Northern Texas | If all goes as planned, we are going to be in the market for another tractor this fall. We've been looking at John Deere 4755s pretty heavily, but we've given some thought to owning a Case 7130 if the price is right. Deere has always been our go-to, and we already have a 4555, so we know exactly what to expect with another 55 series....they've always proved to be great tractors with everyone in this area. But I've also heard some very good things about the Magnum series. A 7130 seems to be a good fit for our operation if we went red this time, so if we came across one for the right price, I might be willing to venture out. What are yall's thoughts on choosing between the two? |
Garden City Ks | I'd get what you know and are comfortable with. Start changing things up and you'll never be happy with the different one, My.02 besides the 55 series are excellent tractors. |
 NW Central Ohio | ..if there's a choice between the 7230 and the 7130...I would go with the slightly newer series. Has better injection pump...and waste gate turbocharging. Now choosing between the Deere and the Case....that's a money issue as far as I'm concerned. Both are great tractors. Which one you can find cheaper is probably where I would go. |
Eastern Iowa | The 7130 could have the option of 540/1000 pto where as the 4755 will only have big 1000. Both are very reliable machines. We have a 4755 turned up somewhere around 230 hp and runs awesome. |
| I also had heard good things about the "boxcar magnums", and I bought a 7140 about twenty years ago. Mine did not prove to be very reliable. Spent a lot of money "fixing" on that tractor, finally blew the engine and traded it for something else. The tractor was a MFWA, and I ended up overhauling each of the front wheel gearboxes twice.....total of 4 "surgeries"......@ $5-6-7K a piece. I'd look at those gear boxes VERY carefully if I was looking at a MFWA magnum.
More recently bought a 4755 from a guy I knew at his auction. Like it fine, although it's a little "dated" after running the newer Deere series on the farm.
One thing that "bugged me", though, is that I like to keep the dealer's tranny oil in the transmissions of my tractors. Since most of my tractors were green, I used JD HyTran exclusively. When I bought the 7140, I used CIH HyGard in it, but always worried about cross contamination when hooking up the hydraulics on the various machinery units. So I was pleased to finally revert to tractors where I could use JD hydraulic fluid in ALL the hydraulic systems.
I DO also have two CIH 4WD articulated tractors, but on them the hydraulic systems are separate from the transmissions, so I can use CIH transmission fluid in the trannys, and still use JD hydraulic fluids in the hydraulic systems, and avoid any cross contamination.
Probably a small issue or a non issue to lots of folks, but it was significant to me..... showboat |
ne iowa | better cab and view in the magnum although the 3pt stuff is better on the deere i think if that is a concern of yours. Magnums are reliable tractors which many on here will tell you, a lot less overhauls and transmissions than the deere, at least when i was researching it seemed that way. my 7140 has over 10k hrs. and still going good....knock on wood. |
NC IA - off the "lobe" | Are green and red your only options?
What about NH Genesis 70 series machines?
Like say and 8770, 8870, or 8970?
Sip fuel, good power, excellent drive trains and the cabs are quiet and comfortable.
What's the price / hour range? |
| Get the jd your a jd mam. And would not be happy with another brand, no matter how good something else is.
 NW Iowa | I'd also suggest looking at a 70 series blue...few years ago we were looking for another tractor...boxcar, 55 series jd, then the blue...ended up with an 8870 and it is a great machine. We have a 7120 as well and several older deeres...I wouldn't hesitate to buy another blue one... |
Central Ga | You know and trust the 55 series so that is what I would go with. If you keep maintenance items on hand the 45 and 47 should interchange which will be convenient. |
Northern Texas | I think you guys are right. We've cut our teeth on Deere from the 30 series all the way up to the 60 series. Not to say the Magnum isn't a fine tractor...I'm sure that it is....but it would probably be best to stick with what we're already familiar with. And as mentioned above, lots of things will interchange with our 4555....oil filters, fuel filters, etc.
As for the Ford/New Holland 70 series, two things stand in the way. One is money. All the clean, lower hour ones listed on TractorHouse are unfortunately a little out of range for us. Number two is the local New Holland dealer. It's...uh...how do I say this...it's unique haha. It's not exactly known for good service, or ordering parts when you ask them to...or the next couple of days...or even within the week at times. Again, I'm sure they're good tractors, but blue is scarce in this area largely for that reason. |
W IL | Well if you decide to go towards a red boxcar magnum we have a very nice 7140 for sale. Just over 5400 hours on it. It has been a workhorse on our farm for the last 12 years with no major issues. We just needed something a little bigger to do what we are wanting. |