... I you must have 300 bu corn.. I don't think you can drive fast enough with a 9870 and a 12 row head in 200 bushel corn to even test it's capacity. |
| I'll take that bet. If you can drive 5 mph in 200bu corn that's marginally wet, you can over-drive the capabilities of a 9870. But, then again, everyone has acceptable limits for loss. If I grew it, I want it in the tank, so I won't tolerate 2, 3, or even more bu/acre on the ground behind a combine. |
Saronville NE | We are fairly flat, but do get into some hilly stuff here and there. The guys I am talkin about farm alot of ground and they start pickin in the mid to high 20s. The others around here with the 50s, 60s, 70s usualy start around 25% moisture. |
NE SD | Nope, he's just an Agco salesman with a grudge. |
Gobbler's Knob | You've got to be kidding me...they are the same combine! All STS's (except class 5) have identical threshing and separation systems and area, and the only difference in cleaning area is the useless attempt by the bolt on pre-cleaner extension in the 9870 to try and increase its capacity, which has little to nothing to do with loading up the combine. Heck, a 2388 has a larger cleaning system than any of the STS's.
Edited by Muddy 3/4/2009 23:18
Gobbler's Knob | DITTO |
Gobbler's Knob | Since its relatively the same size shoe as a 9500, I think we all know what its capable of. |
Northeast Nebraska and Candelaria Philippines | lol, i'd like to see a 2388 run with a 9870... Did you bump your head? |
| A grudge over what?
I personally seen a Gleaner and an Axial Flow combining 42% corn at a WI Farm Progress show once where the Deere machine sat in Tent City. They even had the cab door locked so guys wouldn't track mud inside. :) |
Wheatley, Arkansas | yep, I've seen a lot of gleaners and axial flows that sold for less than scrap prices, no one bothered to lock the doors. |
| how old are you guys??? |
Northern Illinois | I'm on the fence here, the 9870 will take corn at faster ground speed without grunting than the 9760's would in 200+ corn with a 12 row, however I am not saying it does the best cleaning job. I am interested to see the 9120 run with a 16 row heard they can shell some corn. You have to admit Case has dominated in cleaning area for a while now. The 8010/8120 have almost 2000 more sq in of cleaning area. I mean if you wanna build a machine with capacity that does a good job, dont just add horsepower. I am a Deere man too by the way. Just my .02 |
| True, but the area doesn't tell the whole story. A Lexion 590R is nearly the same size as the CaseIH 8120/9120 cleaning system too. Don't underestimate the role that air (pneumatic cleaning) plays in a combine. Some machines make much better use of air than others. At the extreme is the Gleaner - its cleaning system relies quite heavily on pneumatic cleaning with mechanical cleaning area (square inches) playing a somewhat secondary role. Other machines use air to a lesser extent, and therefore demand more from the mechanical aspect and rely heavily on area to do the job. While the Case has a big area, it can also struggle in higher moisture corn and will tend to overload on the right side of the shoe in good corn. There are a few issues needing to be worked on there as well. |
| I see the John Deere police are on duty again. No, Chad, I don't work for AGCO, although you'd like to discredit me for saying so, and you don't work for JD either. But you didn't say I was wrong this time either on this subject... Hmmm... |
Aurora, NC | I've seen the wonder AGCO challenger combine in action or better yet inaction. J C Whitney quality. |
Wheatley, Arkansas | I wondered when or if someone would bring up the aspect of airflow, with the correct air you can make a much smaller square inch cleaner do as much work, as effectively as a larger cleaner without the airflow capacity. I always thought that threshing and horsepower were the critical components with separating being second and cleaning at the bottom of the list as far a capacity goes. |
NE SD | With the way you parade around with your idiotic Agco rants on JD threads you have to work for Agco. Get a life. |
NE SD | You mean that yellow paint doesn't make them flawless like our salesman friend 9700 would like everyone to believe? Huh...coulda fooled me. |
SW Ontario | I have run a 9870 beside a 9760, and in high yielding wheat, the extra cleaning capacity gave the 9870 about 15% more capacity at equal losses (.5%). |
Southeastern, IL | OK you guys are setting here complaining about cleaning system, from what i have seen that is not that much of a problem. I have run red and have green now. The limit in capacity is the treshing capacity. And before you guys start harping on how your combine has no problem with threshing i know better if you have corn and beans. Now that saying some of you guys like must be like some of our neighbors and just pay attention to what the loss monitor is showing, Like one poster said if i grow it i want it in my bin. Now both red and green we had and have now would take alot more crop, but when we did we would loose to much on the ground to suit me. I wish everybody would quit bashing the other persons brand. If you have not ran one for more than one year you really dont know what that machine will do in different conditions. If they are in production now days they surely are good machines or they have really good customer loyalty. |
NE SD | Actually on our 9760 the seperator was the limiting factor in how fast we could go, but it really didn't matter to us because 3800 bph or so is all the faster the grain cart could dump a semi load and get back to the combine. |
Southeastern, IL | I should of said seperation was the problem with the combines not threshing. They all get it off or out of the plant or ear just getting the grain seperated from the trash thats the problem. |
| I never said anything about being pro-AGCO here. All companies have things they do well and things they don't. I just call a spade a spade and if that hurts your "bleeding JD" pride, then I'm sorry, but seriously, Chad, take off the blinders and look around. Maybe I work for John Deere, Chad, how does that sit with you? You are living proof that ignorance is bliss, and your posts generally reflect it. You have a great deal to learn about equipment (especially that there are other companies out there that make it and some of it is quite good). |
NE SD | Bla bla bla bla I'm sick of hearing how great you think Agco is. Everytime someone makes a post asking a question about a JD tractor or combine you can't help but throw in your line for the company that employs you. Ever think that if they didn't ask about yellow they don't care?? Get a clue. We run green because our green dealerships don't have jacka$$ salesman like you, and have good service unlike most every yellow store you'll find.
Edited by Chad H 3/5/2009 20:29
East of the Rockies West of the rest | I kinda liked it when salesman and pitches weren't the norm and we sat around talking about our experiences and not what the salesman is selling. Hence, the salesman, trying to sell.
Southern down work in Northern and vice versa. I agree with Chad. Getting tired of the sales pitch without the input of experience from others. Getting more that way as planting is coming.
My 2 cents. Which is less than your american 2 cents so its more like 1.7634 cents. American. |
Owings Maryland Calvert county | Im a ture deere man. But this started in the 80's with the 66,77,8820;s. Don't you think deere could have solved it by now! |
Owings Maryland Calvert county | Im a ture deere man. But this started in the 80's with the 66,77,8820;s. Don't you think deere could have solved it by now! |