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JD 4840 Turbo Oil Return
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Posted 2/4/2017 05:53 (#5815456)
Subject: JD 4840 Turbo Oil Return

West Central Illinois
Does anyone have any experience taking the oil return line (that goes from the turbo down to the engine block) off?
We are dripping a little bit of oil and believe there might be a pin-hole somewhere in the tube behind the manifold.
I was told it would go out the top once the hood is off, the bolts are removed from the bottom of the turbo, and the nut is removed from the bottom of the return line.

Any thoughts/suggestions are welcomed!

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Posted 2/4/2017 06:44 (#5815494 - in reply to #5815456)
Subject: RE: JD 4840 Turbo Oil Return

I was told once that the intercooler had to be removed but my 4430 doesn't have one.
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Posted 2/4/2017 08:34 (#5815685 - in reply to #5815494)
Subject: RE: JD 4840 Turbo Oil Return

I agree. Just worked on my 4650 and the only way to remove it would be to remove intercooler.
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Posted 2/4/2017 08:42 (#5815710 - in reply to #5815456)
Subject: RE: JD 4840 Turbo Oil Return

Floyd County, Iowa
For some reason, years ago, I had to take that tube off of my 4450. At the time, I wondered why you couldn't put a flexible line in there.
Maybe a possibility to just cut the tube out and replace it with braided flex tube?
Might not be possible with the 2 bolt mounting flange on the top where it bolts to the turbo, IDK, but someone on here must have done that, and they'll chime in.
In my case, IIRC, I took the turbo off for replacement.

edit: Just remembered. I had to take it off to get the block heater out. Wouldn't budge with a crow's foot, and hot enough room to get a socket on it.

Edited by oldbones 2/4/2017 12:25
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Posted 2/4/2017 08:49 (#5815737 - in reply to #5815456)
Subject: RE: JD 4840 Turbo Oil Return

south texas
I know u can take it out if turbo is off.

the flex line is a good idea. Never tried it. Weld a fitting to old drain pipe so u can use flange at turbo. The block is pipe i believe. If u could get the drian tube in there with enough steel to get past exhaust manifold, rubber hose would be fine to block. U can test this by cutting old pipe just below exhaust and see if u can remove it.
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Super 65
Posted 2/4/2017 08:53 (#5815745 - in reply to #5815456)
Subject: RE: JD 4840 Turbo Oil Return

South Central Kansas
Intercooler has to come off and Deere has an updated tube for that if it still has the original. Don't forget to replace the o ring on the bottom of the tube also.
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Posted 2/4/2017 10:04 (#5815895 - in reply to #5815745)
Subject: RE: JD 4840 Turbo Oil Return

Mine is still original and the nut on the bottom will no way fit through behind the intercooler. I'm guessing the updated one is the one guys are getting off by just removing the turbo.

Also mine being a 4650 I believe my intercooler may be different-my gasket kit had more than one size included.

Edited by 40/20vision 2/4/2017 10:06
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Posted 2/4/2017 10:25 (#5815944 - in reply to #5815456)
Subject: RE: JD 4840 Turbo Oil Return


I think just the turbo has to come off, done some on 8820's but that was many moons ago as they all went to Mexico years ago.

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Posted 2/4/2017 10:32 (#5815968 - in reply to #5815456)
Subject: RE: JD 4840 Turbo Oil Return

West Central Illinois
Thanks for the advice guys. Looks like we're going to try taking the turbo off first.
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Posted 2/4/2017 10:34 (#5815980 - in reply to #5815895)
Subject: RE: JD 4840 Turbo Oil Return

West Central Illinois
Hey 40/20. We got the nut at the bottom of ours to slide right off the end of the pipe and it looks like that'll allow the pipe to slide up through the cooler once the turbo is off.

There's an o'ring in the nut that will get replaced.
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Posted 2/4/2017 10:44 (#5815999 - in reply to #5815968)
Subject: RE: JD 4840 Turbo Oil Return

Western Iowa
It has been a few years since I have done it, but I am 99% sure you can pull that return line without removing anything

Trick was to unscrew the fitting that goes in the block very first while it is still on the line, then pull the 2 bolts that hold the line to the bottom of the turbo. Then you can pull it out.

Polish up the line real good where the O-ring in that fitting goes, and lube it up well. The new o-ring does not care for the 4-5 turns it takes to put that fitting back in, so need to make sure it doesn't catch.
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Posted 2/4/2017 10:58 (#5816040 - in reply to #5815980)
Subject: RE: JD 4840 Turbo Oil Return

That sounds right. I was tearing her all the way down anyways so it didn't matter. Thanks good to know-the only leak I had after redoing the head and hyd pump was the top of this turbo line-just sweats a little oil maybe it will seal itself............
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Posted 2/4/2017 23:41 (#5817533 - in reply to #5815999)
Subject: RE: JD 4840 Turbo Oil Return

Definitely easier to take turbo off than intercooler
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Posted 2/5/2017 09:15 (#5817930 - in reply to #5817533)
Subject: RE: JD 4840 Turbo Oil Return

Western Iowa
I am saying you don't have to take either off..........
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