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dozer blade on tractor front end loader
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kb ag
Posted 12/17/2008 13:44 (#537577)
Subject: dozer blade on tractor front end loader

nc ks
I want to put a dozer blade on my 843 John Deere loader. I have a 10ft waldon dozer that I will cut up to make it quick-tach to the loader. Will probably extend it to 12' or so. Any neat ideas on how to hook it up? I can make it go on like a bucket easy enough but thought if i could make it angle or even tilt that would be handier. Anybody done something like this? I think Degelman has one made to attach to a loader but haven't looked it up yet. Any problem I am going to have with a 250hp tractor behind it as long as we use our heads a little?
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Posted 12/17/2008 14:09 (#537588 - in reply to #537577)
Subject: Re: dozer blade on tractor front end loader

Alberta Canada
Could use the grapple hyd outlets for the angle if you want be fancy. Always thought if I ever put a blade on a tractor I would want it controlled with a joystick, be so much easier that the hyd levers. If it has the quicktach you can just use the loader tilt forward and back. We had a blade for our IH (80hp) and it had a manual angle you just undid a pin and moved the blade out and put a plate in to hold it on that angle.
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Posted 12/17/2008 14:45 (#537606 - in reply to #537577)
Subject: Re: dozer blade on tractor front end loader

Huntley Montana
You might want a trip back incase you HIT something solid. Loaders don't like hard hits too well
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Chad H
Posted 12/17/2008 17:05 (#537701 - in reply to #537606)
Subject: Re: dozer blade on tractor front end loader

Ditto. We had one of the Degalman 16' box blades that you chain onto your loader bucket. We used it for an hour and loaded it up and took it back. It was fine on perfectly flat ground but if you ever catch anything we could see that we were going to have twisted arms on our payloader.
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Posted 12/17/2008 17:18 (#537714 - in reply to #537577)
Subject: Re: dozer blade on tractor front end loader

Southeast Colorado
I bought a state surplus v-plow and was thinking of hooking it on the front of our loader the same as you are saying. I was hoping that I could somehow chain it so that it couldn't get into the ground but I'll admit I'm a little worried about screwing something up. It'll be interesting to read these comments.
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Posted 12/17/2008 17:35 (#537740 - in reply to #537577)
Subject: Re: dozer blade on tractor front end loader

Chillicothe, Missouri
you would want to make sure to put runners on the plows, to keep them from digging into the ground.
the key is knowing where you are, and what is where, and I am not sure how well the loader arms would stand the abuse
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kb ag
Posted 12/17/2008 19:15 (#537861 - in reply to #537577)
Subject: guess I should have told you what I aim to do with it

nc ks
I would move snow with a box scraper and pile it with the dozer, pack silage, put finishing touches on terrace channel ends, pile manure, and push out a few 40' cotton woods:-)
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Chet Z
Posted 12/17/2008 19:25 (#537878 - in reply to #537861)
Subject: Re: dozer blade on tractor front end loader

Nance County, Ne
We have one made for our 158 JD. Used mainly to push silage. Have used it for other jobs but you need to remember that it's mounted to a loader. This would be on a 4230 JD
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Posted 12/17/2008 19:53 (#537905 - in reply to #537878)
Subject: Re: dozer blade on tractor front end loader

Saronville NE
I worked at a feedyard for a couple yrs before coming home to farm, we built our own like yr talking and put it on a 8050 fwa, that had a ezeeon ldr, mainly used to push wet corn, but did push slop in the feedlot with it also. I think the dozer was an old otter blade off a 4010, we just cut all the excess off and welded the quik tatch ldr mountings right to it, and were good to go, know you really had to watch what you did with it cuase you could really see alot of movement in the ldr frame up front when pushing. We left it manual angle, and we did have joystick control, which was way nicer than using the old hyd handles. Just be careful what you use it for and you should be ok.
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Posted 12/17/2008 20:59 (#538010 - in reply to #537905)
Subject: Re: dozer blade on tractor front end loader

wilmington ohio
sounds like a good way to bust up a perfectly good loader frame.they arent made for the sideways stress of the angled blade for one and the fore and aft pitch of the blade would be hard to keep from gouging. even with runners/feet. just my 2cents
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Posted 12/17/2008 22:47 (#538178 - in reply to #537577)
Subject: RE: dozer blade on tractor front end loader

Alberta, Canada
A dairy I cut alfalfa for this year has the Degelman one on their 746 loader on a 7930. Use it for snow, manure, silage, simple grading on the driveway, etc. So long as it's not a dozer, nor an industrial loader, I'm sure you'd be fine. Sure hope so, I'm thinking I'd like one for our 746.

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dave morgan
Posted 12/17/2008 22:49 (#538184 - in reply to #537701)
Subject: Re: yeah, need outside push arms....nt

Somerville, Indiana
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dave morgan
Posted 12/17/2008 22:54 (#538193 - in reply to #538178)
Subject: RE: dozer blade on tractor front end loader

Somerville, Indiana
If you ever decide to just use 2 wheel drive on a loader pushing trees out, visualize what happens when the back wheels spin and the fronts don't. rear keeps sinking some, front axle gets the full weight of tractor, loader, and tree. Not a good sight to behold. Only normal reaction is to keep raising the blade just a little bit more.
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Mazy Laker
Posted 12/18/2008 11:18 (#538688 - in reply to #538178)
Subject: Re: dozer blade on tractor front end loader

Alberta, Canada
We have a setup like that on our JD 4450 with a 280 loader. We have had it for at least 15 years and only use it for plowing snow. So far we've had no trouble.
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Posted 12/19/2008 00:22 (#539662 - in reply to #537577)
Subject: RE: dozer blade on tractor front end loader

I cut the mounts off our old dozer that fit the 4430 and made it fit my 840. Works great for silage. I used it to move some dirt but I am carefull on anything very hard, and no twisting. Planning to try it in snow if we get a decent amount. I just made the mounts the same as the bucket. I cheated on the top instead of plate cut to go over the shaft, I cut some pipe in half that fit nice on the tube and braced it. Worked well.


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