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Morris 7300 TBT Rear hitch strength
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Posted 12/28/2016 23:00 (#5729243)
Subject: Morris 7300 TBT Rear hitch strength

Western Australia
I have looked at purchasing a used Morris 7300 tow between air cart. The rear hitch that attaches to the air seeder bar has the drawbar pin inside the back wheels. Other carts that I have looked at such as Flexicoil, Simplicity and Gason have the drawbar protruding out past the wheels. I will be pulling a 49 foot Primary Sales bar that has hydraulic tynes. Morris 8000 series also have the drawbar out past the wheels. Have this been a problem for any owners? Particularly when turning at the end of the run. The hitch also looks like it will need to be strengthened as the bar I have takes a lot to pull, I dont wont to have the frame cracking.
Second question is the original owner converted this cart to double shoot and replaced the fan with one from the 8000 series. How much extra oil will I need to run the fan? I will be turning it back to single shoot using 7 outlets.
My tractor is an Agcostar that has 130 liters a minute hydraulics, with a maximum of 100 liters at one remote.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated thank you
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Alberta Cowman
Posted 12/29/2016 13:07 (#5730236 - in reply to #5729243)
Subject: RE: Morris 7300 TBT Rear hitch strength

I haven't had any issues with the hitch. My issue was with breaking a spindle but I think that's due to turning while the unit is pointing uphill due to the side strain. On my ugly hills the 7300 will slide sideways and roll the tires when turning.

I'm pulling a 40' BG 4710 drill and a BG 3225 tbh cart. It's all an MT855B wants in anything other than flat ground.

I like the simplicity of the 7300 but the access through the top hatch is awkward at best. Caught my back on the hold down lever a few times crawling out before I perfected my technique.

I could look in the book tonight to see what the 7000 series fan needs for oil.
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Posted 12/29/2016 14:56 (#5730387 - in reply to #5730236)
Subject: RE: Morris 7300 TBT Rear hitch strength

Western Australia
By breaking a spindle do you mean an axle ? The early 7000 series carts down here in Australia were known to break axles . The previous owner broke one in the first week he had it. Morris came out with an updated axle which was supposed to solve this problem. I found out last night on the web that the 7000 series fans require 59 l/min while the 8000 series require 80 l/min. I am hoping that by running a single shoot system that I will be able to run the fan slower and still have enough flow. The 8000 series is a bigger fan. What fan speed were you running with your cart? There is a fine line when it comes to fan speeds something to do with volume versus pressure and I dont wont to have blocked pipes. Thank you
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Alberta Cowman
Posted 12/29/2016 19:03 (#5730850 - in reply to #5730387)
Subject: RE: Morris 7300 TBT Rear hitch strength

Spindle, axle. We're taking the same thing just different terminology. Was easy to replace just change bearings and seals in the hub and one bolt holds the axle in place. Now jacking it up while fully loaded and buried about a foot deep was less than fun. Thankfully it was the uphill side. Otherwise it would be a call to insurance.

As far as fan rpm the book has some decent charts. They are a good starting point. Depends if you're seeding cereals, or pulses/ oilseeds for how aggressive you can set your fan. Unplugging is no fun but bashing your $11/ lb canola seed isn't either. If you have hills then your fan needs more rpm to push the uphill side. If you're borderline for enough hyd flow watch if your fan speed drops while raising or lowering the drill. That is a recipe for plugging as well. If you're single shooting I'm assuming you're not putting down a pile of fert? That lets you have a lower fan speed. Of course if you're seeding at 7 mph probably ignore that. I could put down 300#/ac @6.5 mph with my 40' drill and not worry about plugging with the 7300. I have a 75' floater bar I mount to it and can apply 220#ac at 12 mph. It depends entirely on the drill setup and conditions for fan speed. On 49' you'll probably be fine with your agcostar with 130L/min.
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Posted 12/29/2016 20:53 (#5731197 - in reply to #5730850)
Subject: RE: Morris 7300 TBT Rear hitch strength

Western Australia
Thanks for the info. I will be seeding wheat and barley about 40 /50 kg hectare and fert rates will be about the same , mainly a DAP type product. We seed at about 8.5- 9 kmh so I think I should be okay with these rates. The fan slowing down while lifting and turning is my main concern, but I have set up a spring limit switch that disengages the seed and fert drives when lifting so this should help reduce the chance uf blocked pipes. Slow lifting of the bar has me concerned. All of our paddocks are flat so I wont have the steep hillside issues. Thank you very much for your input it has been greatly appreciated , I would love to get your part of the world one day to see how you do things.
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Alberta Cowman
Posted 12/30/2016 01:15 (#5731592 - in reply to #5731197)
Subject: RE: Morris 7300 TBT Rear hitch strength

No problem.

I'd love to see down there too. Especially when seeing pictures of seeding while its white here.

Up here those seed rates would be a crop that tillers like mad and be very long season. Probably not an issue your way? Are you applying any other fert?

I had a buddy who had the fan slow down on his outfit when lifting/lowering the drill. He had to turn off the cart a couple seconds before lifting and couldn't turn it on until the drill was dropped. Not a deal breaker just something to keep in mind.

One thing to watch is if a run plugs bad I've had it shear off the "key" on a metering wheel and throw off the rate on that run as it still turns somewhat.

A little off topic but how do you like the Agcostar ? Is it a 8360 or 8425? Was looking at a 8425 a few years ago but didn't work out. Look like a solid simple unit.
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Posted 12/30/2016 04:32 (#5731628 - in reply to #5731592)
Subject: RE: Morris 7300 TBT Rear hitch strength

Western Australia
I farm in the Central Wheatbelt of Western Australia 280km east of Perth . 300mm average rainfall of which 200mm is the average winter or growing season rainfall. We have a fairly short season May to September. 10 year average for wheat is 1.2 t/ha and 1.7 t/ha for barley. Not great by your standards but our returns can be very good, we just have survive the bad years were yields can be less than half of our average.
I also pull a UAN liquid cart behind the bar with rates between 20 - 40 l/ha depending on soil type, occasionaly
I will top up with more UAN if we have a wet period and crops look hungry. We have to be very carefull not to cook our crops, hence the saying thick in July then sick in September when they run out of water.
The Agcostar is an 8425 and it has been a reliable workhorse , no frills , solid engine and drivetrain. Can be a bit light on back end when conditions get tight. With 49 hydraulic tines it feels every one of them. I am really about 40 hp short. I hope that explains the environment that I farm in as we can all learn from each other.
My farm size is 6400 acres of which I crop 5700 acres with the remainder chemical fallow or used for grazing sheep.

Edited by Proby8270 12/30/2016 06:55
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