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AGCO 8200 flex head opinions
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Posted 8/7/2018 18:11 (#6917044)
Subject: AGCO 8200 flex head opinions

West Central Iowa
Looking at a upgrading to a 8200 flex head with factory full fingered auger and a Crary air reel. Currently have a '98 R62 Gleaner and run a 500 flex with a Crary air reel. Do the 8200's feed better than the 800 or 8000 series? I know the biggest advantages to the 8200 are the fingered auger and the SCH pro drive and sickle.
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Posted 8/7/2018 19:40 (#6917204 - in reply to #6917044)
Subject: RE: AGCO 8200 flex head opinions

No real feeding advantages over the 800's or 8000's in an apples to apples setup in soybeans. Ours had an Orbit reel that did help with feeding though I thought but I see that yours will likely have an air reel. First thing our dealer did was take out all the fingers in the auger with the exception of the numerous ones in the throat section and one on each end of the auger. Said that all the others do is increase header harvest loss and after running it we were convinced that they weren't needed. Never saw the day I wished they were installed. Obviously if yours has them I would leave them in but you might see if you think they contribute to shatter in dry soybeans. SCH pro drive box is great, very smooth and quiet and the SCH sickle is second to none. Great heads.
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Posted 8/7/2018 19:53 (#6917229 - in reply to #6917044)
Subject: RE: AGCO 8200 flex head opinions

Add a second row of flighting to your auger and you won't need full fingers. I was impressed at how it changed my 315.
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Posted 8/7/2018 20:14 (#6917283 - in reply to #6917044)
Subject: RE: AGCO 8200 flex head opinions

se mi
I went from a 500 to a 8000 to a 8200. 8200 is by far a better feeding head! The step up behind the knife is more gradual and not as high as the 8000 heads making less of a dead area behind the knife and below the seems to flex and follow contours better than the previous models will need the yellow adapter plug to run it on a r62
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Posted 8/7/2018 20:26 (#6917306 - in reply to #6917044)
Subject: RE: AGCO 8200 flex head opinions

Strathcona, mn
Be never had a 800 or 8000 head. I’ve had 300, 500, and now 8200 heads. I have one 8200 with an orbit reel and one without. The orbit reel does make a difference. An air reel would be better but the orbit reel is a step up from nothing. I also agree that the full finger auger is not a huge advantage. More of a pain when it breaks fingers off. The large flighting feeds very well. They are the first auger heads I can cut beans with so late in the night that I get excessive rotor loss. Will they feed as nice as a Draper, no, they won’t. Do they feed well price comparatively, yes they do. They had issues with the steel plate breaking where the wobble box attaches to the knife back. Also they had issues with the first skid plate cracking where the wobble box attaches. I’ve taken an extra skid plate and doubled them up. I’ve also added a piece of steel to the knife back. Between the two I’ve not had any of the known issues there. The sch drive is great.... but it is heavy and adds stress to the system. Imo they are very good auger heads.
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Posted 8/7/2018 20:44 (#6917348 - in reply to #6917044)
Subject: RE: AGCO 8200 flex head opinions

NW Iowa
I've run every head from the old 1859 on up to the 8200. The 8200 is better than the 8000. I can run after dark and in tough beans and they feed in. I run with all the fingers in. I've only broke one. I like taking 13-14 percent beans. The elevator will average everything under 14 percent. Nine percent beans not much is going to help you but a draper...
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Glenn W.
Posted 8/7/2018 20:48 (#6917364 - in reply to #6917306)
Subject: RE: AGCO 8200 flex head opinions

Southeast Washington

1156versatile - 8/7/2018 06:26 Will they feed as nice as a Draper, no, they won’t. Do they feed well price comparatively, yes they do. They had issues with the steel plate breaking where the wobble box attaches to the knife back. Also they had issues with the first skid plate cracking where the wobble box attaches. I’ve taken an extra skid plate and doubled them up. I’ve also added a piece of steel to the knife back. Between the two I’ve not had any of the known issues there. The sch drive is great.... but it is heavy and adds stress to the system. Imo they are very good auger heads.

I agree that the 8200 was a great header when we had one. Our issue was also breaking the drive side in our rough terrain and the bar that holds the guards. Other than the drive end it was a great header but we are on to the Dynaflex headers now and the hired man loves it being a lot quieter without the fan for the air reel. 

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Posted 8/8/2018 00:05 (#6917725 - in reply to #6917364)
Subject: RE: AGCO 8200 flex head opinions

Did you ever come up with a solution for that?
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Posted 8/8/2018 07:11 (#6917909 - in reply to #6917044)
Subject: RE: AGCO 8200 flex head opinions

Southern Minnesota
Previously had an 8200 with a Crary Air Reel. In my opinion it was a great feeding head. Much better than the 800 with Crary that it replaced! Crop = soybeans.

I never had any reliability issues with it what so ever.
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Posted 8/8/2018 10:29 (#6918223 - in reply to #6917044)
Subject: RE: AGCO 8200 flex head opinions

EC North Dakota
Yes the 8200 header is an improvement over the 8000 series. The one I had was also full finger with Crary air reel. One this to check is to see if the skid plates are the tall or short ones. I don't recall the terminology AGCO used for them but the original 8200 flex heads came with the tall skid plates. We replaced mine with the shorter ones and it allowed me to get closer cut on soys without any dirt going through the combine.

I see you have a crary air reel and will be also getting one on this head. Great, I had them and wouldn't combine beans without one.
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