 Bardstown,KY | Setting up a planter and intend to set up with esets or vsets and possibly drive with Agleader suredrive. What would be the reasons to spend double on vsets instead of going esets. Also when you run Agleader suredrives how do you run meters on test stand. Do you remove suredrive or does stand have a way of powering it. |
South-central Nebraska | I've read sales literature where the vset is slightly more accurate, less than one half of a percent than the eset. With that said, my Agleader dealer mentioned that they have seen better results with the eset over the vset. I don't think you can go wrong either way. The way I understand it, the meter units will require an adaptor to be run on a test stand. |
 S Central MN | The Vset is is run by an electric motor on each unit. No chains or shaft drives, no hydraulic drive. If you plant a lot of curves with a wide planter the Vset will keep the seed spacing the same on each row, while a Eset will not. All that being said we put the Esets on on our 24 row planter and are happy with them. |
Between Omaha and Des Moines, 7 miles South of I80 | This short video, shows the "adapter" that is used for a Suredrive system. Happens to be a Kinze row unit. (looks very simple) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5EsOb14HuA |
| V-Set is just the meter only, VDrive is the electric motor system that you can purchase to put on the VSet to do away with the cables and chains etc. I know lots of guys that replaced finger pickup units with VSets leaving the ground drove components on. When we converted, we left ours hydraulic drive on for Rx planting.
Between the 2 meters, they are both good, but the VSet is a meter built from the ground up by precision. The Eset is a conversion kit put in a deere meter housing. We have ran VSets for 6 seasons and have had to do very little to no maintenance on the meter components. Extremely happy with them. VSets get my vote in this scenario. |
210 Industrial Dr., Arlington Wisconsin 53911 | I would add that V-sets plant a wider variety of seeds. I ran sweet corn through the
regular corn units and couldn't believe the better singulation we had. |