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A-C 5050 tractor questions
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Posted 12/14/2008 14:17 (#534150)
Subject: A-C 5050 tractor questions

Shaftsbury, Vermont (SW VT)
What can anybody tell me about a 5050 Allis Chalmers? I had one offered to me yesterday; 4WD with an Allis loader on it. Didn't go so far as to look at the hours, or even run it, as it was around zero degrees. Might be interested enough to go back when it warms up, though.
Who made this tractor? He thought it was Fiat in origin. Whose engine? Looks like a 3 cylinder. Is it Perkins? Some of it looks like the Landini made Massey-Fergusons. Are they all of common heritage? What all can you tell me about them? Thanks for any replies. Oliver Durand
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Posted 12/14/2008 16:01 (#534236 - in reply to #534150)
Subject: RE: A-C 5050 tractor questions

Lincoln County. NC
According to Norm Swinford's excellent book on Allis Chalmers tractors and equuipment, the 5050 was sourced from Fiat and imported to the US from 1976 to 1983. 51 PTO and 43 drawbar HP. Engine make is not specified, but the narrative of the Nebraska test 1240 for the 5050 references a Fiat engine, which likely means Iveco. Parts availability for peripherals would be from AGCO and for more chassis related stuff the best source may be New Holland IF a cross reference to a Fiat model can be figured out. Apparently this is NOT a Fiat clone built under license by Universal Tractor in Eastern Europe and sold under several brands including Long. I would expect it to be a decent, no frills ride, although combined hydraulic flow is a mere 6.5 GPM.

Good to hear the weather wasn't too bad at your place.


Edited by RickB 12/14/2008 16:45
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Farmer at heart OG.
Posted 12/14/2008 16:29 (#534267 - in reply to #534150)
Subject: RE: A-C 5050 tractor questions

Pretty much a Fiat re badged by that I mean look at a Fiat on Farmphoto .com. You will see what a Fiat look's like the Allis just painted orange with Allis decal's. They came in an Oliver as well a 1260 or 1265 painted Oliver color's and decal's. White made them a while also. I've just been around the White's and Oliver's a Little that were slightly larger 55-65hp. They had a Fiat motor and 8 speed's forward and 2 reverse. Powerful little snot's for their size and not too much trouble if taken care of. Clutch kind of weak if used on a loader a bunch but not too serious comparing to other tractor's used like that. If the price was right for it's shape I wouldn't be afraid of it other than I'd want the 4 cly. larger ones I'm used to.
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Posted 12/14/2008 16:42 (#534283 - in reply to #534150)
Subject: RE: A-C 5050 tractor questions

Statesville, NC
I heard the black belly (engine, trans, etc.) 5050's were the good ones, made by Fiat. There were also some red belly (kind of a primer red) 5050's that were from UTB in Romania and they had lots of problems.
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Ed Winkle
Posted 12/14/2008 16:56 (#534296 - in reply to #534150)
Subject: Re: A-C 5050 tractor questions

Martinsville, Ohio
4 cylinder would be an Oliver 1365, 3 cylinder Oliver 1265. Clutch parts hard to come by here, might have to have one hand made when needed. About indestructible otherwise...

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Posted 12/14/2008 18:02 (#534380 - in reply to #534296)
Subject: Re: A-C 5050 tractor questions

Lincoln County. NC
It should have a Luk double clutch. A&I is a good source for many of them. Luk clutches in general are easier to get ahold of now than 10 or so years ago.

The early 5040's were UTB's then later 5040's were genuine Fiat. All 5050's were Fiat regardless of belly color. This also from Swinford. His book is generally regarded as very accurate, although that's all I'm going on here.
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Posted 12/15/2008 02:00 (#534962 - in reply to #534150)
Subject: Re: A-C 5050 tractor questions

Somewhereville, Earth

this guy has all the bits you need to keep em moving, he is in canada and knows them inside out, ya the romanian ones weren't so good, but i know a 5050 is a good model, should be a good machine

but i see no reason why it won't work, we got the fiats painted ones here, either like em or not, but to be honest they were simple, and they did the job, often year in year out, i would own one

Edited by pudding 12/15/2008 02:05
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