North Central IN | Changed motor oil and fuel filters today on my 95 8100 MFWD PST tractor today. Had moved it several times forward and reverse today. Went to move tractor to check inside rear duals and would not come out of Park. First few times got a flashing P and I on right hand console. No codes appear when pressing code button. Shut off and restarted tractor multiple times, no difference. I unhooked negative battery cable from frame, still nothing. The only thing that changed is now, no flashing P and I symbol. Google searched and found a post from Agtalk describing the Park brake pressure sensor. Does anyone have a good diagnosis?
Eastern Iowa | Under the armrest there is a round connector on the wiring harness that may have worked loose. |
Central iowa | Check the harness.. First if it flashes at you, touch the # button.. Should give you a code that is in back of your ops manual.. There is also a park switch in the armrest that could be bad or armrest controller or sensor in trans or seat switch.. |
Huntley Montana | 1st check to see if the seat switch sensor is working.. Did you use the clutch? If not try that, if it works then the seat switch could be the problem. I've seen that happen more than once. Couple of safely features to make the tractor not Kill someone by making sure their is a butt in the seat. |

| Have had 2 similar issues but there were codes both times. One issue it would not come out of park the other it would come out of park but not go into any gear. I was not very happy about either situation as this was on a pretty low houred tractor.All part of this electronic shift/control switch garbage that is far from durable in my opinion. Give me an old fashioned lever that does the actual job. One was a pressure sensor which was pretty easy to change located near battery box. The other was the actual shift controller board in the armrest. Has dinky little magnets that senses the shifter position. Some sort of board malfunction required replacement. Used to be a reman board but now you get to buy a new one ($600 range) that requires recalibration. New board did not appear to be any different or more robust and offered little to no protection from dirt and dust and actually appeared more open to contaminates than the original. Both pieces solved the issues but I thought both were less than stellar in durability and life. |
mid western ontario | I had this same thing with my 8100 this winter was the oil pressure switch, guage was acting funny and would not come out of park. Good luck finding the problem and let us know what you find. |
| You might be the only person I have ever had say that trannies on those 8000 series deere tractors aren't durable. In fact most say they are near bullet proof. Anything mechanical can fail though. |

| Don't take my complaint wrongly. I think the transmission is plenty durable and I was relieved my issues were not more serious internal issues. Just did not think a pressure sensor and controller card should have puked with less than 1500 hours on them. To me that does not inspire reliability or durability in these delicate high dollar electronic components and for sure does not make me feel confident about their longevity over the long haul. |
North Central IN | spoke with a technician and service manager today at JD, they hope it is either some diode packs by relay or armrest controller. They are coming out on Thursday. Anyone know how pricey a new harmonic pulley is? Tractor has 8000 hrs and most likely never been changed. |
Central iowa | If it looks good, leave it! wobble or rubber splitting than do it.. You overhaul it than do it.. Very from 350 to 600 depending on sn.. They nail you probly 450- 600 labor.. I do whith3 overhauls or if bad.. If not broke and looking around the corner at overhaul, why? |
Central iowa | I have been in 3 8000 trans in 15 years..2 at dealer..1 factory defect at 3000hours, 1 at 2500 ( early 8020 with a bad piston seal)- deere stepped in on both respectably.. And #3 is in my shop now.. Pto brake went bad, caused low trans psi and took out 13-16 clutchpack but at 10k and hauling poop all the time with little care.. Not counting any I didn't touch at dealer..I say 8000-8030 are tough! Not an ivt fan though |