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international 5088 tractor
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Posted 6/10/2017 20:08 (#6064198)
Subject: international 5088 tractor

southwest in
hey guys and gals, whats the good, bad and ugly of a ih 5088 tractors?
tires and overall condition of the tractor looks good, 7200 hours
any thing to be scared of? parts?
whats a fair price on these tractors? thanks!
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Posted 6/10/2017 21:53 (#6064404 - in reply to #6064198)
Subject: RE: international 5088 tractor

Neighbor sold his 5088 on a consignment auction this spring it brought $17,200. Duals, weights, 500 hrs on abilene reman engine, 8500 total hrs on tach. Repainted prob about 15 yrs ago, id call overall condition a "7."
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Posted 6/10/2017 23:31 (#6064573 - in reply to #6064198)
Subject: RE: international 5088 tractor

Strong pto in those series. Nice enough hydraulic system. Trans has an update due to too fine of teeth on clutch packs causing failure. Although same cab as an 86 series way better layout. I wouldn't use it as the big horse doing heavy pulling but can do a lot of other tasks very well and pretty comfortable too.
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Posted 6/11/2017 06:49 (#6064680 - in reply to #6064198)
Subject: RE: international 5088 tractor

Farmington IL
I like them. Very solid tractor. They can have some elctrical issues with the sentry system. The problems are more annoying than anything. Mike Links at triple R tractor can help you out with about any question or problem on those tractors.
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Posted 6/11/2017 21:02 (#6066064 - in reply to #6064198)
Subject: RE: international 5088 tractor

Well I may be a bit prejudiced about these tractors but I think they walk on water. I've had a 5088 since I was a Senior in high school. Mine has been extremely good to me. It was our main tractor for several years. Put roughly a 1000 hours a year on it back then. The only problem I had with it was the 2 speed. IH paid for that so I was happy just inconvenienced. As our operation grew I had the pump turned up on so it would pull bigger equipment I think it was set at 185 HP. Some time after it got retired the spiders went out in the rear end 10,000 plus on hours. Engine still hasn't been touched still pretty stout. But it's had extreme care and maintenance.
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Posted 6/12/2017 13:08 (#6066990 - in reply to #6064198)
Subject: RE: international 5088 tractor

I just bought one this spring. My family already had a 5288 which was pulled hard as main tillage tractor for a number of years before being retired to lighter duty. Very reliable and fuel efficient for it's age. One problem was parking brake pawl (goes against the tranny to hold brake). Be sure to check park brake with tractor pointing down hill (it will generally hold up hill but not down if it's getting bad). That part is hard to find used and spendy from the dealer ($700?, can't remember). Worthington Ag parts now has aftermarket for $350 I think. Not a bad job to change. We had a few electrical issues, mainly the fuse panel is not heavy enough.

The 5088 I bought this spring had ~5500 hours, second owner, had the transmission update, duals, used as utility tractor by both previous owners, in decent condition, had a few minor things wrong, paid $14k.
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