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What models of JD loaders fit a JD 4840?
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Posted 12/16/2008 21:26 (#536921)
Subject: What models of JD loaders fit a JD 4840?

Saw a 158 on a 4640 but someone said the 4840 is a little wider, and then it would not fit. Have not kept up on the model numbers on the newer loaders so fill me in on what would work.
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Virginia Veg.
Posted 12/16/2008 21:34 (#536929 - in reply to #536921)
Subject: 280

Eastern VA. No such thing as too many Magnums.
280 will fit. I don't know what else. I think 4640 and 4840 are same width.
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Posted 12/16/2008 22:15 (#536990 - in reply to #536921)
Subject: Re: What models of JD loaders fit a JD 4840?

West Union, IOWA FLOLO Farm 52175
840 deere would be a newr one, if you stay factory.

Westendorf would make one fit, I have a friend the has on his 6030 so I pretty well gues they can fit anything
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Posted 12/17/2008 00:33 (#537139 - in reply to #536921)
Subject: RE: What models of JD loaders fit a JD 4840?

Culbertson, MT
168 was the one for the large frame tractors. Neighbors have one that was new on a 4640.
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Posted 12/17/2008 23:20 (#538244 - in reply to #536921)
Subject: RE: What models of JD loaders fit a JD 4840?

Westendorf would have a loader or 2 to fit like a TA-46 or WL-61. They come on and off easy and are pretty reliable. If you are looking for a loader based on price many Koyer would work. Builer Allied also has loader to fit these tractors. I have a Westendorf and have had great luck with it on a 4430. I would recommed what ever you go with quoteing a new loader of any of the brands first. I have heard of people pay more for a used loader and new brackets then a new loader and new brackets
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Posted 12/18/2008 00:07 (#538275 - in reply to #536921)
Subject: Re: What models of JD loaders fit a JD 4840?

Brazilton KS
I do not think a 158 will fit either a 4640 or 4840. The 168 fits both of them, plus similar 50 and 55 series 2wds. The 280 and some 800 series should also fit.
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