| Got to help a friend get hay up and will have to operate the haybaler. Have never baled with this model baler with Accu Bale monitor. No owners / operator manual to refer to for proper operation of Accu Bale monitor . Any tips for first time starters on baler monitor and correct operation would be greatly appreciated.
Edited by Oldtonew 5/9/2017 06:48
Attachments ---------------- _20170509_064320.JPG (134KB - 207 downloads)
Mifflinburg, PA | It tends to be quite user friendly. Generally the white buttons are press-and-release to step through menus. The yellow buttons are press-and-hold to change options(usually with the arrow keys.) Amor-all shines the monitor up real nice.
Don't try to keep the bale shape bars even until the near-full beeper goes. You will build a nicer bale by building one side up then switching and building the other side. |
| The belt on outside right twisted and tore into and wrapped hung up toward middle of baler. What most likely caused this????
I noticed this when getting tore / broken belt out that belts route does not look like they going across proper rollers the second from ends is running across/against the auger roller
Edited by Oldtonew 5/9/2017 22:10
Attachments ---------------- IMG_20170509_184621558.jpg (74KB - 88 downloads)